
Chapter 20: Rich

Even though Cairo was far above the ground, no fear can be seen in his face, only excitement was present in it. The sensation of the cool wind hitting one's body was very relaxing and add that to the fantastic view made things perfect

Cairo looked below him and saw an endless world of sands. He was already used to seeing sands but seeing them in this high position made him amazed

The world suddenly turned small for Cairo and he can't wait for the time that he'll be able to fly on his own

Their group pass several towns in the way but they are still far away from the Larton Kingdom

Even without Kira breaking the seal that prevented her from using all of her powers, the General already started traveling to meet her

Blood Sand Town is in a remote location and it will take some time for them to arrive at the Larton Kingdom

Nighttime arrived and their group decided to rest in one of the cities on the way

The city was entirely different from Blood Sand Town as the economy there was quite good and its citizens are prospering. There are also a lot of merchant and visitors that stayed in the town

Also, unlike the Town where Cairo came from, this city knows general knowledge about the world. Seeing the griffin and the emblems in the guards' armors caused the people to treat them with the highest respect

The size of this territory also have enough space to hold more than ten griffins and landing did not become a problem for them

Cairo's curious eyes turned to look around him. He felt as if he entered a completely different world

Unlike the simple houses in his home town, this city has tons of tall buildings made from various materials. The architectural design was too modern compared to the outdated ones that Blood Sand Town have

"Larton Kingdom has more attractions and interesting places but do you want to stroll around the city?" Kira asked and Cairo's interest was immediately piqued

"Princess, it wouldn't be good if you stroll in crowded places. Enemies might recognize and attack you" The General reminded out of goodwill but Kira just looked at him with a frown

"Don't think that you can dictate my life. I know very well how much the Kingdom needs my existence" Kira's words immediately shut the General's mouth. All the Nobles and even the Generals can die, the only person the Kingdom needs to be alive is Kira!

"Let's go" Kira said before holding Cairo's wrist and they starts a 'sight seeing session'

Kira as indifferent to the things the town has but seeing Cairo's interest in the place made her happy

After some time, Kira was about to pull Cairo into a shop that sells clothes but the kid was looking at a certain store

Kira read the shop's name and bitterness spread to her body again. Cairo was currently looking at a weapon shop. Everything that will make Cairo stronger always took away all of his attention

"There are stronger weapons back at the Kingdom's Capital but if you want, I can buy you some weapons from here"

Cairo started contemplating. He is still thin-skinned, it might be a waste if he was given a weapon today when Kira is going to give him stronger ones. However, he still wants to have a strong weapon in his hand

The General and the other mages are strong but Cairo wants to have a power he can call his own and a strong weapon can help him with that

Seeing Cairo's reactions, Kira just pulled him towards the weapon shop. Since she is going to be a Queen, it wouldn't be a problem for her to buy a weapon shop much less a few weapons

When the two entered the shop, they saw that there are quite a lot of people inside. The weapons are placed in different places. Some are hanging in the walls and some are on a large table covered with glass

As the General was worried for the future Queen's well being, he followed behind them silently without saying any word

The General's appearance and clothing were quite striking and the people in the shop noticed him. They immediately moved to the side to prevent themselves from irritating such a huge figure

The shop's manager was immediately notified by the appearance of such a powerful person and went to accommodate the special people

"H-Hello, h-how may I help our esteemed guest?" The manager asked with a shaking voice as cold sweats dripped down his body

"Show us the strongest weapons you have that a Rank 2 Acolytes can use" Kira answered in a casual manner. She won't be disrespectful to normal people without any reason

"A-absolutely, please follow me to a VIP room, we'll show you the best items our shop have" Kira nodded her head and followed the manager

It would be better if they can shop silently without random people looking at them with fear

As soon as their group entered the VIP room and sat on a soft sofa, the shop's staffs immediately went to serve them warm tea

A wave of mana spread from the General's hand as he checked the tea for any poison. Kira just let him be before giving Cairo one of the teacups

The kid never had something like this before and he took a sip before an ugly expression formed on his face. "Bleeh, so bitter!" Cairo complained that made the staff's faces to pale

"W-we're very sorry! W-we'll change the drinks immediately!"

Kira just chuckled at Cairo's reactions and shooks her head. "It's fine, that won't be necessary. Just give him some candy or something"

The staffs scrambled away to bring as many candies as they can and gave it to Cairo

Cairo never had candies before and he looked at it cautiously. The tea tastes bitter and he was skeptical about this candy thing

"Try it, it's good I promise" Kira reassured and Cairo put one of the candies into his mouth

The kid's eyes widened in shock as he can taste the sweetness on his tongue and he enjoyed it a lot

Kira just smiled at watching his innocent reactions

After some time, the shop manager entered the VIP room with some staffs carrying various things in their hand that they put into a large table

"E-Esteemed guesses, these are all the strongest items we have that Rank 2 Acolytes can use. And this one is the most special and precious one" The Manager said and placed the item in his hand in the table

It was a ring that has a brown stone in it. On top of the stone was an ancient-looking rune. "This ring was discovered in an ancient ruins. It has the ability to automatically defend the user from any fatal attacks by using the sands around the host"

"The ring also contained a sword inside that is extremely sharp and it increases the user's sand magic abilities"

Hearing the brief description of the ring already gained Cairo's attention and he looks at Kira with hopeful eyes. He doesn't know how exactly expensive the sword was but Cairo wants to have such an amazing thing

As Kira is rich, she didn't even mind asking for the price and directly bought it while looking at the other items on the table

The manager gave brief explanations on the other items too and Kira judged what would be good for Cairo

However, in the end, Kira just bought all the items. Cairo's eyes will lit up every time an item was explained to him. Kira felt that Cairo might become sad if he didn't take possession of all the items

From being poor, Cairo suddenly becomes a rich and spoiled kid. Everything he wants was bought by Kira that didn't bother asking for the price

The three exited the weapon shop with the manager having smiles on his face. Well, why wouldn't he? He had the biggest sale in his whole life today!

"Are you tired, do you want to continue strolling?" Kira asked in concern. "I want to train using my weapons" Cairo replied and Kira felt bitter again

"Can't you do that tomorrow?" Kira asked hopefully but to her disappointment, Cairo shook his head. "I want to be strong"

Without a choice, they searched for a training area and Cairo excitedly trained with the unmoving dummies

The ring in Cairo's finger glowed with a brown light and an all-black sword appeared in his hand. To Cairo's shock, he can't even feel the sword's weight as if it wasn't in his hand in the first place

After admiring the sword for a while, Cairo charged at the target dummies and slashed his sword in it. The dummy was immediately cut in half in an effortless manner and its body fell to the ground

Cairo continued and slashed om the other dummies while marveling at the sword's sharpness

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