1 Lydia Amberson

I'm Lydia Amberson. My parents where taken away. I didn't have anywhere to go. I still don't. I have only been touched by my parents. I tried looking for them, but it was no use. I could never find away to get back to their touch. Their warm, warm touch. I am 15 years old. I'm so young and doesn't know anything about how the world works yet. I want to be touched. Touch my someone that I want to be touched by. More importantly, touched my my very own guardians. I don't have any siblings. Every time I see someone, I ask them to touch me. They look at me as if they pity me and look at e in disgust. If you pity me so much then why not just give me a simple hug? I have only been hugged for a short amount of time from my parents. the last time they hugged me was don January 1, New Years day. Also known as my birthday. The day I turned 3 years old. I miss them very much. I want to be in their arms. Cuddle me. Feed me. Treat me with care. But how can they? Will they ever come back? Will they ever be the same? Will they treat me with care? Will they love me? Or will they just take despise of me? What will happen if I see them again? I hope they would be the same. That's how I came to cherish and love them. I live alone with no contact of any of my family members. Could they have been taken away from me too? Why? What did I do to deserve this kind of punishment? What did I do wrong? Why are they driving my loved ones away from me? Is it my fault? Should I just die already? I wonder where everyone is.
