
Unscientific Scientist From Sunagakure

This story is also called "Naruto : Since My Village Is On The Verge Of Bankruptcy, I Dug Out Some Oil". "Gaara, come on!" "If you dig out oil, Sunagakure will prosper." Gaara was puzzled. He was indignant. "Teacher Mukaze, shouldn't hard work mean training hard as well? You always ask me to dig in the sand. What kind of oil is there to help me train?" "Scientifically speaking, digging in the sand is a very good exercise." "Just dig hard, everything will be fine." “Once oil is dug, everyone in our Sunagakure will be able to wear a clean white cloth on their heads, and I will be the richest person in the world." Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/MiraiWorld

nyawdao3 · Anime & Comics
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123 Chs

Economic Development Is The Right Path

Mukaze comes in.

Rasa saw a ball of red hot iron floating in his palm.

He felt strange.

"Mukaze, what are you doing again?"

Mukaze pulled up the molten iron in his palm and motioned to Rasa to take a look.

"I told you, I would solve the village's financial problems."

"Now I've solved it."


Rasa used the Magnetic Escape Chakra to feel the molten iron.

He immediately became angry.

"Mukaze, don't talk nonsense here. I have been indulging you for the sake of the third generation. Now you are teasing me with an ordinary molten iron. Don't think that I would not deal with you."

Mukaze snorted and raised the molten iron again.

"Rasa, your eyes are too dim, can't you see how unique it is?"

Rasa was stunned.

Mukaze's eyes were serious and his expression was serious, as if he was not fooling him.

He carefully examined the molten iron in Mukaze's palm again.

There is something special indeed.

The quality is better than ordinary molten iron.

But so what?

Rasa shouted: "Even if the quality of the molten iron in your palm is better, it has nothing to do with the village's financial crisis."

Mukaze sneered: "Let me emphasize to you, the most important thing about this molten iron is that it is produced by me. Do you understand what I mean?"


Rasa was stunned and widened his eyes.

"Did you rob the daimyo's mine?"

Mukaze said proudly: "What's a mine? I'm more advanced than the mine."

Mukaze briefly told about his Sandworm Chain Iron Factory and his future plans.

Rasa felt a little confused and lowered his head to think.

Mukaze told Rasa about his needs.

"Now I need to build a power plant, build a factory, put in place an assembly line, and catch more sandworms to expand raw materials. So I hope the village can provide me with manpower support."

"In the early stage, I need 200 people to put into production, and more than 100 people to train."

"After training, they will become the salesperson who will be sent to various places in the ninja world in the future. I believe that my ninja tool is extremely competitive and can gain a place in the markets of other countries besides the Kingdom of Wind."

"The ninja tool assembly line can be built tomorrow, standardized ninja tools can be mass-produced, and we can sell them right away."

"If all goes well, the village's financial situation can be improved immediately."

"As production capacity expands and the market expands, the village will become richer and richer."


Rasa shouted loudly.

Mukaze's words sounded like a bunch of meaningless nonsense to him.

"You're just imagining things."

Mukaze's eyes turned cold.

The hot molten iron in the palm lost its temperature and turned into a pile of iron slag.

"Rasa, what do you say again?"

Rasa stared at Mukaze as warily as a cat.

He couldn't show weakness.

He still assumed the Kazekage posture.

"Hmph, the ninja world is a world that relies on force. Without force, you can guarantee that your business will not leave the Kingdom of Wind."

"No, you can't even leave the Sunagakure."

Mukaze looked like he were an idiot.

"Are you kidding me?"

"How can I not understand such a simple truth?"

"If I didn't have force, I'm afraid you would have snatched away all my dust gold."

Rasa remained silent.

He once failed to negotiate and wanted to suppress it with force but was defeated by Mukaze.

He also had no intention of using force to Mukaze.

This is also the reason why Mukaze waited until his strength reached the movie level before opening a store.

He knew very well that the ninja world was a cruel world where strength was valued.

If I wasn't strong enough, how could I dare to open a store out of the village?

Rasa was humiliated by Mukaze and became angry.

"So what if you have strength?"

"What if your kunai and shuriken are of good quality and can dominate the market?"

"For Ninja Village, this is a bit of a surprise

Intention is not important. "

"The important thing is to defeat your opponent. As long as you defeat your opponent, you can have as much money as you want."

"So instead of throwing ninjas into this boring business, let's do something more important."

The corners of Mukaze's mouth turned up, revealing a sarcastic smile.

"The more important thing is to defeat Konoha."

Rasa was stunned.

His heart skipped a beat.

Could it be that Mukaze knew about his conspiracy?

"After defeating Konoha, then attack Kirigakure Village. After defeating Kirigakure Village, then attack Iwagakure Village. After defeating Iwagakure Village, then attack Kumogakure Village. After defeating the other four major ninja villages, do you think Sunagakure Village will be the best? Become number one in the ninja world ?"


Rasa snorted heavily.

Mukaze shook his head.

"You are still too naive and too simple."

"Not to mention the respective backgrounds of the four major ninja villages, there are other villages besides the five major ninja villages, and the organizations also have considerable strength. Can the Sunagakure ensure their suppression?"

Rasa's complexion gradually turned pale.

"As the bottom of the five great ninja villages, Sunagakure is not very strong."

"If you want to be strong, you should not follow the route of military adventure but the principle of development."

"Just relying on defeating others to become strong has no future and is unscientific."

"A careerist in the ninja world has endless enemies, and you can never defeat them all."

Rasa said angrily: "Can your kunai and shuriken can make the village strong?"

Mukaze nodded heavily.


"Developing the economy is the right path."

"The biggest reason why Sunagakure ranks at the bottom of the five major villages is that the village's economy is backward and the environment is harsh, so it is unattractive to ninjas and ninja families."

Without people, especially the ninja family with special abilities, the village has no hope of becoming strong.

Only by making Sunagakure rich can we attract a large number of ninjas even with high wages.

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