

This is a story of a never talked about pokemon trainer whose feats and accomplishments were never recognized. This book unveils his character and portray his strength which made him the Greatest Of All Time.

harsh_sinha · Fantasy
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14 Chs

4. Into the woodlot

As John was going through the Viridian forest, he stopped for having lunch. He took out pikachu and assembled all the stuff required, then he started arranging the ingredients from near by. Viridian forest was full of wild pokemons, most of them were bug, poison and flying types.. caterpie, weedle and their evolved forms but, in the inner parts of the forest one could find rare ones like Scyther and the evolved ones of the Nido family. The forest was not just deep and dense, it was home for pokemons who were always in search of their prey. What a wild pokemon dislikes most is the intervention of someone else in its territory, whether its a human or a pokemon. One had to be aware all the time of these opportunists of wildlife. As John was preparing the food many other eyes were gazing at him, they were a bunch of wild pidgeys along with a pidgeotto which happened to be their leader. Pidgeotto is a raptor-like avian pokemon. It is covered with brown feathers, and has a cream-colored face, underside, and flight feathers. It has a crest of pinkish-red feathers on its head and black, angular markings behind its eyes. The plumage of its tail has alternating red and yellow feathers with ragged tips. Its beak and legs are pink. Two of its toes point forward, while one points backward. Additionally, it has powerful , sharp talons that it uses to grasp prey. John too was aware of their presence, thanks to pikachu who sensed them with his great hearing ability. He was ready and vigilant, waiting for his trainer's signal. As soon as the herd flocked towards them John commanded pikachu to use thundershock, it scattered the herd and a few of them fell prey to pikachu's attack. "They are too many in number, pikachu they have scattered from your attack, target a few of them at a time and keep using agility using the trees around you. We need to increase the area of the battlefield". Pikachu targeted certain number of pidgeys at a time and after attacking some of them, it dodged the attack of the others using agility. John's father being the protector of his town, had faced such situations many a times. He had the experience of how to deal with situation when a group of pokemons or humans attacked. He always used to share his experiences and tactics with John, and so John was also aware as for how to keep cool when in such a spot but, this was for the first time that he was actually dealing with it. On watching its herd getting pushed back by pikachu's attacks, the leader decided to take charge. Pidgeotto rushed towards pikachu with a quick attack, since the attack was sneaky it hit its mark and pukachu got thrown back. "So, the leader of the flock has decided to show himself. Be ready pikachu the real battle starts now". With his attack power and speed John assumed pidgeotto to be atleast at intermediate advanced level, which means it was stronger than pikachu. But, pikachu being an electric type still had the upperhand. Pidgeotto again charged in with quick attack but, this time John wss ready. "Dodge it then climb on the tree". Pikachu evaded the attack and quickly climbed on to the nearby tree, pidgeotto returned for another attack. "Now jump on to him and use thundershock". Pikachu did as was commanded, pidgeotto wasn't ready for that and hence got struck by a powerful thundershock. It was supereffective and pidgeotto fell on the ground. "Now its time to catch it, pokeball go!!" John threw the pokeball at pidgeotto, it captured him, swayed a little and then became still. His first pokemon was captured in the pokeball. "Welcome to the team friend", he smiled looking at the pokeball. Seeing its leader getting captured and some of its friends defeated, rest of the pidgeys decided to fly away. After a long day John decided to rest and dozed off after having supper. Next morning he started off again towards Viridian city, on his way he caught two more pokemons. One was a Horsea and another one was a male Nidoran.

Our hero's team is building up and soon he will face his first gym challenge. Stay tuned!!

The adventure continues...