
Unreal Journey

A long time ago an angel and Demon were madly in but there was a strict policy that angels and demons could not be together so the angel and the demon ran away. To a place called Zion where all was allowed to be free from those rules.Soon after years of dates turned into marriage and now finally babies.One named Heaven and the other Heather. One was an angel (Heaven) the other was a demon (Heather) but after they were born guards found out about Zion and arrested all they tried to take the children away from their mother.In a pit of wrath she made a bomb and turning the guards into ashes but herself she noticed at her side the twins were missing so was her husband and not a trace of them was left behind.

FoxLover0615 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 7: My savior

Heaven's wings come out of her back and she passed out while falling

Heaven's wings are angelic with their white and blue streaks and black tips it's like the opposite of Heather's wings since hers are black with red streaks

Heather's eyes turn red and she grabs Heaven by her arm

"Okay wings let fl-" Heather pauses when her wings hide itself

They are still falling but now there's a higher chance they're gonna die

"Holy crap let's pray that mom and dad save us kay," Heather says and Heaven is still dizzy

Heather then screams in fear terrified

Suddenly Unity comes and saves Heather and Heaven in her Pegasus form and takes them to Rebecca

"You girls could've killed yourself and what happened to Heaven? her wings are still out but she passed out." Unity asks

"Oh my god I'm so thankful you saved us I can't die at least not today. My wings also came out but then went inside my back I don't understand what happened." Heather says confused

Unity lands them back on the rooftop

"Heather said that they both couldn't use their wings which means-" Unity says while turning back to her pegafox form

"Unity there's a possibility that they could be their children they have to be," Rebecca says

"What do you mean there's a possibility? I thought you said you knew who our parents were." Heather says

"I know who your parents are and we have to free them," Rebecca says

"You mean you think you know who they are? For all, we know Lucifer could've led us to them to make it harder for us to free the king." Unity says still kind've annoyed

Heaven opens her eyes slightly

"What happened?" Heaven asks in a groggy voice

"Well turns out Heaven that they don't really know who our parents are instead they brought us here for some stupid prank," Heather says mad

"Heather you don't under-" Rebecca tried reasoning with her but Heather clapped back

"Rebecca just shut your damn mouth you've already done enough I never wanted this life and neither did she. I wanted to be free not be some soldiers you created to protect someone else but myself." Heather says standing up

"Heather is right I only joined because I was told that I would be able to find my real parents not become warriors," Heaven says

"You will possibly find your real parents okay we just need to- " Rebecca tried to talk but Heather interrupted

"Deal with more of your B.S hell no. I may wanna see my biological parents but I sign a waiver that would tell me I would risk my damn life for people we don't even know for sure are our parents." Heathers says popping out her wings

"Wait are you gonna fly away? do you know how to fly?" Unity asks scared for her safety

Heather walks to the edge of the building

"Yeah just risk your life and your emotions will take over." Heather leaning forward falling off the building

"AH HEATHER!!!" Unity then turns to Rebecca

"She just fell off the building and you're okay with this? She could be-" Unity says and sees

Heather with her hands in her pockets flying with black and red wings

"Woah," Heaven said impressed

Heather rolls her eyes

"I can drop you at your house if you want," Heather suggests then sees Heaven's worried face

"Don't worry I'll protect you." Heather reassured her

Heaven grabs Heather's hand and both of their eyes changed color

While Heather's was red Heaven's eyes were baby blue

The two notices the changes among them but rather kept it a secret

"Wait I'm confused why did whatever that was just happen?" Unity asks

"I realized something a little late. The only way their powers will come out is if they have each other." Rebecca says putting her hand on her temples

"What does that mean?" Unity asks with interest

"That means Heather and Heaven needed each other to activate their powers. For example wings, Heather's wings came out because not only did she have trust in herself but was possibly thinking of Heaven while she was falling." Rebecca sighs and looks at Unity who is still confused

"What about their eye colors?" Unity asks trying to understand

"It changed once they held each other's hand which means their power will grow stronger just based on their bond. They need each other to save their parents….They need each other to save the world." Rebecca says and that's what not only made Unity understand but make her gasp