
Untold: Saga of Glory (Current Arc: Hunter Grand Order)

[The designated entity {Cleo}, you have been given chance to live a life full of freedom. Would you trade your current life to grab this opportunity?] YES/NO He clicks yes, and so his journey began.

Dizardia · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Prologue 2


|Third Person PoV|

Somewhere, In the endless void outside of the known world and the reverse side of the world. Exist a swirl of concept beyond any mortal mind could comprehend. It is nothingness, yet it exists. Everything in the known world comes from and ends back to it. Incomprehensible entities dwell near the vortex. Entities gross and large, surpassing any measurement standard human defined. Wreaking havoc and spreading chaos on to the known world just by existing. Some sleep in silence, and some being roamed near yet dare not to take inch closer to the swirl.

The swirl know to the magical side as the Root or in some written human record known as Akashic Record. The ultimate goal of all magus strive to achieve. They had made a countless attempt in the past to breach the path to the Root, but the result was abysmal. For the lucky one who gazes in to it, two outcomes bound to take place.

They went nuts regressing to a monkey or, in the other case, slightly less insane with added benefits of obtaining the true magic.

Silent permeate thought the void. Until an anomaly appears, a tiny speck of dust in the endless void. It is….

[Breaching the Aksha—Success.]

[Branching the Greater History of Man—Error.]

[Branching the Greater History of Man—Error.]



Things happen for N amount of time, till the Blind Idiot partially awoken from his slumber. He wills it, and then it becomes reality.

[Branching the Greater History of Man—Success.]

[Isolating the Lostbelt—Success.]

[Forging spiritual foundation—Failed.]

[Diagnosing sequence start—Multiple Identity of {Individual: Cleo} found recorded in the Main Source—Generating model, optimal solution established]

[Forging spiritual foundation—Success.]

[Contract complete.]

[{Individual: Cleo} will remain in stasis for until further action required.]


In year 2011, somewhere in the heart of Antarctica that no nation lay claims. Majestic architecture of CHALDEA stands at the epicenter of the alpine tundra. It hides the brightest minds of mankind. They work together under the same banner to derail SHEBA prediction of humanity's grim future.

Experiment in its utmost secure chamber being done to summon the manifestation of mankind's idea of Hero.

"All layers of bounded fields are in green,"

"The required mana collected from the ley line has reached the sufficient level,"

"Deploying Lord Camelot as summoning catalyst, stability of FATE system has arrived at the safety threshold."

Meanwhile, a pair of master-disciple having the greatest time in their life waiting for the ripe fruit of their hard labor in the observatory.

"Teacher, all the stars in constellation have aligned. A prominent sign of prosperity upon us. I hope this time we have a better luck than last time."

Said the long blond-haired man in white regal clothes, with a long coat and feather ornament, to his father figure. He also carries a strange-looking cane.

It cracks his teacher's calm demeanor and displays the rare side of his teacher. A sincere smile placated his teacher's face, which is unusual for the magi's community general.

"Sensible word, Young Kirschtaria. If nothing when wrong, then we may get our third servant to assist us in our endeavour for human salvation."

They talk about the usual topic between them in their long master-pupil relationship till it cut it short by one of the staff.

"Director Marisbury, where're waiting for your order, sir!"

Said the staff, to the pale side-plaited hair with dull-golden eyes director. With an authoritative tone, Marisbury commanded his subordinate.

"Begin the summoning!"

"Yes, sir!"

A bright light blue runic magic formation appearing above the Round Table Shield, Lord Camelot. Three layer of light ring similar in color emerging from the ritual circle. The rings spin as it releases the excess energy as screeching lightning spark. The light becoming so bright—blinding all spectators, then near the end a human like silhouette appears.

As the light receded in intensity, a… Male? Female? Donned in a set of armor made from an unknown of beast hide. Her long, silky smooth, mahogany brown hair and captivating deed amber eye entrancing the spectators. She said in a very soothing gender neutral voice ever.

"Ugh… Bastard, first yanking me from my apartment room than forcing me on a geass. I'll murder that D guy when I got the chance."

One of the off the field staff in the summoning chamber brave himself up and asked the lady.

"Miss servant, are you okay?"

"Miss, who? Me? Nah, I'm a bona fide, healthy and young, also slightly hormonal male!"

"Um… okay, may we know your identity, Sir?"

With a huff, the mysterious servant said proudly of his achievement.

"Hi nice to meet you all, my summoner! I'm Cleo. Am the greatest hunter you will ever see in this world!"


|First Person PoV: Kirschtaria Wodime|

"…Hi nice to meet you! I'm Cleo."

Said the girlish servant in a dispassionate tone. I never would have thought the first Heroic Spirit I've met would be the apathetic one. Well, you got to work with what you have.

Through my command seal, I access the connection I had to FATE. In my mind scape, I see the mysterious servant datum. It's quite interesting, it's out of the norm based on the limited knowledge the Clock Tower gathers on the last fifth previous Holy Grail War.


[Servant Stat]

Master: *None*

Class: Foreigner, Pretender

True name: C̶̥͛l̸̙̓ȅ̷͍͝o̶̲͌͝

Type: Heroic Spirit

Source: Tales of Five, The Greatest Hunter Folklore, É̶̟r̴͙͆r̴͙͝ò̸͎ŕ̶̢

Region: Old World, New World, Ó̵̜u̴̪͑t̸̘͊s̸̤̈́i̶̠̾d̵͚̔e̸͇͐ ̶̨̕o̷͌͜f̵̦̈́ ̵̣̐R̸̙̕ě̵̳á̴̦ĺ̴̗ǐ̷͎t̷̩̂y̴̫͗

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Hidden attribute: Star


Strenght | D

Endurance | D

Agility | D

Mana | D

Luck | EX


[Class Skill]

Existence outside of the domain | EX

Divinity | D-

Independent action | EX


[Personal Skill]

Double summon | A

Charisma | A+++

Hunter's wisdom | EX

Hunter's wealth | C

[Noble Phantasm]

Forbidden Act: Hunter Golden Age | Conceptual | E~EX

Palico: Hunter's Companion | Unknown | A+


"Teacher, you saw it, right? Quite a boon we've gotten. A servant with two unknown extra classes that never have been documented."

For the first time in my apprenticeship, I see Director Marisbury break his character, his self adorned callous mask when appear in public. He laughed maniacally. It was as if his lifelong goal have been so closed to completion.

"Of course, my protégé. Now, us humanities have a greater fighting chance to pose our predetermined fate. Likewise, it tickles my fancy seeing the unknown."

He gave his appreciation to the personnel.

"Well done, team. Closely measure the servant's condition. Always prepare for the worse. Bring the servant to Dr Romani, let him help her regain her bearing."

"You all dismiss!"

All staff gave affirmation in their own unique way.

"Kirschtaria, follow me, its time for us to begin the Crypter protocol."

I nod follow along my teacher, the only magus and person whom I acknowledge as parental figure, Marisbury Animusphere.
