
Chapter 38: Amy

I knew he couldn't be with me at all times. That he couldn't keep me safe like he wanted to. There was too much at stake and in his life. He could say how much he wanted to keep me safe, but it was hard to when he technically had two jobs, three if you count being an Alpha to his pack. In the grand scheme of things, I was little compared to the rest. I mean, sure, not to him but to his pack and family, I meant nothing. He could tell me until he couldn't breathe that that wasn't the case, but it was. I knew they hated me. I knew that I wasn't welcome. And that's why when I met a man at the current bar I was in, who I figured was a warlock, I was tempted to take the plunge. But Thaniel's voice in my head was like reason. Although by then, it was too late.