
Chapter 64 Is Washing and Protection Really Effective? _1

Translator: 549690339

"Bold move!" Kong Xin, the beast master controlling the earth attribute pet beast, was amused by Xu Ran's overconfident demeanor.

Thunder attribute against Earth attribute, how embarrassing would it be if you win?


With Kong Xin's shout, the earth attribute pet beast standing in front of him took a step forward, aggressively growling at Xu Ran and Ziyun.

This pet beast, resembling a Durian with a snake head and turtle feet and countless irregular stone spikes over its body, was not towering with its one-meter length. Still, it was a size larger than Ziyun, making it appear incredibly fierce.

Earth attribute pet beast, The Thorny Dragon Beast!

Both sides stood in the ready battle area, the atmosphere in the field froze instantly.

Many spectators were still shouting, at first the shouts were messy, but at some point, they became uniform, turning into an orderly chant of "Eliminate".