
Until Kingdom Come

In the vast world of Erosia, House Leandis rules supreme. General Balian commands their great army, over one hundred thousand strong. Balian is one of the greatest warriors the world has ever seen, yet he doesn't understand his place in the world. Valia is the leader of a small band of Raiders, who pillage cities to survive. With the help of her companions, she seeks revenge on House Leandis for the death of the man she loved. Sir Lucan trained his whole life to join the world's biggest army. After heroically protecting his king from an enemy, he was promoted to right-hand bodyguard. Unbeknownst to the world, a much larger threat rises from below....

Orson_Phoenix · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Interlude III

King Ghur slammed his fist on the table, causing his guard to jump in surprise. A deep growl emanated from his throat as he read over the note a second time. "He dares to ask for an alliance? While my people die from this new threat? Hell, he's probably the one that sent those monsters. I will not ally with this man!"

"Your Beastliness, King Styte is now the most powerful man in all of Erosia," said his right hand. "House Leandis is on the defensive now. It would be the right move. To preserve the empire-"

"Preserve?" King Ghur snarled. "I don't want us Bugbears to persevere. I want us to thrive. I want my empire to rule!"

"We cannot hope to even be in position to rule unless we have powerful allies, my King," said one of his Generals.

The five of them sat around a council table, made of dark hollot wood, a tree native to the Dark Islands. They had been served platters of food; charred horse meat, roasted seagull, and various shells containing mussels. Goblets of blood red wine sat in front of them, so far untouched. 

"We need no allies. Humans will always betray us. No, we can only rely on ourselves. As we always have, might I point out. When we broke free of slavery and escaped here, we had no help. We only had our fellow Bugbears to get us through it. And that is something I will not change." 

Ghur felt a hatred burning throughout his body. Memories of the cruelty they'd forced upon him shot through his mind.

"Humans may be weaker than us, but we are so far outnumbered by them," said his hand, Uluo. He was an old Bugbear, but that made him wiser and smarter. Ghur often used his advice for almost any decisions he made. 

"And these new…monsters?"

"They've been sighted mostly in the south islands," a General said. "So far, it seems they only wish to kill our people."

"I've heard rumors that these things attacked Leandis's capitol a few days ago. Somehow, they were defeated," said Uluo. 

"We've yet to find their weakness. Their bodies are like shadows, impossible to touch. How can we kill something that is not physically there?"

"They must have a weak point," Uluo said, running his claws through his beard. 

King Ghur growled. "They will." He glared at the three generals. "And you will find it for me. Dispatch as many soldiers as we have. Leave only a skeleton crew with me. I want this threat wiped out quickly and efficiently. Will you do that for your king?"

The three generals stood. "In your name, King Ghur."

They departed the room, leaving behind their meals. King Ghur licked his lips. His appetite was noticeably larger after such a tiresome day.

He eyed Uluo. "My hand. Tonight, we feast."


Feld reached out, grasping hold of Olen's hand as the tree sank into the dark abyss. The ground crumbled beneath him, shaking violently. Clouds of dust rose into the air as the hole grew wider.

Olen cried out as his arm bent at an awkward angle.

"I'm sorry!" Feld shouted, using all his strength to keep from letting go.

"Pull me up!" Olen screamed.

"I'm trying!" 

There was a deep growl emanating from below, and as Feld struggled, he noticed the sound growing closer and closer. Something was down there….

A shadowy arm emerged from the darkness, its fingers waving back and forth like snakes. Two blood red eyes appeared, shining like rubies in a cave.

Feld let out a scream and began pulling with every muscle in his body. 

I'm too weak. I'm too damn weak! PULL!

 The hand reached out, nearing his brother's leg. 

Damn you! Pull him up! Please….

"Olen! Try and get a foothold. I can't pull you up myself!"

"I can't! I don't want to die! Help me, please!" Olen had tears in his eyes as his legs kicked furiously.

The hand wrapped around Olen's ankle, and Feld felt himself pulled downward. "Ol…en…I…can't…I'm sorry."

He let go.

The last he saw of his brother was the poor boy's eyes, wide with shock, as he disappeared into the darkness.

"NOOO!" Feld screamed. His eyes burned as tears forced their way out. He hadn't cried from their mother's death. He hadn't cried from his father's. But Olen…the boy was too young.

It was your responsibility, you fucking pest. Olen was your responsibility. And you let him go. You killed him. 

Feld scrambled back from the edge, his chest heaving frantically. The air escaped his lungs in a wheeze. 

An armored hand grabbed a hold of the edge of the chasm, and one of the monster's pulled itself up to the surface. Its red eyes remained fixed on Feld as it rose to its feet. 

Feld, still shocked from what had happened, sat as frozen as a statue. Like the ones of the heroes of old. The ones that had fought to end the slavery of Bugbears. Their statues stood all around the Dark Islands, a majestic reminder of all that they had fought for. 

But Feld was no hero. He was frozen out of fear. He was frozen out of cowardice. 

Get up you worthless shit! Get up! 

He forced his body to stand, though he was still transfixed on the approaching monster. There was no saving Olen now. Only himself. 

But do I even deserve to live? After everyone I let die?

Feld's legs began to move, faster and faster. The monster was just behind him, and more were already crawling from the chasm. 

If I can just make it back to the kayak….

The dirt quickly turned to sand beneath his feet, and Feld found himself back on a familiar beach. Just by the shore was the kayak, lying on its side. 

Grabbing it by the back, Feld pushed the kayak into the water and snatched up an oar. He glanced behind him. The monster was just beginning to emerge from the forest. He had time. 

The monsters couldn't swim, at least as far as he knew. 

Out on the ocean, he would be safe.