
UNSEEN | Tsukishima Kei Fanfiction

Haikyu! Tsukihima Kei x OC Izayoi Hikaru planned to keep a low profile throughout her high school life, but when her classmate Tsukishima Kei found out her secret, she was forced to be his personal servant for who knows how long. created : March 21, 2020 published (wattpad) : March 21, 2020 ended : July 16, 2020

yzxzxa · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs



Kei woke up exactly at 7 am. He did everyday routine a bit faster than usual, all for the sake of meeting Hikaru earlier today. The pair decided to have a study session on weekends and this might be the last since after exam week, comes summer vacation. He wouldn't want to fail that's why he wanted help from Hikaru, but that wasn't exactly the case why he was in such a hurry.

The blonde found himself looking forward to their rendezvous today, he was rather thrilled to see her in her pajamas and listen to her singing and recording. Kei wanted to be the one to wake her up since she gave him an extra pair of her keys yesterday.

"Kaa-san, I'm heading over to busu's place" Kei excused himself, slipping in his rubbers, his school bag slung on his shoulders.

Sachiko giggled at the sight of her son. She found it cute that the boy is dressing up for someone, even going as far as wearing his favorite yellow sweater with a dino figure in front ans comfortable cargo pants to match with it. "My, you're dressing up to impress huh, Kei-chan?" His mother teased, wiggling her brows up and down.

Kei rolled his eyes, grumbling before heading out in one swift motion. "I'll be back by 8" he mentioned.

"Say hi to Hikaru-chan for me!" Sachiko added before she heard a loud doorslam, telling that her son clearly didn't want to deal with her first thing in the morning.

Kei walked through the silent neighborhood, enjoying the slightly chilling breeze brushing against his face. The blonde, glanced at the paper bag he held in one hand, thinking what she would say when he gives it to her. He had bought 4 puddings and 2 strawberry shortcake, eager to give it to Hikaru.

He always wanted to thank her, even though saying it on her face isn't his style, maybe giving gifts will suffice. These past few days, Tsukishima also thought of their deal. He hesitated whether he wanted to break it off or just let it be till they graduated, all because he wanted to repay everything she's done for him.

Soon enough, Tsukishima stood outside Hikaru's apartment, fishing for the keys inside his pocket. After he did, he quietly turned the knob, careful not to make any sound. Kei placed the paper bag on the coffee table and tiptoed till he was in front of the girl's bedroom. Seeing the door is slightly open, he peaked inside and saw her small frame on the ground, pillows and her blanket scattered around her as she snored lightly.

"Pfft" Kei couldn't help but stifle a laugh, as he walked closer to her. She wore a onesie purple pajamas, her hair tied in a ponytail that's now half messed up. "Oi busu, wake up" he spoke, but to no avail, no response.

The blonde resorted to poking her right cheek, "You look ugly sprawled all over the floor like that busu, wake up" says the boy, earning a tired groan from the female as she squirmed and turned the other way, grabbing a nearby pillow and hugging it. Kei chuckled, thinking of her like a child.

He leaned in closer, pushing stray pieces of black locks out of the girl's face, his fingers touching her soft skin. Kei subconsciosly ran his thumb on her cheek, gazing intently at her face, and felt his heart beating loudly inside his chest. Which confused him a lot. Not wanting things to get all the more mess up, Kei intended to retract his hand.

The blonde's eyes widened under his frames, seeing how the ravenette grabbed his hand and pulled it closer to her chest, mumbling words, "..Kei.."she called out, heating up the blonde's cheeks.

"O-Oi busu, let go of my h-hand" he stammered, seeing how she lovingly held his hand tightly. "Don't tell me she's dreaming off me?" He whispered to himself, hearing her say his name again. He couldn't pull his hand away, seeing how deep and serene she looked.

Tsukishima sighed, settling down beside her as she slept, having no choice but to watch her and admire her sleeping face.

Hikaru dreamt of holding Tsukishima's hand, and him touching her face. It felt all too real for her, as she could feel his warmth, as if he was right beside her. But of course, dreams always end abruptly when she got blinded by the bright rays of the sun, shining through the small cracks between her curtains.

She groaned, stretching her whole body violently while rolling on the cold ground. Hikaru spent a few more seconds before completely getting up and fixing her bed—throwing the pillows and covering it with the blanket rather. The ravenette walked over to her bathroom, still half asleep.

"You slept like a log busu"

Hikaru literally screeched, flickering her gaze to her master cooking in the kitchen. "Yeah, and you almost gave me a heart attack goshujin" she protested, rolling her eyes as grabbed a piece of paper on the ground and threw it to him. "I mean, Kei" Hikaru added.

Tsukishima couldn't help but laugh at her surprised reaction, catching the paper in his hand, "What's with that reaction? You literally jumped off the ground!" He even teased, a hand covering his mouth as he cackled loudly.

The ravenette rolled her eyes a bit annoyed as she approached him, "...ha ha very funny.." she hissed.

"You bet it was!" Kei retorted, still laughing his ass off.

Ignoring her master, Hikaru went back to her room to get a towel. Remembering something, she dashed back to the living room her yellow towel draped over her shoulders. "How long have you been here?!" she hysterically asked, seeing that it's jut 8 am and they promised to meet like 9 or 10.

Tsukishima narrowed his eyes, annoyed, "Uh, yeah? By the way you have drool on your face" the blonde teases pointing at Hikaru's left cheek.

The ravenette instantly turned red and ran to the bathroom full speed. Embarrassed that he had seen the dried drool on her face and she didn't even know until he called it out. Hikaru faced the mirror looking for the spot, but when she didn't find any she erupted from the bathroom, yelling at the blonde.

Before long, Hikaru finished and wore a simple shirt with matching colors with her master's sweater and black shorts reaching above her knees. "Oi busu, come here" ushered the blonde, sitting leisurely on the couch as he watched the TV.

Being the obedient servant she is, Hikaru did exactly as he said and sat down next to him. "You need something goshujin?" she asked, stopping for a bit before adding, "Kei"

"Turn around" says the blonde.

Hikaru furrowed her brows, confused, "Why?"

Kei clicked his tongue and grumbled, "Just do it, idiot"

Hesitant, Hikaru did as he said and turned her back on him. Soon enough, she felt a comb running through her from top to bottom. The corners of her lips curled up into a smile, realizing that the boy took it upon himself to comb her hair. Hikaru closed her eyes, indulging in the lemon scent that he emitted.

"Thank you Kei" she muttered, feeling how gentle he ran it on her hair.

Kei smiled meekly, "Whatever" he continued brushing her short ebony locks, which smelled good and calming. Tsukishima found himself staring at Hikaru's back, feeling his heart clenching again like it used to back then.

He hadn't felt it the whole time his whole attention was on Koharu. Hikaru thought it was weird when he suddenly stopped and turned around, their faces a few inches away from one another, their gazes locking.

The deafening drums of their heart resounded inside their chest, being that close to each other. Tsukishima never really felt this way for the girl, to him, she was just a normal friend and servant he often spends time with. Why was it that he's feeling this way towards her? Why was it that she had been on his mind this past week?

A loud knock interrupted the two, and instantly broke eye contact with one another. "I-I'll go get it"Hikaru attempted to stand up, only to get pulle back by the boy.

"I'll go" he offered and walked to towards the door, trying to hide his face in deep shade of red.

Hikaru stared into nothing, the recent scene playing inside her mind. She covered her face, flushing furiously, remembering how the two of them stared into each other with their faces an inch apart.

Tsukishima heaved a heavy sigh, regaining his composure before opening the door, "Hi Tsukki!"

The blonde looked at his friend confused to why he was here at Hikaru's place, "What are you doing here, Yamaguchi?" He asked.

Yamaguchi parted his lips to reply, only to get interrupted by Hikaru standing behind his blonde friend.

"I invited him."