
Unseen Bonds

"Unseen Bonds" is a heartfelt novel that explores the journey of a young blind boy named Ethan, who faces relentless bullying due to his appearance and facial scars. Despite his isolation and lack of family, Ethan's life takes an unexpected turn when he receives a miraculous ability to sense everything around him, except for sight. With his newfound gift and unwavering determination, Ethan embarks on a quest to make friends and find a place where he truly belongs.

abdelrahman_kaise · Fantasy
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Defying Shadows

The corridors of Middleton Middle School were bustling with activity as the students hurried to their classes. Amidst the sea of adolescent energy, a dark shadow emerged—the presence of a bully named Tyler. Tall and imposing, Tyler exuded an air of superiority that sent shivers down the spines of his peers.

Ethan's heightened senses immediately picked up on the tension that lingered whenever Tyler was near. The subtle changes in the atmosphere, the hushed whispers, and the apprehensive glances from his friends signaled trouble on the horizon. Little did Ethan know that he would soon become the target of Tyler's relentless bullying.

One afternoon, as Ethan made his way to the cafeteria, he felt a sudden force slam into his shoulder, causing him to stumble. He recognized the laughter that followed—a cruel symphony that echoed through the hallway. Blinking away the disorientation, Ethan's heart sank as he recognized Tyler's sneering face.

Tyler's mocking voice pierced the air. "Hey, Scarface, didn't see you there. Or should I say, didn't feel you there?"

Ethan's friends rushed to his side, their expressions a mixture of concern and anger. Liam stepped forward, his voice filled with determination. "Leave him alone, Tyler. We won't stand for your bullying."

Tyler's grin widened, his eyes glinting with malicious intent. "Oh, look, the blind boy has defenders. How touching. Let's see how well you defend him when I'm through with you."

Fear tinged the air as Ethan's friends squared off against Tyler. The shadow of the bully cast doubt upon the unity they had cultivated. Yet, Ethan's extraordinary perception told him that this was a pivotal moment—a chance to prove that strength lies not only in physical prowess but in the resilience of the human spirit.

Summoning his courage, Ethan stepped forward, his voice steady and filled with unwavering resolve. "Tyler, you may see scars on my face, but they are nothing compared to the scars within you. Your words and actions only reveal your own insecurity and fear. I refuse to let your darkness extinguish the light we've nurtured within this community."

Tyler's eyes widened, momentarily taken aback by Ethan's unwavering spirit. But his shock quickly transformed into rage, and he lunged towards Ethan. Before anyone could react, a voice rang out, cutting through the chaos.


The entire hallway fell silent as the principal, Ms. Jenkins, stood at the end, her gaze filled with disappointment. She swiftly moved towards the group, addressing Tyler with a stern tone. "Bullying will not be tolerated in this school. This behavior is a reflection of your own shortcomings, not the worth of others. You will face the consequences of your actions."

Tyler's bravado deflated, replaced by a mix of shame and frustration. He cast one final glance at Ethan before storming away, leaving behind a trail of bitter resentment.

In the aftermath of the confrontation, the hallway buzzed with a mixture of relief and admiration. Students who had silently witnessed the bullying found solace in Ethan's bravery and the support of his friends. The incident became a catalyst for change, sparking conversations about empathy, kindness, and the collective responsibility to stand up against bullying.

Ethan's friends huddled around him, their expressions filled with gratitude and pride. Sarah's voice quivered with emotion. "Ethan, you've shown us the power of inner strength and resilience. Your ability to rise above the darkness has inspired us all."

Ethan smiled, feeling the warmth of their unwavering support. "Together, we can defy the shadows and create a world where compassion and acceptance prevail."

Chapter 5 concludes, capturing a pivotal moment