

Well this is one of the usual stories you know of. About a hero who will save the world but well I'm not that guy instead I'm what you'd call a side character the hero doesn't even care about but I have my own story to tell away from his perfect world

Heroic_Pent · Fantasy
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19 Chs

I'm Gonna Do Something Heroic

Ok so remember when I said training under him was one of the best decision of my life? Well maybe the best decision was actually learning to hunt wild rabbits because well I would have died if I didn't

I'm not the hero. If I was I wouldn't have such a crappy mentor that's for sure because these past 2 years has been traumatic for me and not the good one like character development type it's the lose faith in humanity one where I was naked in the forest and forced to spy on shady dealers and all sorts of unpleasant things but there's a good part

During the past few years I learned to use magic which my attribute was actually not bad it was sword magic which sounds heroic but actually the only ones who are known to use it are blacksmith for compared to others it was not good for combat

But sword magic sound significant doesn't it it doesn't sound like a cliche story like royalty with fire magic and special pet or anything. Sword magic! I'm just going to repeat it one more time to give emphasis

So after making use of me Argus and I parted ways and you might be expecting a heartfelt goodbye speech but nope I hate that guy I'd much sooner get kicked in the face by a sleeping deer than get that from a heartless man

Now this is the part of the story where I meet new characters seeing as the way things seem is that I have an obsession with Prince and a masochistic relationship with Argus and for those who think of indecent things right now I will tear you to shreds.... with MY SWORD MAGIC..... Last time I swear

I now ventured towards Eupilia kingdom oh wait I should have an update about me for my beloved readers.... If you exist. Right now I am 16 years old having a bit of experience in trade and magic which is SWORD MAGIC!..... sorry it was necessary and I am now dressed like a beggar since its much less likely to be attacked and easier to run in less clothing and stuff like that but I'm not though actually I'm rather wealthy now after doing a few shady deals and don't worry it's just a few smuggled items or stolen loot from wealthy nobles it's not going to harm anybody but it's not heroic either but hey I gotta make a living

As I enter Eupilia I decide to wear something more suitable for an, adventure and bought a few magical items and yes I am officially starting our story took a while didn't it so as I walked I met a few people my age going to the academy and as much as I want to have the relaxing time of making this a highschool novel I ain't gonna do it but instead I challenged one man to a duel.

He used rock magic which was no big deal for me since in Regara kingdom I've climbed and went through a lot of landslides with Argus. Oh by the way Regara kingdom is the kingdom I was born in and the village was Prond and I probably should have said that earlier but actually I did and you weren't paying attention. So as we started a wager of 60 kinch and yeah that's a lot with the rules being the one to make the opponent surrender or faint wins so we began.

He started of having a few stones the size of a table thrown at me and I dodged them with efficeincy and now it was my turn to attack and as I ran, towards him taking a sword out of what would seem like out of nothing he deflected by making a stone wall and I went to the sides with my left hand took out another sword and he dodged and puched with with what seems to be a stone glove and as I grasped for air he attacked me again many tiem until I couldn't move and this is usually where the hero does something impossible but I couldn't I fainted and lost the challenge.

I woke up with one of the students earlier beside me in what would seem like her house

"Am I dead?"

"Ah no Reggie would never do that to you and it was your fault really for challenging him"

This was supposed to be the part where I say because I can see an angel but she took it seriously and I bet she'll take this one seriously too probably say something like "Oh no am I looking too pale?"

Now let's see she's probably a good character to play in my story so I'll describe her, oh she should be honored let's see she's actually rather pretty with soft features auburn hair with shining green eyes wearing um nah I don't have enough interest to say.

"I'm sorry did you bring me here? I'm Red Preage I should maybe return the favour how about I treat you to lunch?"

"I'm Fallow Reast, and I was only doing it because the way it seemed was my friend beat you up and stole from you and I felt pitiful for you and I didn't want to have a bad image there's no need to do anything in return"

"Oh please consider it as an excuse to have a date with a beautiful girl like yourself"

Right now I challenged a random guy with such confidence and lost pitifully having a girl take me in her home because I have no where to go so as far as embarrassment goes I'm peaking so such comments from me mean nothing it's just I don't want to feel anymore embarrassed by being indebted to her.

Usually when a pitiful guy asks a girl out he gets rejected but with such kind and pure people like Fallow she'd probably go out with a beggar out of pity, oh good thing I'm out of those slave clothes because another hit to my pride and my self esteem would probably drop lower than my social life.

She took up my offer and right now we're at a restaurant talking about her school and why I would even have interest? Well I don't but I got to avoid talking about being trashed so easily by his friend.

"I'm sorry about Reggie he should have never fought back with you who is"

She paused but it was too late she didn't need to finish. Weak, pathetic, insignificant, what have I been doing all my life? Why am I again and again

Brought down? Why am I always the only one who doesn't win? Why am I the only one who although gave effort betrayed by my hardwork?

"inexperienced" she finished


"I mean your magic it was unrefined. I bet you had bad mentors in your school"

"As bad mentors go I probably had the worst but I stopped going there 2 years ago"

"That explains it then, all right how about I invite you to our school? I mean it's not the best but it's trained many great mages and I bet you'll have something to learn"

Now do a path has opened to me, a path I was lucky enough to get, a path probably given to heroes and I want to accept it and have fate write my story for me but it's too late for that and I write my story now following no script and no one so I declined.

Why? Because it's what would a normal person would do and gate being what it is will work hard to make a normal insignificant villager I was supposed to be but to hell with that, I will not settle for being less and as we finished eating I said goodbye to Fallow and continued my quest.

I went to the town's guild which is the place adventurers go to earn a bit of money from killing monsters and doing requests and so I did choosing the easiest monster hunting quest.

Now adventuring is not easy my 2 years with Argus showed me that since he is an adventurer as well as a merchant going around finding interesting places and missions and he made a living out of it.

Argus may not be the best of mentors but he was respectable indeed and the only reason I parted ways with him is that he had a place to go unlike me and I didn't belong where he was tirelessly roaming and doing it for fun.

"Hunting monsters?"

A group of what would seem is fellow adventurers go to approached me as I took the quest killing goblins, you remember goblins? Doesn't matter because I'm going over it again so I won't forget anything while hunting. Commoners get killed by goblins quite often and I'm not gonna die a common way so I decided joining them would be best.

"First time going on a quest?" asked what would seem the leader of this 5 man group. His name is Tron Rupult aged 19 having a rather good build and apparently using wood magic but preffering to use his axe and for his features I'll leave that to you I'm not too keen in describing such things

"Well no, actually back at Regara kingdom I made a living out of adventuring in cities like this one"

Oh yeah this is common sense but I'll say it anyway. Only wealthy towns have adventuring guilds since their the only ones who can give financial support to us suicidal idiots who would risk our own lives just for a but of gold.

"Oh your from Regara? So is Hailey maybe you've met before"

Said Aldan Rine, he is the oldest among us being in his early twenties having a big build carrying a war hammer and he takes the role of tank being first to charge in the pressence of enemies and he really is the bravest among us but not quite smart I mean how the heck am I suppose to know Hailey just because we belong in the same country I don't even know some people from my own village let alone a random person from my kingdom and I bet no one normal would but ok Hailey Saerthis next she's actually a part of a noble family but after finding out about her families actions she chose to cut them off and abandon her ties to them.

"I'm sorry I don't go out much I probably haven't met you Hailey"

"This guy is funny an adventurer who doesn't go out that's probably why you challenged those school kids didn't you to make a joke"

The one who said that was Pent Stylus the most efficient in using magic among us and he's the only one who went to school but a few years in it he became bored and left only to be forced to go back by his parents and not wanting to he fled his kingdom of Sandieth and fled here where he found Tron and the rest where he adventured with them for a year now

There is also another part of their team that died recently and they don't like to talk about it since this is the life of an adventurer at any day you could easily die.

"wait you knew about that?"

I asked, why would they even hire a weak guy like me I pondered to my self

"Oh yeah it was pretty interesting how confidently you went to them and looked for a fight" replied pent

"How embarrassing" I said but after all of the things I experienced this was nothing

"Don't worry about it Red the good thing was it wasn't a fight to the death" Hailey said trying to cheer me up but making it sound worse

"Hahaha no insult included ofcourse that's just how Hailey talks see like you she also doesn't go out much Hahaha" said Aldan

Tron then suddenly stopped and pointed in a bush in front and as we peaked we saw a small goblin encampment. Now goblins although simple aren't dumb for like humans they are able to communicate and go in groups and if only they didn't lack physical strength or magic they would definetly be a kind to fear.

"What's the plan?" I asked

"We go in and smash their guts out" Aldan said as he showed himself screaming and charging at the goblins head on

"Damn that Aldan, ok Pent you deal with the back rank Hailey provide support to Pent and Red you come with me were going to support Aldan from the sides" Tron commanded as he chased after Aldan and not long after we followed

"try not to get trashed this time" Pent teased as he went ahead and with a faint smile Hailey followed

I caught up to them and as I did a goblin spearman came after me and only managing to dodge barely I created a sword and stabbed a goblin in the neck

"Good reflexes Red" said Aldan

"Eyes on the enemy! Do not underestimate them just because their goblins!" Tron said after bringing down five goblins with one strike

"Bah these critters can't do anything to me" said Aldan but from behind him came a larger goblin like creature, it was a troll one of the goblins' less intelligent more powerful relatives and as it striked his wooden club to Aldan it hit his head heavily making Aldan faint and Tron coming to his aid was surrounded by goblins

It's left to me now and this time I won't be a failure so I faced the troll holding two swords in my hand trying to find his weakness

As far as openings go it's full of them but I have to think this through because one strike was enough to take down a big man like Aldan and for me it probably would do worse.

The troll came charging onto me full force he striked his club but I dodged it quite easily and Aldan probably also would have if he wasn't taken in by surprise.

Seeing my chance I first striked both the troll's eyes leaving my sword and creating new ones next his neck then as I was to strike its heart it hit me with his club full force and I managed to guard with my sword but it's blow was still powerful and I fell to the ground.

The troll was now heading towards Aldan to finish the kill and I again am powerless.

Only once why can't I be a hero? Why can't I do something significant? Again and again I kept thinking.

With all of remaining strength I ran towards the troll hoping that maybe just maybe I can be a hero even just this once I don't want to be a failure

As I ran and brought out a sword it started burning and with this bright red flame I sliced the troll's head off

"I saved Aldan" I thought to myself as I fainted and caught by Tron.

When I woke up I was in an Inn inside the town I was staying on called Wyrin and as I walked out I saw the group but something was wrong

Where's Aldan? I saved him didn't I? I defeated the troll! I thought to myself as Tron's words rang in my ears

"Aldan has passed"

Apparently he died in the very first strike and again I was of no help, again I am forced to see that I am not the hero, I am not the one who saves his ally or defeats powerful foes. I am just me.