
UNSEEN | Tsukishima Kei Fanfiction

Haikyu! Tsukihima Kei x OC Izayoi Hikaru planned to keep a low profile throughout her high school life, but when her classmate Tsukishima Kei found out her secret, she was forced to be his personal servant for who knows how long. created : March 21, 2020 published (wattpad) : March 21, 2020 ended : July 16, 2020

yzxzxa · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs


"Please welcome, our rising star, Izanami!" says the tv announcer, as Izanami walked in, wearing a fit violet dress and black strapped heels, her hair tied back to an elegant ponytail.

"Hello, everyone! How have you been? I hope you all like my cover of "Yakimochi no Kotae" And thank you for the support you've always given to me!" smiled the beautiful girl and waved her hands to her fans in the audience.

It's 7:30 am and I am currently preparing my food for lunch. I tied my short black hair into a messy bun, leaving pieces of it hanging since it's too short to tie it all up. As soon as I started cooking, my glasses constantly got fogged up from all the steam, and it annoyed me since it was hard to watch the TV show.

I was busy scooping rice in my bento box when my phone began to ring loudly beside me. Putting down the ladle and my lunchbox, I answered the call almost immediately after seeing the caller's name on my screen.


"Moshi-moshi? Hikaru?" says my sister through the phone, a smile automatically creeping up on my face.

"Ohayou gozaimasu, Nee-chan..." I replied timidly. "...y did you call?" my voice fading as I ask.

"My one-week photoshoot is finished Hikaru, today I'm attending another live interview. I'll be needing your help again, okay?" Konami-nee answered, completely in business mode.

She's Izanami after all.

Yes, my older sister, Izayoi Konami is the rising internet star "Izanami". Ever since we released her cover of Haniwa's Diagnosis: Love Sickness last month, her popularity skyrocketed. Gaining thousands of fans overnight and getting multiple offers from scouting agencies. There's a reason why I said 'we' but it's not that important so I'm skipping that part out.

My sister, unlike me, is a very vocal and very approachable person. She has the type of personality that attracts everyone she talks to. A person-magnet. She's 6 years older than me, her hair is dyed light pink and is a very fashionable person.

While I, on the other hand, is the meek and silent type. I simply don't like useless talks that are either too flattering or too boring. I like meaningful and a relaxing conversation with someone, but others take that as being snobby. My voice is often too soft to hear, so people also tend to get angry because I speak like that. Spreading nasty rumors back in my middle school in Tokyo, saying that Izayoi Hikaru is like this and other shit I didn't want to hear.

"I understand." I replied, shortly "When are you going to visit me here Nee-chan?" I asked, getting my hopes up that she'll probably be here on the weekends.

But to my dismay, "Schedule's still a bit tight. I won't be able to go there for a while Hikaru." Nee-chan answered.

I thought so. I sighed to myself. "I'd really like to live with you over there Nee-chan, can't I go back to Tokyo now? It's already been 3 months" I questioned calmly, trying not to sound too pushy but also eager to go.

However, it's always the same answer, "You can't Hikaru! T-The media's gonna go wild if they knew I had a little sister-!" she said almost yelling, obviously flustered, and stopped when she realized the tone she had taken. "I-I didn't mean to raise my voice Hikaru..." she trailed off.

I smiled bitterly by myself, "It's okay nee-chan. Do take care of yourself there. Don't worry about me here, I'm doing fine. Especially with the large sum of money you always send me for my expenses."

I heard her sigh from the other line, "I just want to protect you okay Hikaru? If anybody knows that I have a little sister, they would use that to threaten me or even get to my good side" she explained further.

I didn't know why she's still reasoning out though, I mean, I completely get what she's trying to say. Her, prolonging this conversation make it seem like she's avoiding something. But I shouldn't poke my nose in any further, she hates it when I do that and it's none of my business anyway.

"You can stop telling me everything now nee-chan. It's not like I'm still forcing you to bring me along. Anyway, I'm off to school. Just call me if you already need me. Aishiteru, Nee-chan (i love you, onee-chan)" I said sweetly, my finger already hovering above the end button.

"O-Okay, I'll be off then. My Manager's starting to get angry. I'll call you later Hikaru. Be careful at school. Bye" she reminded, although being careful at school doesn't have to do with my safety though. It's to be careful of that.

Quickly tapping the button, I ended the call. No i love you toos huh? Well, when did she ever said that to me? After slipping my lunch and the homework I did last night into my bag, I locked the house and went on my way to school.

"Ohayou Hikaru-chan! My you're quite early today aren't you?" greeted Mrs. Oikawa, one of my friendly neighbors. "Takeru's looking for your signature beef stew as always!" she added, chuckling.

Their house is in front of mine and when I moved here, his son, Tōru-nii helped me get my things out of the truck. He seems like a nice guy but his jokes are really annoying and sometimes, the entirety of him is. After that, I occasionally eat together with them, given that I live alone and have no one to eat dinner with at home.

I bowed as a response and smiled. "....ayou gozaimasu....please tell Takeru that I'll be making it...tomorrow....ittekimasu Obā-san (I'm off to school, Auntie)" then I continued walking to school. She nodded with a smile, though I personally think that she could make out what I just said. Unlike the others who easily got irritated whenever I speak in such a soft voice, they would casually ask me to say it again and would even blame themselves since they didn't hear

After a few more minutes, I already reached the gate of Karasuno. I walked alongside other students coming in, getting a few weirded looks here and there. I don't really get it why they're doing that sort of thing?

Brushing off the thought, I changed into my indoor shoes and was about to go upstairs when someone tapped me on the shoulder.

"'Sup, Hikaru!" smiled Yama-chan, one of the few persons I usually exchange greeting with when I got here at Karasuno.

Although I can't just simply call him a friend, because my sister prohibited me from befriending anyone and accidentally expose our secret. He's a close acquaintance I guess? Though I actually like spending time with him. He's not pushy but still asks me a lot and will even stop talking whenever he feels like the atmosphere's getting awkward. He's a kind person.

"...ohayou, Yama-cha..."

"Again with the lame nickname?" he retorted, sighing. "Anyway, I heard you're in the same class as Tsukki?" Yama-chan asked.

My brows furrowed in confusion, thinking whose name did he just say. "..who's Tsukki...?" I asked.

"Ah! He's-" he got cut off when a tall blonde student rested one his hands on Yama-chan's shoulder.

"Oi Yamaguchi, what're you dawdling around for? Classes are going to start soon" says the guy with his headphones slung over his neck.

Yama-chan muttered a small apology, "Gomen, Tsukki"

Oh, so this person is—".....Tsukki?" I subconsciously blurted out, earning a stern look from the guy and soft laugh from Yama-chan.

"Yamaguchi who's this pipsqueak?" says 'Tsukki', and looked at me from head to toe.

I blinked three times before I realized that he just insulted me. Well, not that I mind though. It's not as if my world will end whenever someone talks shit about me, and it clearly wasn't the first time for me. I thought, shrugging off what he just said.

"Let me introduce you to one another," says Yama-chan and cleared his throat while he stood in between of us. "Tsukki, this is Hikaru, she's a friend that I met once at the library." Yama-chan started with me. Then with him. "Hikaru, this my childhood friend and a co-member at the volleyball club, Tsukishima Kei-san"

I put forth my hand, guessing that it's a proper thing to do when meeting someone, "....nice to meet you..." I muttered softly.

Tsukishima scoffed "Busu (ugly)" he replied before giving me an uninterested look and walked past me. "And don't call me Tsukki"

"A-Ah Tsukki! That's not so nice! Please don't give it much thought Hikaru, he's just like that whenever he meets new people" Yama-chan apologized in his stead.

I smiled plainly before saying, ".... I don't mind..." and started walking.

The three of us walked up the stairs, Yama-chan constantly exchanging looks between Tsukishima-san and Me. "O-Oi, Hikaru, are you really not mad because of what he said?" he asked, worried.

I shook my head immediately as a response. Yama-chan's room is on the edge of the stairs while our room is at the end of the hallway, so we had to say goodbye to him first.

"Oi, you two, don't fight okay? Tsukki, stop saying mean things to Hikaru" Yama-chan reprimanded him like a mother.

Tsukishima-san rolled his eyes at Yama-chan's comments as if he's heard that line from him a lot. "Furusai Yamaguchi, and just get in already" he spat out.

"Ahehehe, gomen Tsukki. So I'll see you guys later, Tsukki, Hikaru" Yama-chan said and walked inside his class.

"....bye Yama-chan..." I muttered under my breath and started walking again. I wonder how the two of them got close? Tsukishima-san doesn't seem so approachable.

"That nickname is lame" the blonde spoke beside me suddenly. I looked at him, confused of why did he had to say that.

That's when something came to mind, ".....n-ne Tsukishima-san, are saying that because you also want to be called like that.....?"

His eyes widened, mouth slightly parting in shock, clearly dumbfounded of my question. Oh. So he can make a face like that too huh?


"...should I call you Tsukki-chan from now on....?" says me again, in a whispering voice.

"Urusai busu(ugly), you're better off shutting your mouth" with a death glare, he grumbled and walked ahead. I shrugged the thought of and followed him silently from behind.

He kept giving me side looks, glares rather. Looks like I pissed him off. I didn't mean to do, the way he commented earlier really sounded like he wants me to call him that too.

But seriously, if glares could kill people, then I'd be dead by now. The way he does that is quite scary.