
unspell me :bounded to the alpha

Jamtee_library · Fantasy
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1 Chs


Chapter 1.

The figure kept appearing and disappearing. A gasp was heard, it appeared again and began to transform into it real form and then, began to destroy. Magical spells were chanted out to the creatures. And soon the creature was sealed, sounds of hissing and chirping were heard and a fierce battle broke out, the creatures were so engrossed in the battle that things fell apart.

A loud roar was heard and things became calm but not fully and then a terrifying face appeared."Ah!!" Eliana screamed as she woke up sweating profusely. She kept panting like someone who was being chased. What sort of dream was that? She asked herself when she couldn't apprehend it she dozed off and forgot about it.

***the next day***

Elaina skipped happily into the woods. The sun shown beautifully as if trying to radiate Elaina's mood. She was so happy that she could differentiate the plants from the needed herbs in the forest now, after all, the plants in the forest looked very alike so it was a little difficult to know which was which. So, she took her time to learn and memorize them and now she could. This gave her immense joy as she skipped along.

Elaina was a little white witch of nine and she had always paid attention to her father whenever he was mixing potions and had developed great interest in it, whenever her father needed herbs she volunteered to get it for him even though she is yet to unlock her witch powers, which is quite odd for a witch her age, all in all she believed it would come eventually.

Her father was a sorcerer while her mother was a witch. she traded the potions her husband makes in the market. The witches in enchantio were known for their exceptional beauty and their bright and smooth skin and the sorcerers were known as the human who practice magic. They were another type of witch and they possessed their own special qualities and beauty.

At such a young age, Elaina's beauty was blinding, she had long silky blonde hair which was extremely soft and reached up to her waistline to form cute curls at the bottom. In compliment, she had ocean blue eyes which one could get lost in just by looking into and her lips were small, pink, and best of all she took her mother's skin which made her look like a young goddess. With this beauty, she was gifted with brains which could make her think wisely and an heart of gold.

She skipped and picked the herbs she needed with a bright smile on her face, she jumped to pick a leaf from a very tall tree. She then wondered why the tree was so tall,

It was the tallest tree in the woods but yet it lacked fruit. The wood cutters did not chop down the tree and she wondered how long the tree must have been in the forest. The leaves of the tree were green and healthy although they was no fruit. she kept thinking about the tree and reached to touch it when she felt an electrifying shock. At that same moment, something else caught her eyes making her forget what had happened seconds ago. It was a beautiful fairy. it was flying along. In enchantio fairies were the rarest creatures to sight so she chased after it with the basket filled of herbs in her hand. She ran and ran but stopped when she saw that she couldn't catch up with it.

She went back to the kingdom and passed by her best friend, Elvins house. He was an half elf and half human. They had been close friends since they were very little, they grew up very fond of each other.

Elvins was a weird boy with black hair and startlingly unusual green eyes. She sometimes wondered why her friend had such green eyes but she loved him all the same.

"Elvins," she called and he turned to her with a smiling face "where are you going?" he asked. "Home," she replied. "Am just returning from the woods,"she said and waved goodbye.


"Father, when will the potion be ready?" A curious young lady of about sixteen asked her father who had been preparing a spell potion which she felt was taking forever to be ready.

"Could you try a faster spell?" she asked again very anxious.

"Don't be an impatient dog my dear, it will be ready soon," Her father replied and he took a deep look at the gorgeous woman his little daughter had become. Her hair was still very much the same as of when she was born, with its cute curls at the bottom and her ocean blue eyes. He was sure she inherited from his mother because they looked exactly the same.

He was the happiest father in the world to have been blessed with a daughter a beautiful, smart and kind hearted daughter.

He was very fond of his daughter since he had no other child but her.

"Pass me the karuun oil,"he said and before he could complete his statement what he needed was right before him. Elaina had a very big smile on her face as she handed the oil to her father.

"Hope this works," her father said uncertain, putting all his hopes on the last ingredient.

"Boom!" the pot sounded and the potion was ready.

A smile appeared on the father daughter duo as they looked at each other.

Slowly her father, lictus opened the pot and the smile faded in a flash.

"Father what wrong?" Elaina asked despite knowing what the reason might be for the sudden change of emotions.

Yet she held on to a little bit of hope she had in her.Her father slowly turned to share the bad news.

She got up immediately with tears running down her cheeks as she ran out of the room. On her way out she hit someone but she couldn't care less about who it was at the moment." What happened?" The young man of about sixteen with emerald green eyes asked. He had well built body that can make a woman drool. Even though he was from the elf Clan, he had a physique that spoke differently which made people wonder if he was really an elf but he cared the least about all of that.

He was absolutely breathtaking and just himself.

The young man stood outside the hall where Eliana was mixing potions and seeing her run off like that he let out a deep sigh guessing what made her leave already.

"She will be fine," Elaina's father assured Elvins who wore a worried expression.

"I don't get why she can't even cast the easiest spells," Elvins said almost talking to himself.

"I don't want to think she doesn't have sorcery powers," he spoke again.

Lictus just sighed and looked down

"You may go home now," lictus said to Elvins.

"You know I would never go without seeing her," Elvins said.

Lictus simply nodded while Elvins went to the little garden behind the house because he knew he would surely find her there and he was right she was right there feeding doves.

"Elaina?" He called but she gave no reply, oblivious to his presence. She just sat there looking forward at the distance, spaced out as the bird seeds fell out of her hands absent minded.

He sat by her and that was when she realized she had company and jolted from her thoughts.

"How are you doing?" he asked looking at her.

She looked sad and raised her eyes to meet his. She made to talk but became angry.

"That's it .... I just don't understand why I can't cast even a single spell, I have been unable to graduate from the institute of enchantio all because I just can't cast spells," Elaina spat out, her fury taking over her.

"You just keep trying..."

"I am Elvins, I have tried my possible best." She said

"Just keep trying," Elvins encouraged

"Now give me a smile,"he said and Elaina smile sheepishly.

"That is not good enough," he said and began to tickle her and they ran around the garden.