
Unscientific Scientist From Sunagakure

This story is also called "Naruto : Since My Village Is On The Verge Of Bankruptcy, I Dug Out Some Oil". "Gaara, come on!" "If you dig out oil, Sunagakure will prosper." Gaara was puzzled. He was indignant. "Teacher Mukaze, shouldn't hard work mean training hard as well? You always ask me to dig in the sand. What kind of oil is there to help me train?" "Scientifically speaking, digging in the sand is a very good exercise." "Just dig hard, everything will be fine." “Once oil is dug, everyone in our Sunagakure will be able to wear a clean white cloth on their heads, and I will be the richest person in the world." Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/MiraiWorld

nyawdao3 · Anime & Comics
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122 Chs

You are the unscientific ninja tool master of Sunagakure

Mukaze's cold and murderous aura rushed toward her face, making Rasa extremely nervous.

His face tightened beneath his veil.

His face was ashen.

He knew exactly what kind of person Mukaze was.

Don't look at him thinking he's smiling all day long, like a friendly businessman who makes money.

In fact, he was definitely ruthless in his attacks.

The death of the ninja who came to invade the village three years ago was terrifying even after having experienced countless battles.

Rasa: "Then... give it a try."

He couldn't lose the Kazekage's face either.

Mukaze smiled.

"Don't be nervous, if I wanted you to do it already.

"I will make you agree to this willingly."

Rasa: "Impossible, I will never agree."

Mukaze sneered.

"The village is in financial difficulty now, and I'm afraid it's almost impossible to untie the pot."

Rasa snorted softly.

You are asking knowingly.

Mukaze: "I have scientific methods to improve the village's financial situation in a short period of time. If I do it, I hope you can agree to cooperate."

Rasa sneered: "You don't want to hand over your dust gold, do you? Is such a simple method your science?"

"no no."

Mukaze shook his head repeatedly.

"I will use scientific methods to save the village's financial crisis."

Rasa didn't believe Mukaze.

"Let's wait until you do it."

"When I do it, I hope you can cooperate with me."

Mukaze's eyes flashed fiercely.

"If you don't cooperate, I don't mind taking measures to take the Kazekage's position."

Rasa clenched his fists.

When I defeat Konoha, I will definitely come back to deal with you.


Mukaze, who walked to the door, suddenly turned around.


Rasa was nervous.

"what else?"

Mukaze looked at Rasa.

He want to remind Rasa not to play with fire.

"I'm going out of the village for a while."

"You remember not to send people to deal with Gaara again and don't even think about attacking Gaara."

"He's a human being, not your war machine."

"If I come back and find something wrong, I will still make trouble for you."

Rasa's fists clattered.

Sunagakure at night.

The temperature is completely different from that during the day.

Low temperatures as low as freezing.

So not many people come out at night.

The streets were deserted.

Gaara, carrying a big gourd on his back, sat alone on the ridge of the roof, looking at the moon.

Mukaze flashed beside him with a whoosh.

"Why aren't you sleeping so late?"

"Is Shukaku nagging in your ear again?"

Because Shukaku kept nagging him day and night, Gaara suffered from severe insomnia since he was a child.

After Mukaze's strength increased beyond the Kage level, he took care of Shukaku a few times.

Shukaku also promised not to harass Gaara.

"I will get along well with Gaara, don't hit me anymore."

Only then did Mukaze let it go.

Gaara shook his head.

"No, I'm just used to it."

"Teacher Mukaze, is the oil you mentioned really useful?"

Mukaze nodded proudly.

"Of course, with oil, as long as we make good use of it, Sunagakure can become the richest and most powerful village in the ninja world."

Mukaze saw that the expression on Gaara's face didn't change at all.

"You don't seem interested in this," he asked.

Gaara has been treated as a monster by the villagers since he was a child, and the uncle who loved him the most came to kill him. From that moment on, he closed his heart.

He had no feelings for the village or its people.

Gaara: "If it is what the teacher wants, I will support it."

Mukaze was the only one in the village who was always kind to him.

Mukaze touched his head.

"Well, at least you have a goal in life."

"When you meet more different people in the future, you may have new goals in life."

"Teacher, I want to leave the village."

Do something, the Chuunin exams are in two months, you must remember to practice at all times. Gaara agreed sensibly: "Yes." "


Half a month later.

The country of waves.

On top of the unfinished sea-crossing bridge.

The businessman Gato led a large group of men to block one end of the bridge.

at this time.

The battle between Team 7 and Momochi Zabuza is coming to an end.

Death in vain.

Sakura hugged Sasuke's "corpse" and cried bitterly.

Uzumaki Naruto was filled with grief.

Momochi Zabuza and Kakashi fought until they're both exhausted.

Kakashi's chakra is exhausted.

Mochi Zabuza's arms were disabled.

They all looked at Gato.

Gato walked up with a sly smile.

"It's great, just as I planned."

When he passed Haku's body, he kicked him several times.

Damn ninja dared to break his arm.

Uzumaki Naruto, Kakashi and others were filled with indignation when Gato insulted the corpse.

Gato: "You are all useless. Now let me kill you all and save my commission. I can also occupy the country of waves." 

Uzumaki Naruto opened his mouth and screamed, Zabuza burst into tears.

He was going to ask Naruto to borrow a kunai.

Even if I don't have hands, I will kill you with my mouth to avenge Haku.


A dark shadow appeared above the sky.

He swooped towards the bridge quickly.

Clang clang clang.

Everyone present had kunai in their hands, and their swords were shaking and making sounds.

The steel bridge also shook slightly.

A dazzling light flashed.

Mukaze appeared in the open space between Gato and Zabuza.

"Fortunately, fortunately i came in time."

Everyone looked at this man in surprise, who was wearing a Sunagakure forehead protector on his forehead and a white cloth wrapped around his hair.

Kakashi thought of the village's records about ninjas from various countries.

he exclaimed.

"You are the unscientific ninja tool master of Sunagakure."


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