
Typical Fridays

Dear diary,

I think tragedy is artistic and memorable. Maybe that's why I'm addicted to sadness. I've always been like that. Since I was a child. I was that child watching everyone as they were playing not knowing how to be an insider. I didn't want to be to some extent but I still liked to watch them. I remember how I was excluded by people I wanted to befriend when I was in kindergarten. One kid ordered another to pinch me and she did. Later when we started going to school that kid sat on my lap on the first day of school and she bullied me again in 3rd grade with her new friend. We're best friends now. It's funny how fate works. Oh btw he wore a yellow t-shirt today. I'm pretty sure that yellow is his favorite color or his mother's.

Yours sincerely,

S ❤️

She drew a t-shirt and colored it in yellow before closing her diary. Shasha had a collection of diaries. She started writing them to improve her English writing skills but she got really into it.

Shasha is your typical main character when you really think about it. She likes books not romantic ones because they're cringy. she's more into Russian literature these days. If you ask her about favorite novel she won't hesitate to answer "Emily by L. M. Montgomery". I think she wanted to be like Emily. Oh wait we have to come back to typical main character qualities. Well she was and introvert not because she wanted to, she was silent and I wouldn't trust her with vocal communication because she had a way of complicating everything. On the other hand she was a pretty good writer. She had only one friend and she struggled to open up to her as well. Yes I'm talking about that friend. She had anger issues she developed after she lost her father and she knew she was blessed with her mother. For some reason her hair was always a mess and her nose was always in a book.

Shasha was happy with today. She was typically happy on Fridays. Probably because It is the day she can finally see her crush. Today she got to sit in the same row as him as well. Obviously he didn't know about this and she haven't even talked with him yet. He was her crush for a reason only she can explain. If I were to tell why it might sound shallow so I'm planning to leave it to her. Shasha was not your study even when you're tired kind of a girl unfortunately but her grades were still good. She was also kind of tired from a long day so she went straight to sleep opening the gates to her twisted dreams.