
Until Kingdom Come

In the vast world of Erosia, House Leandis rules supreme. General Balian commands their great army, over one hundred thousand strong. Balian is one of the greatest warriors the world has ever seen, yet he doesn't understand his place in the world. Valia is the leader of a small band of Raiders, who pillage cities to survive. With the help of her companions, she seeks revenge on House Leandis for the death of the man she loved. Sir Lucan trained his whole life to join the world's biggest army. After heroically protecting his king from an enemy, he was promoted to right-hand bodyguard. Unbeknownst to the world, a much larger threat rises from below....

Orson_Phoenix · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Hellish Nightmare

Balian watched Kaladia from afar.

Once the rain had started, he had commanded the army to halt. He couldn't risk losing any of his men to a rain that felt like boiling water.

It had yet to worsen, but the few drops that did fall were painful when they came into contact with the skin. 

Balian himself had never experienced such a rain before, but he'd heard tales from overseas of clouds as dark as tar whose drops burned like fire. In Rothal, it was a method of torture. Any man exposed to the rain for long enough would lose the skin from his bones, melting off like ice in a warm sun. 

It was raining much worse in Kaladia, he could tell. The bands of rain looked heavy enough to kill a man if he were exposed for too long. Hopefully, Sir Hawke had recalled his troops and sought shelter. 

"We have maybe another three hours," a soldier said, huddling beneath his armor. "It'll be nearly sunrise when we reach Kaladia."

"Understood," Balian said shortly. Even if Styte had attacked, they surely wouldn't be anymore. Not in this rain. "Let's make for that forest. It's only what…a mile away? Let's get moving, before this rain gets any worse."

The army reached the forest after an hour. "Set up camp! We need shelter to weather this storm."

As Balian and his men set up their tents or found dry spots underneath trees, he began to feel exhaustion setting in. It had been over three days since he'd last slept. A battle would be impossible with that little sleep. Even a short rest would help to rejuvenate his strength and mind. 

"I want a watch on our perimeter. Change out and check in every hour. Wake me when the rain seems to be slowing. Then we'll depart for Kaladia immediately."

"Yes, General," said a group of soldiers, and they set off to complete his orders. That was all being a leader amounted to in the end. Giving orders and watching as others did his work for him.

Balian entered his tent and laid down, not even bothering to remove his armor. He didn't have time for that. Besides, he wanted to be ready if anything were to happen.

He unsheathed his sword, its grip comforting in his hand.

Closing his eyes, he drifted off almost immediately. 

Balian opened his eyes.

He stood in a fiery landscape. Hills of glowing embers, burning rock, rivers of flowing lava. Sparks sprang up every few moments, shooting through the thick, smoky air. 

The ground shook violently every few seconds, though Balian seemed to be able to retain his footing. 

What is this place?

He marched forward, trying to get a bearing. He crested the top of a hill and looked out over the world around him. 

"Hello?" He called out. Nothing. "By the Seventh….where am I?"

There was a groan, deep beneath the ground. To Balian, it didn't sound human, or even like a monster. No…it sounded as if the world itself were speaking. 


"Who said that?" Balian asked, spinning around. The voice seemed to be coming from everywhere and nowhere. 

"Balian…," the voice said, just barely a whisper.

"Balian," said a female voice. 

He spun around. 


"What're you doing here?" He asked, striding forward. "This place is dangerous."

"What place? What do you speak of?"

Balian gestured wildly around them. "This. All of it."

She frowned. "I don't understand."

Balian grabbed her arm. "Come on. We need to go."

Athena struggled against him. "Balian, stop! What's going on? Go where?"

He stopped, turning back to her. "I don't know! Somewhere safe! I don't know where the fuck I am, or why you're here, but I don't want to die!"

"There you are!" A familiar voice bellowed. 

Balian found himself smiling. "Sir Lucan?"

The knight stood behind him in full armor, carrying his warhammer. The expression on his face was unfamiliar to Balian.


Balian raised his hands in quick surrender, taking an unsure step back. "Sir Lucan…what's going on? Where are we?"

"I will fucking kill you, Balian."

Balian found his sword in his hand, and an invisible force shoved him forward. 




"Kill him, Balian!" Athena shouted. "Please, it's the only way!"

Balian watched as Sir Lucan neared him. His friend had tears in his eyes. "How has it come to this, friend?"

"I don't want this!" Balian screamed. Fire and blood rained from the crimson sky, and the ground shook again.

A crack formed between them, and the ground split open. 

Once again, Balian stood his ground.

Sir Lucan wasn't as lucky. The knight stumbled forward and fell into the crack, disappearing beneath a pool of lava. 

Then everything came to a stop. A deadly silence took over, encompassing the world with its noiselessness. The abrupt end gave Balian's muddled brain a moment to catch up. 


A woman appeared in front of him kneeling on the ground. She wore rags for clothes, and was covered in dirt and grime. Her hair was a stark black, long and wavy just as Balian's was. Her soft brown eyes stared with concern at the bundle in her arms, which she rocked back and forth gently. 

"Mom…," Balian's voice faltered. He took a step closer, not believing his eyes. He hadn't seen this woman since he was ten. 

Nearly twenty years.

Twenty years since she'd sold him off to the army. 

"Oh, sweet Balian," she said to the bundle. There was a soft cry from within, and she shushed him quietly. 

Then she sang.

It was a soft melody, one that washed over him, soothing and safe. 

Across the mountains,

Through the hills,

And o'er the sea,

A boy explored

The vast, vast world.

Fun he had,

Happiness he felt,

Until the dream came

As sure as the tides,

And washed it all away.

He found a comfortable familiarity in the tune. During childhood, songs like that had become a routine he wasn't able to sleep without.

Balian felt himself releasing a tension in his muscles he'd held for years on end. I want to leave this place, he thought, closing his eyes. He imagined being back in his tent, about to launch an attack in defense of Kaladia. 

The voice faded as he squeezed his eyes tighter closed. Balian drifted off to sleep. 

Balian opened his eyes, which were wet with tears. He brushed them away with frustration. 

Crying? Really? You've gotten too soft, Balian.

He was back in his tent, and he could hear movement outside. Pushing through the tent's flaps, he stepped out into the forest. 

The rain had nearly stopped now. It was time to get moving.

"Pack it up! We move in twenty minutes!" Balian commanded, pulling down his tent. Though he had slept for a few hours, exhaustion still weighed on him like an extra set of armor.

In a flash, the camp was packed, and Balian found himself once again riding Garlin at the front of the army. 

As they neared Kaladia, he could see Styte's men wrapping around its walls on all sides. If the city hadn't been broken into yet, it would be soon. 

General Hawke needed his help. The people of House Leandis needed his help. 

I haven't killed a man in nearly a year, he thought. But that didn't mean he had stopped training during that time. He was stronger than ever now. 

Fifty. That's how many I want dead by my own hands, at the very least.

Holy Six, provide us all with strength. And to the Seventh, give me rage.