
Restless Tomb

"Am tired, shouldn't we take a rest? We have been walking for hours." Aaron said. "Yes I know, I am also tired. But, according to these drawings, I think we are almost there." Jasper told him. "Let's just keep moving before it gets pretty dark." Jasper continued.

They walked through the thick forest, everywhere was quiet, what can only be heard is their footsteps making their way through the dry leaves.

Soon they got to a place that looks like a Tomb. As they drew near, the wind became heavy patting all things in its way. The sound of rustling of dry leaves could be heard from miles away. "Where the hell on earth is this damn place?" Aaron spoke in tremendous shiver, "shouldn't we be scared." He said.

"Am also scared as you are, but we can't go back now, we've come a long way to go back now." Jasper told him. Both made their way to the entrance of the tomb. "But if something so special was hidden here, why isn't it sealed with a door?" Both got curious because the entrance was without a closure.

They proceeded forward. Aaron was two steps before Jasper, as he made his way through the door, he couldn't pass through even as the entrance was with no doors. "Ah_I see it has a barrier." He moans in anger, He stretched his hands like he wanted it to make its way in, but with no success. Those witches didn't say anything about this, did they?" He asked Jasper who was equally frustrated as he is.

But, as Jasper tried to examine the barrier himself, his body made its way in. It felt like there was no barrier at all. Aaron jaws dropped upon seeing this, "how is that even possible! How did you do it? " he asked randomly.

"I don't know, I just made my way through. I think it's not meant for everyone to access." "Or maybe it's meant for those with supernatural powers." Aaron said. "No, that can't be true. I don't have any." Jasper was now scared, he's inside this strange tomb all alone. He looked around the entrance and saw a switch, "this must be the controller." He said making his way to it. He pushed the stone made button on the wall, the tomb made a racket noice, soon the barrier was gone.

The inside of the tomb was cold, as if it was another world entirely.

The air hung heavy with an eerie stillness, broken only by the distant rustle of wings as bats flitted overhead. The scent of decay mingled with the unmistakable aura of supernatural presence, a testament to the tomb's age and significance.

As their gazes swept across the room, Aaron and Jasper's eyes fell upon a majestic coffin at the center, adorned with ancient symbols and draped in cobwebs. It exuded an aura of both reverence and danger, captivating their attention and stirring their senses.

With cautious steps, they approached the coffin, a hushed reverence filling the space between them. As they drew closer, a sense of foreboding washed over them, an instinctual warning that they were not alone in this sacred chamber.

A shiver ran down Aaron's spine as a low, guttural growl resonated through the tomb. A chill wind whistled past them, causing the torches lining the walls to flicker in response. It was then they noticed the faint glimmer of crimson eyes, piercing through the darkness like twin beacons of menace.

With bated breath, they watched as the lid of the coffin shifted, a haunting creak piercing the silence. Slowly, the lid slid aside, revealing the figure that lay within—a vampire, awakened from a slumber that had spanned centuries.

His skin, as pale as moonlight, clung tightly to his sculpted frame, betraying the predatory grace that lay dormant within him. His eyes, once vibrant and alive, now held a haunting emptiness, as if the weight of centuries had drained him of all humanity.

Aaron and Jasper locked eyes with the awakened vampire, their hearts pounding in their chests. They knew the dangers that lurked within a vampire roused from such a prolonged sleep—instincts honed by centuries of existence, a primal hunger for blood, and a fierce protectiveness over his resting place