
Unscientific Scientist From Sunagakure

This story is also called "Naruto : Since My Village Is On The Verge Of Bankruptcy, I Dug Out Some Oil". "Gaara, come on!" "If you dig out oil, Sunagakure will prosper." Gaara was puzzled. He was indignant. "Teacher Mukaze, shouldn't hard work mean training hard as well? You always ask me to dig in the sand. What kind of oil is there to help me train?" "Scientifically speaking, digging in the sand is a very good exercise." "Just dig hard, everything will be fine." “Once oil is dug, everyone in our Sunagakure will be able to wear a clean white cloth on their heads, and I will be the richest person in the world." Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/MiraiWorld

nyawdao3 · Anime & Comics
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122 Chs

True Ten Thousand Machines

Mukaze's pretentious words and behavior directly confused Roshi.

As soon as he came up, he said he was going to make a bigger move.

Also warned.

You must not die.

Roshi asked himself that in the decades of walking ninjas, he had never seen or even heard of such a person.

He watched in shock as Mukaze took off into the sky.

The four-tailed Sun Wukong in his body bared his teeth.

"Roshi, how dare this man talk? Fuck him."

"Now is the time to give him the Burning River Rock Technique."

Roshi is more stubborn.

He disdained sneak attacks.

Mukaze dared to take off in front of him.

How could he open his mouth and make a sneak attack?

I don't do anything without martial ethics.

"Hmph, Four Tails, I want to see what big move he has."

The ten thousand troops behind Roshi also looked up at Mukaze who was taking off.

They looked at Mukaze blankly.

What is he going to do? !

Gaara and Sasuke both sat up straight in the car.



They learned from Yakushi Kabuto that the scientific consultant had made a set of puppets for Mukaze that were said to be very awesome.

It is said that it is different from ordinary puppets.

Casting it requires a huge amount of space.

Could it be that Kazekage-sama is preparing to put in a new ninja tool? !

Inuzuka Kiba, Aburame Shino, and Hyuga Hinata were also afraid to look at Mukaze's back.

As for Yuhi Kurenai, she is still immersed in the beautiful singing and loops endlessly.

Mukaze stood steadily at an altitude of 300 meters.

He looked down at the ninja army at his feet.

The sun is like a ring behind.

He took out a loudspeaker.

"Hey, hey."

"Everyone who is fighting against the Sand Ninja, please use your strongest defense methods."

"If you don't have any means of defense, just run away."

"Don't blame me if you die later."

"Of course, if you are not dead, remember to go to the Ninja World United Company of Suna Ninja to buy ninja tools from now on."

The ninjas at Mukaze's feet got confused.

What is the Kazekage talking about.

Did we hear it right?

Why don't we go to you to buy ninja tools if we didn't die?

 Are you kidding me.

"Asshole! Mukaze!"

"Get down here."

"It's amazing how you can fly."

"Shoot him with a kunai."

. . .

The ninjas cursed.

Others are ready to take out the ninja tool for Mukaze.

Among the many ninjas, Kakuzu's eyes flashed.

He pulled out his shuriken.


Young people are too arrogant.

Only flew 300 meters high.

Who do you look down upon?

You don't know that my shuriken skills started at eight hundred miles.

I'll strike right through you.

Before they could take action.

There was a sound of thunder in the sky above.

Mukaze clasped his hands together.

"True Ten Thousand Machines!"

His eyes looked down at his feet.

Bang bang bang.

The bangs came one after another.

The sky seemed to be obscured by summoned smoke.

After the smoke,

The scene in the sky shocked everyone on the ground.

They stared blankly at Mukaze above their heads.

It was a scene that simply couldn't be described in words.

They saw countless eyes about the size of a washbasin, with white shells and red pupils, with Mukaze as the center.

Densely floating in the air.

Mukaze was suspended among these ten thousand eyes.

Like a god.

Looking down at all living beings.

Regardless of combat effectiveness.

There are ten thousand red and cold eyes in the sky looking at you.

They even block the sunlight from the sky.

Casting a deep shadow over you.

It's scary for everyone.

This horrific scene reminded Kakuzu of that man.

Senju Hashirama.

True Thousand Hands.

Senju Hashirama has a thousand hands.

Mukaze has ten thousand eyes.

Mukaze actually only has 3,000 drone ninja tools made by Orochimaru. 

The remaining seven thousand or so are all his electromagnetic projection clones.

I wonder if Orochimaru has some obsession with the Sharingan.

He made the drone into an oval eye shape.

Inside the eye are natural engines and electromagnetic control elements.

On both sides of the corners of the eyes are spaces for ninja scrolls.

During combat, the natural engine stimulates energy, and the scroll flows through the center of the eye pupil. The activated scroll shoots the ninja tool out of the red eye pupil, and the ninja tool is also equipped with natural energy.

It looks a bit like the Eye of Sauron.

Name: Natural Eye.

The true Ten Thousand Machines has made everyone below numb.

Son Goku asked Roshi: "What is this?"

Roshi: "I don't know, but it's definitely not simple. Lend me your chakra."

The four-tailed Son Goku lent his chakra to Roshi.

An orange-red dinosaur-like tail grows from behind his butt.

He needs to be ready.

Maybe Kazekage really wasn't joking just now.

The experienced ninjas in the ninja army also began to prepare defensive ninjutsu. 

Kazekage created such a terrifying formation.

Probably not playing.

Mukaze smiled slightly.

"I'm going to start."


"Wish ya'll good luck."

Mukaze opened his mouth.

Countless ninjutsu were used below.

"Molten Granite."

"Water escape. Water formation wall."

"Earth Escape·Earth Flow Wall."

"Earth Escape: City Wall."

. . .

. . .

Red, yellow, white and other various flashes.

It was very lively for a while.

Mukaze has already given fair warning.

If you don't know what's gonna happen.

Then don't blame others even if you die.

Ninjas have various ninjutsu defenses.

The poor ones are those wandering warriors, bandits and robbers.

Apart from their armor and shields, they had no defense.

They looked at Ninja and Mukaze stupidly.

"Then it's time."


"Resist it!"

"True Ten Thousands Machine!"



The sky roared.

Thunder is roaring.

The shining light blocks out the sunlight.

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