
Unrelenting Hate

You know the feeling of falling asleep, the haziness, and the chill down your spine when you realize your in a dream? That's where we start.

I jumped off a carriage in Egypt. I had to keep low, and find an entrance to the museum, it wasn't far off from here. I heard the people speak

of valuable artifacts. Ranging from guns,swords, and crystals. I went up the ally, and opened the door. The smell was the first thing I noticed, from the manure filled streets, to possibly the most beautiful building I've been in my whole life. Columns we're lined out, with statues and display cases in between them. I went up and down each aisle looking for a specific stone. I found Mummies, bugs, and snake skins, no stones at all. I ran out the front door, and started running to the pyramids. Yelling her name over and over. "Camora! Camora!." Out of breathe, my running turn into a slow walk, still muttering her name. I fell to the sandy ground dehydrated, reached the ground and found the stone I was looking for. "Camora?" The stone sprung to life, into a lightning bug.