
Unrealistic Warfare

Ethan Turner, a teenage boy who had awoken from a Two Year Coma into a world of Monsters and dungeons. Somehow wakes up with a hidden weapon with a multitude of secrets, so now he has to face against the secrets of society as well as face off against Mythical Threats That Roam The Earth, All while finding out he is Half human - Half Vampire...

TheM337 · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 12: Plan Of Escape

The voice of the dagger continued to resonate within my mind, urging me to trust its warnings and take action. While the prospect of escaping the kingdom of vampires filled me with trepidation, the growing sense of unease and suspicion gnawed at me.

I knew I couldn't simply flee without a plan. The castle was guarded by vampires, and the dangers lurking in this underground world were unknown. I needed a strategy, and the voice of the dagger, which claimed to hold knowledge beyond my own, would be my guide.

I whispered in my mind, addressing the dagger, "Alright, what's our plan?"

The voice responded, its tone resolute. "First, we need information. We must gather intelligence about the layout of the castle, the guard rotations, and the potential escape routes. Knowledge will be our greatest ally."

With that, I decided to explore the castle discreetly, taking note of guard patrols and the layout of the labyrinthine corridors. The vampire elite had abducted me with ease, and I couldn't afford to underestimate them again.

Over the next few days, I meticulously observed the castle's routines, becoming increasingly familiar with its patterns. The dagger provided invaluable insights, helping me identify blind spots and vulnerabilities in the castle's security.

As I gathered information, I also began to discreetly acquire supplies, rations, water, and anything else we might need for the journey ahead. The dagger suggested that I forge a makeshift weapon from a sturdy piece of metal I discovered, and I did so with its guidance. It wasn't as effective as the silver weapons used by the Daggers, but it was better than nothing.

During my preparations, the voice of the dagger guided me in honing my newly awakened vampire abilities. It taught me to move with stealth and grace, to harness my enhanced strength, and to trust my heightened senses. The training was rigorous, and I pushed myself to the limits of my newfound capabilities.

As the days turned into weeks, I felt a growing sense of readiness. The dagger had proven to be an invaluable ally, providing not only guidance but also companionship in this isolated world beneath the Earth's surface.

Finally, the voice within my mind spoke again, "It's time, Ethan. We must make our move."

I nodded, steeling myself for the daring escape that lay ahead. We had a plan, we had prepared, and now it was time to put our knowledge and abilities to the test.

Together, the dagger and I would navigate the treacherous path out of the kingdom of vampires, uncover the mysteries that had been concealed from us, and confront the dangers lurking in the dungeons. The journey ahead was fraught with uncertainty, but with the dagger as my guide and ally, I was determined to face whatever challenges lay in our path.