
Unrealistic Warfare

Ethan Turner, a teenage boy who had awoken from a Two Year Coma into a world of Monsters and dungeons. Somehow wakes up with a hidden weapon with a multitude of secrets, so now he has to face against the secrets of society as well as face off against Mythical Threats That Roam The Earth, All while finding out he is Half human - Half Vampire...

TheM337 · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 6: Attempted Kidnapping

The vampire's crimson eyes bore into mine, his demand hanging heavily in the air. My mind raced, grappling with the impossible situation I found myself in. I had no memory of how the dagger had come into my possession, and yet, it seemed to be the catalyst for this dangerous encounter.

With each passing second, the tension inside the SUV escalated. Jess's grip on the steering wheel was white-knuckled, and Alex's gaze remained locked on the vampire, her hand subtly inching toward her concealed weapon.

The vampire's patience waned, and with a sudden burst of supernatural strength, he lunged forward, smashing his hand against the back window. The reinforced glass shattered with a deafening crash, shards of glass scattering across the interior of the SUV.

I gasped, my heart pounding as I watched the vampire's hand snake inside, his fingers inches away from my throat. Panic surged through me, and I fumbled to find the dagger that had caused this perilous predicament.

Before the vampire could reach me, Alex sprang into action. She drew her own concealed weapon—a slender silver blade that gleamed ominously in the dim moonlight. With a swift, practiced motion, she lunged toward the vampire, her blade slicing through the air.

The vampire hissed in pain as the silver dagger made contact with his arm, causing his flesh to sizzle and burn. With a snarl, he withdrew his hand, retreating from the shattered window.

But the distraction was only momentary. With blinding speed, he reached in again, this time gripping my shoulder. His inhuman strength was overwhelming, and he began to pull me through the broken window.

I screamed in terror, clutching at anything I could find inside the SUV. Jess fought to maintain control of the vehicle, her focus split between driving and trying to prevent my abduction.

Alex, determined to save me, lunged forward once more, her dagger poised to strike. But the vampire, now fully committed to his attack, proved too fast. With a forceful yank, he managed to pull me free from the SUV's interior.

I dangled in his grip, my heart pounding as I stared into the vampire's malevolent eyes. His fangs glistened in the moonlight as he grinned, savoring his triumph.

But before the vampire could make his escape with me, Jess, her face a mask of determination, swerved the SUV sharply. The sudden motion caught the vampire off guard, and he lost his grip on me. I tumbled to the ground, pain radiating through my body as I landed in a heap.

The SUV screeched to a halt, and Jess and Alex wasted no time. They leaped out of the vehicle, ready to confront the vampire and rescue me from his clutches.

But the vampire had other plans. With a hiss of frustration, he retreated into the shadows, vanishing into the darkness with inhuman speed. It was a supernatural escape that left us all breathless and bewildered.

I struggled to my feet, shaken but alive. The night air was thick with tension, and I realized that we had narrowly escaped a deadly encounter with a creature of the night. The vampire's words echoed in my mind, the dagger, the artifact, it all remained a mystery.