
Unruly Pet

Humans and werewolves are often nothing more than slaves to the vampires, "pets". Hybrid Fall is far from a perfect pet. Unwilling to give in she becomes violent, not anywhere close to the docile little thing she should be. She seems to be the only one fighting the injustice of the world, but one person, especially a slave, could never overthrow the government on their own... After years of anger and pain she meets her new owner, Derik, who has ideas suprisingly simmilar to her own. But can she overcome everything that happened to her with support, could that ever be enough? Would Derik even be willing to help her, or will he treat her how almost every vampire ever has? HUGE TRIGGER WARNINGS: this story deals with repeated and sometimes detailed elements of violence/assult, death and murder, slavery, fantasy racism, torture, gore, mental health issues, undetailed offscreen suicide, undetailed sexual assult and mentions of rape

Mythelia_Witrea · Teen
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

First Laws

"How should we get started?" Adam steered us back on track from being distracted and giddy.

"We'll need some way of telling everyone the rules we are planning before enforcing them. If no one knows the rules the public will have more footing to resist us," I stated.

"Well how should we do that?" Derik leaned on the table as he talked looking comfortable.

"Probably a website, with all the laws we are making as we're making them. If the Regional puts a public service announcement about the website up no one will be able to argue that they had no way of knowing," I replied smoothly.

Adam and Blake gave small nods of approval motioning us to continue.

"We need to get a website up with ways of contacting us and the new rules. It'd probably be best to prioritize instead of expecting it to happen overnight. And a date at which the rules will be official instead of just expecting them to get it together in a day would be smart," I voiced.

"You guys know what it's like as a pet, what do you think we should start with?" Adam looked at me and Blake and I motioned for her to start encouragingly.

"Well...I hated shock collars and burning the most. Starving too, but you get used to that so it can wait," I nodded in agreement at Blake's statement before seeing Adam and Derik's horrified expressions.

"They did that to you?" Adam asked with wide eyes.

"They're both pretty common punishments, right after whipping," I said in a slightly confused voice. "Oh, and I think we should make it so you can't push yourself onto a pet or slave, no bribing for that either. It should just be illegal."

"Yeah, I always feel so bad for those girls. I think those are the things we need to get rid of first," Blake sounded like it was a normal conversation but Derik and Adam had both tensed up.

Derik had moved me to sit on his lap with his arms tightly wrapped around me like someone might try to take me away from him. Blake was also now seated much closer to Adam than before.

Despite my best efforts a small purr sounded around me and Blake looked at me surprised.

"You do that too?" I tried not to smirk at Adam from her innocent question.

"Yes, hybrids and vampires both purr when they are really happy or feeding. Sometimes we don't even realize it." I smiled trying to hide my smug expression from her.

When I looked at Derik he'd hid his face behind me to hide his expression.

"One more thing, pets should have access to medical care. And where they have to get it would need to be monitored so people can't just say they took their pets to the doctor for them to not get any help." I looked at Derik and Adam since I couldn't handle this part on my own.

"We can start a clinic specifically for pets in each state, that way we know the doctors are trustworthy and say people have to take their pets there every so often. I'm not sure how often though, you'd probably be a better judge of that," Derik suggested.

"That's a good idea, I'd say pets would have to be taken there every month until their owners prove, after say four visits, that they are treating them right. Probably anytime an infection or broken bone are suspected as well." I nodded to myself as I talked.

"Well now we know our first four rules, but how are we enforcing them? We need some kind of incentive for following the rules," Adam pointed out.

"Oh, I've got a few ideas they just aren't legal," I muttered. Snickers followed.

"Well what about this? I heard humans used to have courts where punishments for things would be decided. Every time someone broke a rule they would be kept somewhere so they can't run and then go to a court where people decide their punishment based off the severity of what they did and their motive in some cases." I think that might be the most I've ever heard Blake speak.

"It's kinda perfect in a way, the only problem I can think of is the half-moon. When the half moon is up any crimes will have to be forgiven since no one is able to control themselves," I pointed out since it would come up eventually.

"Not necessarily," Adam started. "More violent vampires could be locked up during the half-moon and released when it's over so they don't kill anyone."

"No, even nice vampires bite on the half-moon so we'd have to lock everyone up. There's nothing we can do around the half-moon, even I can't always control myself. Everyone has hurt someone on the half-moon they wish they didn't so it will have to be forgiven."

"I wish we could give everyone safety during the half-moon but we can't," I sighed heavily.

"I have an idea." We all turned expectantly to look at Blake. "Um... what about a way to curb bloodlust during the half moon? Like a potion or if every vampire had a blood bag in their room so they would be less thirsty when they were actually around their humans."

"That would be helpful, I'm not sure where we'd get the blood though. Not to mention it would have to be more appealing than the living blood. So to keep humans safe you'd have to use werewolf blood, for werewolves hybrid. Well and certain blood types are more appealing so if we put something vampires don't like on their humans..." I said nodding.

"What about you then?" Blake asked in a small concerned voice. It was kinda cute.

"Hybrids aren't easy to kill, we're in little to no danger from the half-moon," I explained.

"What if we had some kind of reward program for donating blood?" Adam suggested. "What do humans and werewolves want the most?"

"You know the pet shop we met at?" I waited till he nodded to continue. "That's what we want, decent food, a safe place to stay for a couple days, maybe some new clothing our masters can't take away like they're a privilege."

Derik growled softly behind me and Adam looked pissed. I'm not sure why, we all knew what was happening. Maybe it seemed more real when people you know go through it.

"We'll put it somewhere on the website, flyers too since servants or 'free' werewolves might be interested too," I continued.

"I'll start the website tonight, it should be up by tomorrow." I smiled my approval at Adam.

"Make sure to ask Blake about how to put things, she knows what they'll find a way around and what's starting off with too much." Blake gave me a nod in reply.

"I guess we'll work on getting together the clinics then," Derik stated.

"I want to see how the doctors and nurses treat humans first before we let them have access to what is supposed to be a safe place. And how they deal with aggressive vampires because both are going to be important," I pointed out.

"How do you suggest we do that?"

"A little slow on the uptake, are we?"

"I don't want you around people we don't trust by yourself, besides we need one interviewer, one weak 'human' and one aggressive vampire. We're one short."

"Well in-between updates to the website I won't have anything to do. I can help with interviews as long as you set them up," Adam chimed in.

"I think we have month one of the game plan."

Sorry for the short chapter, had to spilt the chapter up so it wasn't over 5000 words. Length consistency who, lol.

Mythelia_Witreacreators' thoughts