
Unrealistic Warfare

Ethan Turner, a teenage boy who had awoken from a Two Year Coma into a world of Monsters and dungeons. Somehow wakes up with a hidden weapon with a multitude of secrets, so now he has to face against the secrets of society as well as face off against Mythical Threats That Roam The Earth, All while finding out he is Half human - Half Vampire...

TheM337 · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 9: Sword Is Key

The Queen's revelation hung heavy in the air like an impossible truth I couldn't bring myself to accept. She claimed to be my mother, the vampire queen, and her words had shattered my understanding of the world. My mind swirled with disbelief and confusion, unable to reconcile the image of the formidable queen before me with the mother I had never known.

"I don't believe you," I muttered, my voice trembling. "This can't be real. Vampires, monsters, dungeons, they didn't exist until a couple of years ago."

The Queen regarded me with a mixture of sadness and understanding. "Ethan, the truth is far more complex than you realize. Mythical beings, vampires included, have existed long before your awakening from the coma. They have remained hidden from the surface world, concealed beneath the Earth's crust, near its core."

Her words defied reason, challenging the very foundations of my understanding. I shook my head in denial, unable to accept the idea that an entire realm of mythical beings had existed beneath our feet, hidden from human knowledge.

"But how is that possible?" I asked, my voice filled with incredulity. "Why did they suddenly emerge?"

The Queen's gaze remained fixed on me, her eyes filled with a melancholic wisdom. "The balance between our worlds was disrupted," she explained. "A cataclysmic event near the Earth's core ruptured the barriers that separated our realms. It allowed the creatures from the dungeons to flood into your world."

I struggled to process her words, my mind grappling with the enormity of what she was saying. It was as if the foundations of reality themselves had shifted, and I was left adrift in a world that had become increasingly surreal.

"Then why did you reveal yourself now?" I asked, my skepticism still present. "Why not before?"

The Queen's expression grew somber. "The balance must be restored, Ethan, and I need your help to do it. The dagger you possess is the key, a powerful artifact that can mend the rift between our worlds. It was stolen from us, and now it must be returned."

As her words sank in, I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of unease. The destiny she spoke of, the responsibility she placed on my shoulders, it was overwhelming. But if there was a chance to undo the chaos that had been unleashed, to restore the balance between our worlds, I couldn't turn away from it.

"What do I need to do?" I asked, my voice resolute despite my uncertainty.

The Queen's crimson eyes softened, and she extended a hand toward me. "You must embark on a journey to the heart of the Earth, to the very core itself. There, you will find the entrance to the dungeons and the source of the chaos. Only by returning the dagger to its rightful place can the balance be restored."

I hesitated for a moment, my gaze locked with hers. The journey ahead was perilous, filled with unknown dangers and challenges, but I couldn't ignore the truth of my existence any longer. I had a role to play in this otherworldly conflict, a destiny that had been kept hidden from me for far too long.

With a sense of determination, I reached out and placed my hand in hers. "I'll do it," I said, my voice unwavering. "I'll find the entrance to the dungeons, return the dagger, and restore the balance."

The Queen nodded, a hint of pride in her eyes. "You are strong, Ethan Turner. Together, we will mend what has been broken and bring harmony to our worlds once more."

As we prepared to embark on this extraordinary journey to the heart of the Earth, I couldn't help but wonder about the challenges and revelations that lay ahead. My mother, the vampire queen, had revealed the truth of my existence, and now, with the dagger as my guide, I would confront the mysteries of the dungeons and the destiny that awaited me in the depths of the Earth's core.