
Until the last petal drops

What happens when Petals bumps into Torns? "What is wrong with you?!" he said in a voice that was loud enough to make everyone nearby, turn to look. "You've completely ruined my suit!" Kalina looked Dominique straight in the eye and said, "You know, you're not exactly winning any point in the manners department, Mr." Would the torn compliment the petal by completing its form as a beautiful rose, or would it rip the petal apart completely. Two souls from different worlds, faced with the same pain. They seek a comfort that seems like a foreign concept to them. When both worlds collide in a fury of harsh words rude remarks and arranged marriage, would they be the peace and happiness to the other like they both crave? WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? Don't look at me, even I don't know... but you can read to find out.

Mabel_Jay · Urban
Not enough ratings
89 Chs


In the sanctuary of Dominique's study, frustration hung heavy in the air, a palpable tension that seemed to radiate from him with every step he took. The steady rhythm of his pacing echoed off the walls, a testament to the turmoil swirling within him.

As if sensing his turmoil, Nikolas, his steadfast companion, entered the room with a concerned furrow etched into his brow. His movements were deliberate, mirroring Dominique's own restless energy as he followed his lead into the heart of the storm.

Nikolas's voice, a gentle yet probing presence, cut through the heavy silence like a beacon of understanding. "Whoa, Dom," he began, his tone a soothing balm to Dominique's frazzled nerves, "I saw how intense it got back there. What happened with Mom?"

Dominique's response was a terse exhale, the frustration evident in the way his jaw clenched and his fists tightened at his sides. "Same old story, Niko," he ground out through gritted teeth, the words heavy with resignation, "She's relentless about finding me a wife."

Nikolas nodded, a silent acknowledgment of Dominique's struggle, as he closed the gap between them, his movements purposeful yet gentle. His touch, a comforting weight on Dominique's shoulder, was a silent reassurance of their unbreakable bond. "I know, I know," he murmured, his voice a soft murmur of solidarity, "But hey, we'll figure something out, alright? Together."

Dominique's response was a weary sigh, the weight of his burdens seemingly lifted by Nikolas's unwavering support. With a shaky hand, he reached for the whiskey bottle perched on the nearby shelf, the gesture a silent plea for solace in the face of his inner turmoil.

As the amber liquid cascaded into the waiting glass, Dominique's hand trembled with a mix of anger and despair, his emotions threatening to overwhelm him. Nikolas's presence, a steady anchor in the storm, was a silent reminder that he was not alone in his struggle.

"I'm just so tired of it, Niko," Dominique confessed, his voice heavy with exhaustion, "Can't she see I'm perfectly fine on my own?"

Nikolas's response was a gentle squeeze of Dominique's shoulder, a silent reassurance of his unwavering support. "I hear you, man," he murmured, his voice a soothing melody in the chaos, "But getting worked up won't help. Let's focus on finding a solution to get her off your back."

With a heavy heart, Dominique took a long sip of whiskey, the fiery liquid burning a trail of warmth down his throat. His jaw clenched tightly, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions as he struggled to calm the racing thoughts that threatened to consume him.

"Yeah, you're right," Dominique admitted, his voice a hoarse whisper of gratitude, "Thanks, Niko. I appreciate it."

Nikolas's response was a small smile, a glimmer of warmth in the depths of his eyes as he watched Dominique begin to relax. The tension that had once gripped the room like a vice slowly began to dissipate, replaced by a sense of quiet resolve.

"Of course, brother," Nikolas replied, his voice a steadfast vow of unwavering loyalty, "Now, let's put our heads together and come up with a plan."

As they clinked their glasses together in silent agreement, the sound echoing in the quiet study, Dominique felt a renewed sense of hope swell within him. With Nikolas by his side, he knew that together they could weather any storm, no matter how daunting the challenge may seem.

"Hey, Dom," Nikolas began tentatively, his voice laced with apprehension as he dared to broach the subject weighing heavily on Dominique's mind, "I've got an idea. What if you pay someone to be your wife?"

Dominique froze in his tracks, his brows furrowing in disbelief at Nikolas's suggestion. "Pay someone?" he echoed incredulously, the words tumbling from his lips in disbelief, "Are you serious, Niko? I don't want someone who is just going to leach off me during the whole period, or worse, someone who'll go blabbing to the press after the contract is up."

Nikolas nodded solemnly, a shadow of understanding crossing his features as he realized the flaw in his suggestion. "I see your point, Dom," he conceded, his voice tinged with regret, "But what about someone you already know? One of those girls you've been seeing on and off?"

Dominique's frustration deepened, his head shaking vehemently at the mere suggestion. "No way, Niko," he protested adamantly, the memory of past entanglements with such women still fresh in his mind, "You know how it goes with those girls. They'll get too attached, too clingy. I can't deal with that drama."

Nikolas frowned sympathetically, his heart heavy with Dominique's struggles as he shifted gears, trying to come up with another solution. "Alright, alright," he conceded with a sigh, his voice tinged with resignation, "Let's scratch that idea then. We'll find another way to handle this. Maybe we can set up some kind of diversion to get Mom off your case for a while."

Dominique nodded in gratitude, a fleeting smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he appreciated Nikolas's unwavering support. "Thanks, Nik," he murmured earnestly, his voice a soft plea for respite from the turmoil plaguing his mind, "I just want some peace and quiet for once, you know?"

Nikolas offered a reassuring squeeze of Dominique's shoulder, a silent vow of solidarity as they faced the challenges ahead together. "I hear you, buddy," he affirmed, his voice a steady anchor in the storm, "We'll figure this out together, I promise."

With a shared glance filled with determination, Dominique and Nikolas stood united, ready to confront the obstacles ahead as they continued to brainstorm ideas, their bond unbreakable in the face of adversity.

"Dom, I've finally gotten the perfect idea!" Nikolas burst out, his voice breaking the heavy silence.

Dominique jumped, the glass of whiskey in his hand teetering dangerously on the brink of slipping from his grasp. "Whoa, Nik, you nearly gave me a heart attack! What's your idea?" he exclaimed, his heart racing with anticipation.

Nikolas leaned in, his eyes alight with excitement as he animatedly gestured. "What if you find someone desperate for money? Someone who despises you enough not to fall for you during the contract period. That way, when it's over, you can part ways easily."

Dominique's eyes widened with sudden realization, a glimmer of hope igniting within him as he tightened his grip on the glass. "That's brilliant, Nik! But who?" he asked eagerly, the possibility of a solution finally within reach.

A smirk played across Nikolas's lips as he considered Dominique's question, his eyebrows raising in anticipation. "Well, let's think about it. You're not exactly short on enemies. Remember that lady from the club who spilled her drink on you and gave you attitude?" he suggested, his voice tinged with mischief as he remembered his brother calling him at 3:00 am to narate the whole ordeal.

He has never seen his brother so worked up like that before.

Dominique's face contorted with disgust at the mention of the woman he despised, his body tensing at the mere thought of her. "That woman? No way, Niko. I can't stand her," he declared vehemently, his fists clenching at his sides in frustration.

Nikolas's expression turned mischievous, a devilish glint in his eyes as he leaned in closer. "Think about it, Dom. What better way to punish her than to offer her this? Get married to her, and then make her life a living hell," he proposed, his tone filled with vindictive satisfaction.

Dominique's mind whirled with conflicting emotions as he considered the proposition, anger and satisfaction coursing through him in equal measure. "You know what, Nik? That just might work," he admitted reluctantly, the possibility of turning the tables on his enemy too tempting to ignore.

Nikolas grinned triumphantly, nodding in agreement as a sense of determination radiated from him. "Exactly. Let's show her who's boss," he declared, his voice filled with conviction.

Dominique gave him a devious smirk, excitement and vindication fueling his newfound plan as he prepared to take on his enemy.

In response to Nikolas's cunning suggestion, Dominique's mind raced with possibilities. "Okay," he began slowly, a hint of deviousness coloring his tone, "let's fish out some dirt on her and see if she's desperate enough for money to want to get married to me."

Nikolas's eyes gleamed with excitement at the prospect, nodding in agreement.

Little did they know that she was indeed in debt and she actually was desperate enough to take this offer. She only needed a little push.

Their plan taking shape, Dominique and Nikolas exchanged a knowing look, a sense of determination and satisfaction settling between them. With each step forward, they edged closer to killing two birds with one stone,turning the tables on Dominique's enemy and reclaiming control over his own life.

But then, Nikolas couldn't shake the sinking feeling in his chest. His suggestion of an arranged marriage with the girl who had spoken rudely to Dominique now hung heavily in the air, a weighty burden of unintended consequences.

Nikolas had only wanted to help his brother find a solution to their mother's relentless matchmaking efforts, but now, an innocent person was unwittingly caught in the crossfire. The realization of the potential fallout hit Nikolas like a punch to the gut, filling him with a profound sense of regret.

The specter of impending doom loomed large in Nikolas's mind as he considered the consequences of Dominique's fiery temper. He knew all too well how his brother dealt with those who dared to step on his toes, and the thought of the innocent girl becoming collateral damage filled Nikolas with a bone-chilling fear.

As Dominique and Nikolas exchanged solemn nods, a heavy silence descended upon the room, thick with unspoken regret and apprehension. Nikolas couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom that settled over them like a dark cloud, a grim reminder of the dangerous game they were unwittingly playing.

In the stillness of the study, Nikolas grappled with the weight of his regret and the looming threat of his brother's wrath. He knew that their actions had set off a chain of events that could have dire consequences, and the fear of what lay ahead gripped him with an icy grip that refused to let go.

Bestfriend to the rescue….it’s nice to have someone at your corner who will always have your back regardless the situation. Hello butterflies…. please tell me what you think about this chapter by dropping your thoughts in the comments section below.

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