

"I... lost didn't I?" Came the small trembling voice from the small trembling girl. This had Cains head tilt to the side. "Yes you did." Once one tear streamed down her cheek, Cains finger lifts to catch it only to withdraw it once he watched it slide down her eye and down her tinted cheeks. "My my..." murmured his smooth and dark voice as he finally caught the tear in his hand. His eye had a silver of mirth in them. "What pretty tears you have..." ------------- Anastasia Thorne has been part of illegal underground fighting ever since she was found in the streets in the night. Alone and abandoned with a bleeding head. She fights for the million dollar prize and to use to restore her lost memories, and to repay all those who would help her. However what if a lonely Prince of Envy wins it all instead? A lonely prince who unlike the oblivious girl remembered everything? What would happen if he took it upon himself to bring her under his one watchful eye within the most lavish of skyscrapers which ever reached to the skies in all of Asia? "This place is dangerous from all sides, youngling" He reveals and Ana decided to ignore the nickname. She peered up at him like a lost child who had finally found a branch of guidance. "Above, below, left or right-" He looked at her, "-and center." "But among all other things... Welcome to Abel"

Makayla_Xxxx · Fantasy
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||I N T R O D U C T I O N||

||I N T R O D U C T I O N||

He is tired.

I say to you now as I admit that I am guilty.

I had loathed him since the since the day I first held him in my arms due to his father's sin. I had blamed him because I could not blame anyone else, and my cruel blame had driven him away from his brothers.

He became untouchable.

He committed an unspeakable sin as a child, a sin which led him to be a victim to a misprision that I had created. Then only realizing that he was innocent the night I died, and the truth was already too late to reveal to the glimmer of the light.

And alas, his fate was sealed.

He was misunderstood in all the eons since that accident had befell and since the misprision had fallen on his head. He had become unloved since birth and feared as a child.

He whom is seen as dark, brooding and evil is not any of those things.

He is not a monster, but a witness, a victim and a villain all at the same time, and I am guilty since I was who had granted him this suffering, and loathe that he did not deserve. I was the one who started his tragedy had loathed him so deeply because he differed from the rest of my sons.

The son who not my mother had broken,

but me.

Lady Amara.

Queen of France.

Wife of Daivat Medici.

Mother of the seven cursed boys, and the daughter of the Lady of the Moon had destroyed my sons life.

My Cain.

Or in fact... the son who was never mine.

"Mama it was not me-" He cried as blood stained his pale hands.

The mother stood in shock at the sight before her. There Cain stood his hands filled with blood of the name who shall be forgotten and hidden for all eternity lays dead before him.

"You... you..." The mother could not even comprehend what her son has done.

He had committed the greatest sin.

He shook his head rapidly as his eyes so dark... so black reflected his mothers face as she stared at him in horror, disgust and disappointment. Tears glazed at the young boys eyes "Mama-"

"How dare you!"

"Mama it isn't as it looks I swear it!"

"Stay back! Stay back I warn you!" She snarled.

Still the young boy did not listen. He rushed over to his mother seeking for her comfort but before he could have so much as touched her, claws ripped out of the womans dainty skin and the sharp blades pared the boys left eye.

He lifts his head up as tears fell down his right eye in betrayal as the left turned completely blind... dark veins paint down and around the wound.

It bled with the blood of his fate for all eternity.

He wears the crown of his curse for the rest of his life as he had become the first monster of all his brothers.

He did not need his mothers death to turn into a beast.

Nor did he need the curse of the Lady of the Moon for he was always corrupted since that day.

That was the day he was crowned as the Prince of Envy.

Envious of all the love he did not receive as a child, envious of the freedom of the living and envious to all that rest in peace underground.

Living day after passing day all alone in lonely, and timeless immortality.

For he was nothing but an abandoned beast who had created the tallest tower of all of Asia then named it the very being of his Tragedy.


A hand grasps a girls chin. Her skin matted with blood, eyes wet with tears.

"Fall into oblivion with me... sweet child..."

May you hear the tale of Cain.

The loneliest tale to have ever been told.

Hello my dearest humans.

Welcome to the THIRD book of the Medici Tales.

Now you guys know the drill.

This book is DARK.

Dark meaning absolutely no:

"OmG wiLL yOu mARrY mE" Moments

'SiMPLe nO aBusE' Moments

Or any basic lovey dovey moments

Yup none of those here.

The type of moments you WILL have tho are:

"This Motherfu-" moments

*throws phone and cries* moments

and most importantly "This dumb bit-" moments

If you don't like books that squeeze and ruin your heart (because honestly the amount of ANGST in this book is surreal) then PLEASE REMOVE THIS BOOK FROM UR LIBRARY FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY.

I'm not kidding my dudes. This book is called "the loneliest tale ever been told" for a reason.


I am known as the not so merciful author ever

(Or merciful at all but we don't talk about that-)

But I welcome you all for yet another dark Tale.

Now without further a do, ENJOY!

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