
Chapter 1

Yashiro POV:

Nene Yashiro reluctantly stepped onto the wooden ramp that led up to the new ship; The RMS Titanic.

She puffed out her cheeks and sighed, as this was not something she had not wanted to do. Her family and friends encouraged her to join them on this trip, and because she was a pushover, she couldn't resist.

"Lighten up, Nene!" her best friend Aoi placed a hand on her shoulder. "You've been wanting to try something new for a while, right? Plus," Aoi lowered her voice "you might meet a cute guy here!"

Both Aoi and Yashiro giggled, as this statement lightened the mood much more. Yashiro was going to meet a charming young bachelor on this voyage, she could feel it!

Amane/group POV:

Yugi Amane slumped down in his chair, this brown shaggy hair covering his eyes. A trip like this should be something to be excited about, but he was going for all the wrong reasons. He gazed out the window with his mind practically blank, watching the small sailboats lazily pass by.

"Come on Amane, we're gonna be late!" a blonde haired boy stormed through the hallway panting, with three tickets in his hand.

Amane was puzzled, "Three? There's two of us".

"Well the guy I nicked 'em off of was carrying three, so that's what I took," the blue eyed boy was panting, adrenaline was coursing through him. Stealing was something he had done often, but it gave him a rush every time.

"Kou..." Amane stood up abruptly. "It would have been smarter to only take the two you kno-"

"MINAMOTO!!" A large man thundered into the small room. Kou yelped and nearly jumped out of his shoes. "YOU TOOK MY TICKETS, I KNOW IT WAS YOU," the place shook.

Kou gulped and shook his head violently, denying the accusations.

"I KNOW IT WAS YOU, YOU LITTLE BASTARD. HAND 'EM OVER OR ELSE!" the man was beet red, and his curly locks fell over his face. It was obvious that he wasn't happy, and this made Kou exceptionally nervous.

After a few moments of silence, Amane grabbed Kou and sprinted toward the window, gesturing madly at Kou to jump through.

"DON'T YOU DARE," the man began stumbling forward, pointing a fat finger at the blonde.

Kou didn't hesitate and immediately jumped through the window as if his life depended on it; which it probably did. With Amane not far behind, the boy started running as fast as he could, being careful not to trip and faceplant.

"Man, I hate our landlord," Kou chuckled to the brunette behind him.

Amane guffawed, "Shut up, I'm gonna run outta breath".

The two males spotted a lost looking boy with bright pink hair that covered half of his face. The pair exchanged glances, signalling their agreement for using the boy for cover.

Kou grabbed onto the new boy's shoulders, "Let us use you for cover and you can ride with us on the Titanic," he panted.

"Hey weirdo, I'm not some prostitu-"

"Great! My name is Kou Minamoto. Thanks for the help, and feel free to come with us!" Kou handed him the ticket and dragged him closer to the docks; the boy's jacket was oversized and was clinging to him for dear life.

The trio stopped near the group of people crowding the ship's entrance, when Amane noticed the men sprinting out of the building they let from.

"Crap! We need cover!"

Kou looked at Amane, the the running men, then at the bot the was still holding onto.

"Quick, hug me!" Kou's shouted and stared into the boy's eyes, pleading for him to do so. The boy only stared at him, so Kou did what he had to do and wrapped his arms around him and slowly backed away with him into the crowd.

There was a splashing noise, and the men continued to run past the group of people.

"What the hell, man?!" The pink-haired male immediately shoved Kou away from himself. "What do you want with me, perv?" He scoffed and inched away from him, slowly exiting the swam of people.

"Look, er- kid," Kou began to explain as he followed the make out of the crowd. "I had to do something, those guys would've killed me. The only thing I could've done was pretend we were a couple. Plus you look like a girl anyway," he chuckled.

The pink-haired boy narrowed his eyes in disgust, "Excuse me? For your information, I am a BOY and I have a name. It's Mitsuba. And if you want to talk about appearances, then I'd start with that lame ass traffic earring, you loser," Mitsuba placed his hands on his hips and tapped his foot impatiently.

Kou raised his eyebrows and stroked his single red earring self-consciously. "I'll have you know that it is NOT lame, and you should have at least made an effort to help my friend and me. Wait- where is he?" He suddenly went pale, could he have been taken?

"Down here, geniuses," Amane's voice rang from below the two boys. Kou and Mitsuba peeked their heads over the concrete pathway to find Yugi Amane drenched and floating in the ocean.

"That was your plan?" Kou placed his hand over his mouth to hide his laughter, but he couldn't contain himself.

Amane rolled his eyes in annoyance, "Just help me out, loser".

"Funny, you've been called a loser twice within the past 45 seconds," Mitsuba cackled.

Kou reached out an arm to Amane and grumbled under his breath. Amane stepped out carefully, and did his best to remove the water that was dripping from his brown hair and dress shirt. Kou and Amane began strolling toward the ship's entrance when they noticed Mitsuba following close behind them with his arms folded.

"What do you want?" Kou sighed in annoyance.

"You owe me a ticket, remember?" Mitsuba hissed and stuck his hands in his pockets. He glared at the two boys and smirked, his pink eyes lingered on Kou.

"The perv here promised a ticket if I helped you out. He then grabbed me forcefully and stupidly claimed that I didn't bother to help you, when I was held against my will. That would earn me a ticket, don't you think?" The long-haired male tapped his foot impatiently once again, and proceeded to tie his hair into a small ponytail.

"Well I mean, unless you want me to point those nice men in your direction," he grinned and held his stare on kou.

"C'mon Minamoto," Amane's brown eyes glared at the blonde. "It's only fair".

Kou growled a held out the extra ticket, which was snatched by Mitsuba almost immediately.

The three boys then began making their way up to the ship's entrance. One soaking wet, one pouting, and one acting as if he somehow won the entire universe by getting ahold of this single ticket. What an unusual trio.

heyo, kyo here. i have no idea why i decided to write this, but i definitely should be sleeping instead, haha. i hope you enjoy what i've got so far, tune in for more soon!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

kyouzencreators' thoughts