
Until death do us apart

When death is in the way. When a girl is caught between friendship crush and a newcomer, what could go wrong? Is the changed friendship better or unintentional falling in love better? That's for me, this evil author, to decide. Mwa-ha-ha-ha! (fits of coughing).

Zelkolak · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter two Last wish

Well, all was good between Diana and Florin. What more could they expect from life? They were always together, so it was cool. Even when he was trying to sneak some peaks towards her.

That was until he died. It's not your typical death. Oh no! It was a death worthy for an idiot! If his death would have been in a movie, no doubt it would have won an Oscar for the best death scene ever!

It was the summer after they finished eighth grade. They were supposed to go together at the same high-school. As they were always together, they never wanted to be apart.

But, being the dumbass he always were, Florin wanted to surprise Diana in her naked form, like any other normal teenage boy. Well, you see, that's where everything went wrong. Because he never was like any other teenage normal boy. That's because he lacked something. That "something" was called "planification".

Needless to say, he was not prepared for what he was going to do. All he needed was to see some boobs, and it would have been ok. But, let me slow down a bit, because i'm getting ahead of myself.

It was late evening, in August. One month until the beginning of high-school. They both were returning from their usual evening walking. They were watching the stars and the moon. They were shining bright.

When they reached Diana's house, it was time for them to say goodbye for the night. As usual, they embraced, but before Florin could disentangle from her arms, Diana sneakily kissed Florin and then quickly blushed and turn towards the gate to her house. Florin also blushed.

Jumping in the air, his fist to the sky:

"Yaaahhoooo!!! My first kiss!"

Smiling, Diana fumbled with the keys because her hands were shaking so much. She leaned towards the gate to see better. Honestly, what could go wrong in a night like this? She thought everything was perfect. Well, not really. He wasn't part of the equation of normal people.

A couple of seconds after the yahoo and her leaning against the door, she heard a metalic bang followed by an "ouch". She turned quickly around and, as usual, began laughing.

Florin was sprawled on the ground, rubbing the right side of his face. In front of him was the stop sign. What could have happened, she already knew. He was looking at her while she was leaning against the gate fumbling with the keys, not being careful where he went.

Needless to say it was too late when he remembered about the sign. So, he kissed the stop sign with with the right part of his face. Or the sign kissed him? Anyway, the important thing was, he was kissed twice tonight. One kiss gave him butterflies, the other one gave him a headache.

He quickly got up and, beet red, began running towards his house, not daring to look at her. After he reached the corner of the street, he stopped and started thinking about what happened earlier. And that is when his brain came with this brilliant ideea: boobs. And what about them? He wanted to see them. When? Now!

With everything sorted out, with the plan ready, he went back towards Diana's house.

It was a big house. And her room was up. About 4 meters up. He knew that from the times he used to sneak into her room or when she would sneak out if she got grounded. Well, now all he needed to do was wait about 10 more minutes and he would be good to go.

He looked at the watch every couple of seconds, counting them. Then, it was finally time to go up. In front of the house was a tree and one of it's branches went towards Diana's room. He's done it before, so he went again on the same path.

Underneath the window about half a meter, a platform of about one meter was jutting out. That's where they used to seat, dangling their feet. Now, Florin found another purpose for it. That was to peak inside her room. Which he did.

The room was alight. But she wasn't there. No doubt, evening shower, he thought excitedly.

He was sitting there for maybe five minutes when she walked in wearing a towell. His breath stopped at her sight. In his eyes, she was gorgeous. She simply took his breath away.

He crouched on the platform, only his eyes were above the window floor. Which window, was closed. But, what was happening? Why is she walking towards the window? Did she see him looking at her? He crouched even more, mumbling:

"Oh god, please don't open the window, don't open the window!"

But god had other bussiness to attend to at the moment, because he didn't get his prayer answered. Almost.

Several things happened in a very short amount of time. The window got open. His head was tossed backwards by the rim of the window, making him lose balance. He tried to grab something to stop himself from falling. And if you've guessed he grabbed the towell, you would be absolutely right.

But, it wasn't attached to Diana's body, it was only wrapped around her body, so in his fall, he jerked the towell off her body, and down he went still holding the towell. But he had a wide grin on his face. While he tumbled down, getting caught in the satellite dish cable, dragging it down with him, there was a single thought in his mind. Boobs. He'd seen her boobs. Then, there was a sharp pain to the back of his head and then nothing.

When she entered her room, Diana felt hot. So, she went to the window to open it, although she barely managed, as it seemed to be stuck. When she opened it, she leaned over to see what kept the window from opening. That's when a hand appeared out of nowhere, grabbing her towell. And then the hand disppeared and the towel too, leaving her naked. And then, she heard a muffled thud, and then silence.

Quickly getting dressed, she ran outside. She found her parents kneeling beside a body holding her towell. Getting closer, she looked at the smiling face of Florin.

It seemed to be a happy ending for the dumbass. Lucky bastard. He got his wish! God really did listen to his prayers. But then the devil came and took him away.

But is this really the end for this dumbass? I don't think so. I've a hunch that says he'll be back.

Boobs are boobs, after all!

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Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed this dumbass' ending?

Until next time

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