
Until Murder Midnight

The world of the centuries comes to an end when Lily Midnight and her king become the number one talk of the kingdom but murder occurs when the women get disregarded for being queens by their lovers. Lily becomes this silent murderer that gets paid to kill her associate's lovers without getting caught. Lily must keep her position and fight to keep her rival secret from the kingdom. Hell has its day and death does too.

Masonia_Williams · Fantasy
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Chapter I- Sex before the Marriage Ball

As the ladies of England get ready for the ball that evening, Lily was practicing her sketches in a long vineyard away from people that she couldn't possibly endure. In front of her was a statuette of a nude man with a long thick but curved penis and all she could think of was Master Batair, the strong warrior. On the other side of Pleasure's statuesque vineyard was the couple's side. Lily was such a curious child, she wanted to know everything about everyone and everything.

A woman started to moan. Lily glanced around to find the voice, following the trails of the murmuring of voices. Lily peaked on the side of the statue, saw a beautiful brunette naked, enlarged breast with marvelous hips and thighs curved into a coke bottle shape, and the guy had a pleasing shape but not too pleasing where he was dropped dead handsome but he was fair enough pleasing to her. He leaned into her neck, holding her firmly as they roll on the grass, the tight he held her, you could see they loved each other.

The way she moved, the way she laughed, the way she flipped her hair back and forth as the wind blew harshly. Sky turning pink, with mixed colors. What interrupted Lily and her imagination was the students practicing their violin for the ball. Lily glanced down dramatically.

" Lily the marvelous princess of London, what brings you to this impeccable vineyard." Asked Berk

"Imagination," said Lily. while she glanced on the side of her shoulder as she felt him getting closer to her shoulder. Before he had the chance to kiss her vanilla skin, she closes her eyes in the intense moment wanting to keep that moment pure she went berserk on the guy that loved her since they were kids.

The moaning continued as Berk heard the intense voices. All he could think about was lily. Berk paid close attention.

" Fuck off," said the woman. While she holds her corset dress to cover her body.

Lily and Berk run off laughing. Running back towards the castle, stopping by the cherry tree that was most vulnerable to the land. Berk rests by the tree to catch his breath, Lily sits down in her most expensive Japanese Corset, unheard of in the England culture but for Lily, it wasn't. The rest of the girls laughed and gossiped about her as she almost sat on the bare grass.

Hold on, let- Berk take off his jacket, and lay it on the grass for lily to sit.

Lily nods.

" Thank you, Sir Berk," Lily said as she dusted off the back of her corset to sit down on his fine luxury coat.

The woman walked passed, staring at her strangely. Lily waved at them as they passed.

" These are the sweet cherries, have you ever tried one?." Asked Berk

" Oh, no. It's forbidden." Lily said

" I mean the sweet the cherry, the better." Berk continued to talk as he picked a couple of cherries from the sweet cherry tree. Lily watched him intently, lusting after him secretly without making it known.

He sits close to her, staring at her as he puts the cherries to her face.

" Try one." Said Berk

" No, I can't." Said, Lily

Berk gently gave her the cherry. Lily shyly chuckles, being shocked, not knowing what to say. Stunned. Juice rolled down her chin, Berk wiped her chin with his handkerchief, staring at her.

The maids jogged to get lily.

Lily, Lily, Lily. The maid yells for her.

Lily smirks.

" I see you- I see you later Mr. Berk." Lily said as she gets up, jogging to the maid.

" Come on, Child." The maid said, getting a grip on lily's hands.

You got to get ready for this ball tonight.

"Please, call me Berk," Berk said to himself.

The wind blew. Berk exhaled in, paying attention to the wind. It was close to Murder night.

Lily was rushed to her room fast and in a hurry.

"Chile, you gonna learn today." The maid said

The rehearsal ballroom was almost half empty. Only 6 students were playing their instruments. One was off-tone, one was playing a different song, and one just wasn't feeling the beat.

The instructor came in a rush as if someone made him furiously angry. Like a grandma chasing a child for being rebellious. Knocking down everything that was in front of him.

" What the hell is y'all playing?." Asked the instructor

" Sound like a couple of nonsense." The instructor continued.

"Do you know what we rehearsed this past weekend, What song will you play independently, and do you know the song we play as a group?."

"Adir?." said Sam

"Sam?". Said Adir

Sam looked at Adir.

The instructor shook his head in embarrassment.

Two couples ran into the music room, kissing each other. The harlot hoe had half stockings on up to her thighs, she raised up her dress as he goes under. Legs spread. The students continued with their music.

One of the kids skipped rehearsal to get some ice cream that they stole from the butler's kitchen. A Loud thump had the attention of this kid. Instead of the kid minding his business, he had to be untypical. As he was about to open the door, Moaning occurred. A woman moaning, how interesting. He opens the door.

A woman bouncing up and down, with her back turned. A woman in the act of intercourse. His eyes got bigger in his head. He gasps. The peaks again and close.

" Are you going to call or ask for my hand for my hand in marriage tonight ?." asked Victoria

" You naive girl, I will never marry you." Said, Sir

" But you said that you would marry me and that we will have a family together and we will- and we will live happily ever after, you promised me." Said Victoria.

As she tries to gain her emotions and her sadness in one place as she tried not to cry in front of an arse fool. She threw a vase to mask her emotions of anger.

" Poor girl, you always think a man will marry you cause you give your cherries to anyone that calls you beautiful. Sir said coldly.

" Fuck you, you arse cunt sucker," Victoria said aggressively.

" Here is 25 shillings for your sweet cunning." Said, Sir

" Get out." Victoria continued

She pants back and forth, trying to get her composure, and as Sir leaves, he mutters underneath his breath.

" A waste of my time," Sir says walking away quickly.

Victoria continues to scream in humiliation.

Lily puts on her lipstick gently and the last of her coat of powder.

"Now, how do I look?." Asked Lily

The maid shakes her head " Yes" as the words couldn't describe how she really looked. Gold heels, Princess and the Pauper corset look-alike.

The maid was almost in tears.

" I want my check this week." Said the Maid.

" Now, get out of sight." The maid continued to talk as she opened the door for lily to leave and as soon as she left. The maid slams the door.