

A talentless youth enters the world of immortal cultivation, what awaits him on this path? Heaven only gifts it's chosen few while all others strive to survive. This is the story of a boy with no powerful bloodline, family, system, nor teacher. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~§~§~§~~§~§~§~~§§~~§~§~§~§~§~~~~§~§~~§~~ What to expect? This is my beginner level Xianxia, that is to say from everything i've read this is what I consider cultivation. As such we will set up everything from the very bottom, and we will delve into topics of cultivation until my brain fries. At first we will take it slow for like 20 ish chapters, after that we will pick up the pace as we have our first real conflict. No systems as that is not my cup of tea, they are fun but remove all tension in a story. No special bloodline, like we need to be able to identify to this person to a degree and humans simply aren't that special. We will start from the VERY bottom, so if you aren't in it for the long haul I wouldn't recommend reading further. Now, my writing isn't perfect, I am not some english teacher, I am just someone that overread and now I can't see myself just reading anymore. If you like my story, please support me via comments or whatever this site uses.

HC_HC · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Trial of Gold, battle of survival

Standing to the left among his group, Bran Ai looked at the amazonian girls petrified by the gold.

The golden light had faded from vision returning the area to a relative gloom making it difficult to see.

"Hey you think they are ok?" The boy that had talked to Bran Ai earlier had gotten closer to him.

"I don't know, they aren't moving" the golden statues had become completely still preserving every fine detail of the bodies.

From the way they squinted their eyes, to the way they lifted their arms to block the light, to those that tried to jump out of the way trying to avoid the light only to end up sideways in the water.

Bran Ai and the boy took notice of the actions of the remaining amazonians, they wondered why they seemed so tense.

Why didn't they check in their friends?

"You think they're dead?" The boy asked.

"No, they don't seem to be" Bran Ai tensed up a little.

The boy noticing this slight change looked at the golden statues again.

At first he couldn't really see anything, was Bran Ai just making something up to scare him? He wouldn't appreciate such a thing if he was.

The statue then suddenly groaned.

From the head slight cracking noises started to reach his ears as the bone structure of the face started being rearranged.

A muffled gutteral scream sounded out.

As the girls collar bones snapped away from their position Bran Ai and the boy backed away in fear.

Bran Ai not seeing where he was going collided with someone else standing behind him, the other child looking in a different direction instinctively used his elbow to push Bran Ai away.

Being pushed off balance Bran Ai fell sideways into the water swallowing some water as his eyes closed shut from the sudden change.

Splashing loudly in an attempt to reorient himself Bran Ai lost his sense of direction for a second before his foot gripped the invisible barrier firmly enough for him to put weight onto his legs in order to stand up.

The commotion attracted the attention of those nearby and distracted them, this distraction accompanied by the noise obscured the cracking sound coming from the golden statues.

In a matter of seconds the golden statues standing up dropped to the floor as the bones and muscles holding their shape ripped and broke apart.

When the children turned to see the new source of splashing water they noted that the golden statues were gone.

Hidden under the nearly waist deep water the bodies off all the kids covered in gold changed shape.

Screams that sounded distant entered the ears of everyone inside the lake.

Himenez watched as the two boys that had accompanied him broke into pieces before his eyes.

Sounds like a that of a bull or hog being gutted alive shook him to the core.

In a panic he ran away from the lakes center, being the furthest away from the center the water was much easier to move against.

Even so the water still reached his shin's forcing him to lift his feet higher in order to avoid being slowed by the water as much as possible.

These large movements caused enough noise to obscure the screams coming from below the water.

The onlookers looked in horror.

"Wha-What is happening!!?"

"I thought you said that the ritual was finished? Why are they- They...!"

Elder Qez sighed.

'In the end it was just this'

He had thought that the children had already failed, much to his relief the opposite was true.

'If these people weren't here would the test have been deemed a failure or success? I guess the children are a little lucky after all' a bit of glee pierced throught the elders worried face.

'Just one. I just need one to survive'

Bran Ai picked himself up, the waters weight slowing his ascent to the surface delayed him for a second.

Clearing the water from his eyes he looked back to where the girl in gold once was.

'She's gone! Where did she go!?'

From below bubbles started to rise like the breath had left someone's body.

It didn't last very long as the air left the lungs of the kids encased in gold, their last breaths taken in agony.

Of the twenty-five amazonian girls that entered, seventeen turned too gold leaving only eight remaining, these eight then formed into two groups of four that separated from each other.

"Focus, wait until they rise from the waters"

The boys to the east under the lead of Nand had nine remaining among their group, with twenty-one turning into holden statues.

"Get closer, prepare for whatever is coming"

The boys terrified by the sight of their companions crumbling before their eyes rushed to his side.

The group to the west having watched as their friends were squished held back their tears.

The girl among the group named Huitaca held the dagger in her hands firmly.

Only twelve remaining among her group they fared the best out of everyone outside of Bran Ai's group, losing only eight people.

"Back away, hurry they are about to wake up!" Huitaca pleaded from some too shocked to move.

Even if they had known that this was a possible outcome for all of them, it still hurt to lose someone dear to them.

Dragging some of the boys away from the scene she took charge of the group as she lead them towards shallow water.

Himenez had ran all the way back to the outer edge of the lakes shore, he wanted to get out of here as soon as possible unwilling to stay a second longer.

Just as his foot was about to make landfall an invisible wall blocked his way, he crashed with enough momentum that his nose broke spilling blood on the water.

The other spaniards had seen what had happened to all the children, they backed away not willing to go near.

"Its the devils den!"

"We must leave! We cannot stay in this godforsaken place!"

"Leave him, he is a dead man"

As Himenez was filled with adrenaline at this very moment, he did not pay attention to his wound and instantly started to slam his beyonets rear to the invisible barrier.

"Help! Help me! Get me out of here!" He pleaded from his companions.

He turned his rifle, this time using the beyonet itself to stab the invisible wall in hopes it would work.

Bran Ai's group was sanwiched between the southern and wastern groups, not knowing how to act in this situation they froze.

Some looked at each other, others at the place where the statues once stood, and a few looked in elder Qez's direction seeking guidance.

The children had all formed into several smaller groups among the fifty, Bran Ai had joined a group of eighteen splitting frombthe rest to get a little closer to the center as he wanted to see what was going on initially.

Now as he had seen the girl covered in gold fall apart before his eyes he wanted to back away immediately.

One of the braver kids neared the location of one of the statues, he wasn't close as all the groups had at least ten to fifteen feet in-between them, their group being shorter then the rest stayed twenty feet away from the center.

The closet group of statues to them was the amazonians, being only 12 feet infront of them and slightly to the east.

The brave child ventured into water waist high as he took a look down, unable to clearly see the outcome of the golden statue due to the shifting water he lowered his head into the water.

His curiosity outweighing his survival instinct he slightly floated closer by the moment.

One of the amazonians noticed this and looked to her companions unsure if she should try and warn the child or attempt to save him.

A few others in Bran Ai's group felt curious and decided they wanted to also take a look getting closer to what used to be the amazonian girl.

"Back away!" One of the amazonian girls screamed.

The children unable to understand her simply continued to move forward.

Looking under the water the child that arrived first wished to fill his curiosity used his feet to probe the body covered in gold down below.

The low light covering the area made it difficult to distinguish the features of the gold statue.

'Why isn't she getting up? Can she breath underwater? Should I try? Can I hold my breath long enough?'

Not thinking that the person down below was dead as he had no concept of the word, he neared closer to check on the girl.

"Back away! Fools go back now! Listen to me!" The amazonian girl screamed at them to retreat making some of them stop walking.

Distracted once more they failed to see what happened next.

The eyes of the golden statue opened, a cat like eye replacing what was once that of a human.

Taken aback by the sudden actions of the girl under the water, the child observing her stopped his actions.

With no time to react the boy was dragged under the water.

One moment it was silent, the next the boys legs pierced the water while his entire torso was hidden below the water.

Splashing around for a while as the boy flailed his legs around, the water turned slightly darker.

The kids that had seen this had their hairs stand all over their bodies.

Being the closest to the scene the children that had gotten closer failed to see what had happened, it was too sudden.

Water rippled in their direction, unable to react quick enough one by one they were dragged under the water.

Bran Ai was not all that far from this group, he saw the first child disappear but knew not what happened so when the rest disappeared into the water one by one his body tensed.

Next thing he knew he was under the water again as something bit his legs dragging him around in the water.

He tried to pull his leg up away from whatever it may be that grabbed him but was unable too as a struggle under the water began.

Well with this any readers I have should have caught up to everything i've written at this point, bit of a cliff hanger ey?

Don't worry tho I'll update a lil more frequently now that I've got a good pace going on.

Readership is low on webnovel tho so it will not be my primary focus.

HC_HCcreators' thoughts