
unspoken words leads 2 Love

Some Unspoken words half the ability to bring us pain and heartache, Some Unspoken words have the ability to only bring us true love. but what unspoken words would we encounter first, just maybe it'll bring true love for Christopher Kingsford Alpha of the sky eagle pack the largest pack on the katana reservation some unspoken words whole secrets some unspoken words makes us afraid secrets and fear keeps one heart locked because of unspoken words.

BTSbuttergirl · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 1

May 4th, today marks the first day of school for the students on the katana reservation it also marks as my first day being head teacher.

I'll be taking over from my father Mr Harry Clearmoon some may say I should be happy taking over for my dad but I'm not, not in any way shape or form of being happy you. see it's been over a month since my mom died and I still haven't gotten over it, I still cry myself to sleep at nights because of missing her I guess you could say I still need answers or an explanation.

One minute she's out shopping then the next she's being carried and covered in blood and so was Alpha Kevin's son Christopher, No one would give me any explanation as of why my mom had blood coming from her ears nose and mouth they all had the same answers down to a T what makes matters worse is that my father has gone into seclusion hence why I'm becoming head teacher.

My father hasn't stepped a foot out of his room or has he even left the house after the funeral and that's saying a lot because my dad is the most responsible no nonsense kind of man, so all this is strange to me and I'm hurting because of it so again no I'm not happy one bit.

Oh my apologies I haven't introduced myself, Hi I'm Seth Clearmoon of the sky eagle Park one of the largest packs on the katana reserves.

I guess you guys already have a clear idea of what my profession is, yep I'm a teacher why you may ask well I love the idea of passing on knowledge I enjoy seeing children's faces lit up when they've learned something new overall I guess you could say I just love kids their minds soak up information like a sponge so yeah a teacher and don't forget my dad is also my role model even though he's shut me out I'm still his biggest fan.

So what else should I let you guys know about me well I'm 25 going on 26 this October also I'm an Omega, which people always say we're the weakest of the pack but hey don't really care I love and treat everyone the same you see my philosophy is if you're stronger then it's your job to help the weaker ones and make them stronger both physically and mentally.

My friends always say that I'm too trusting and selfless but I don't see it that way why not help if you can, anyway speaking of friends I have three they're more like my siblings than friends anyway here's a little info about my peeps.

first up is Sammy oh sorry I meant Samantha Uley nice girl great friend/sibling not really, loves parties like she'll party everyday if we let her not happening sorry not sorry sister.

Next up is Vic no it's not a guy people, Vic is short for Victoria full name Victoria James Biersshe's a mated married woman for all you hungry wolves out there got it okay cool and standing right behind Vic is her husband and my brother from another mother and father none other than Mr Myles Biers pack Warrior and beta for the sky eagle pack okay that's enough information about my peeps.

Hey don't know if you guys picked up on this from the beginning but we're wolves,

oh come on you're not hearing things I did say wolves I know it might be hard to believe but yes in the same world that both you and I live werewolves do exist and no it's not like the scary movies we've seen on TV we don't go around eating people, we're just as normal as every other human just with special abilities to transform into a wolf and there's some special perks that comes with being a wolf like we age more slowly than normal humans and as far as relationships we got the serious end of the stick like there's someone made specially just for us, that person is what we call our mate naturally most wolves find their mates when they're 18 but in some special cases it takes a little longer. speaking of longer I'm one of those wolves who haven't found their mate yet okay okay that might be a little white lie I found my mate I'm just not sure if I'm ready to let it be known so let's keep it a secret for now, well guys as much as I love talking with you all I've got to go don't want to be late on my first day on the job so we'll talk more after work if it's cool with you then it's cool with me too













Main Characters

Christopher Kingsford

Age 30

Status Alpha of the sky eagle pack

Color of Wolf midnight black

cold ruthless hard to please, strong-willed loves and believes in family loves kids would love to have some of his own someday.

Occupation owns three hotels and casinos two in LA and one in New York City.

parents Dad Kevin Kingsford ex Alpha

Papa William Kingsford, retired Beta gave birth to Christopher so he's also called Mom.



Seth Clearmoon

Age 25

Status Omega unknown ability warlock

Color of Wolf White

Personality, warm caring selfless understanding trusting closest thing to an angel on Earth.

Occupation, head teacher for the sky eagle pack replaced his father Harry Clearmoon as of recent due to circumstances beyond their control.

Parents, Harry Clearmoon retired head teacher and beta

Mom Lia Sommers Clearmoon witch decease.


Here's my first chapter of my new book unspoken words leads 2 Love

I hope my beautiful readers enjoy this chapter and I hope you guys continue reading my upcoming chapters. please feel free to let me know your thoughts on this chapter see you guys in the next chapter update bye

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