
I'm Not Interested in Research

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

In the insect research institute in Shanghai.

A beautiful woman in a research suit looked at the photo on the cell phone in a daze, wondering if her eyes were broken.


Didn't they just transport the Green Silkworm today?!

That was it?

How could it be so fast!

"Are you sure you're not kidding???" Legend Hua asked.

A moment later, Shi Yu sent some more information about the green cocoon.

"The racial level should still be low-level transcendent. What I can roughly confirm now is that the birth of the green worm cocoon is related to the two skills Absolute Sleep and super vision."

Shi Yu looked at the evolution plan list concluded by Baby Ginseng and fell into deep thought.

The evolution materials used by this green cocoon included universal teaching materials for absolute sleep and super vision.

There were no teaching materials for Psychic power.

So, why did it awaken its psychic power?