
8- intrigue and Confessions

Raggedly exhaling, Elga placed her arms on both sides of my shoulders to keep me from escaping.

"Phew," she exhaled, her breath warm against my lips, "slurp, heueu. Haeu, how is it, isn't it good? Eung?"

To be honest, Elga's kissing technique was rather inexperienced, like that of a teenage middle school student. Her tongue clumsily flicked back and forth, lacking finesse and skill.

While the sensation was not unpleasant, I preferred a more active role in a kiss rather than just being passive.

Without hesitating, I decided to take control and tried to push my tongue into her mouth.


Elga jumped back in surprise, clearly not expecting my reaction. It seemed she didn't anticipate any resistance from me.

"Wh- who told you to move your tongue? I told you to stay still, didn't I? Do you think it's funny?"

Elga's insecurity towards Aira, the current Queen of Angmar, was evident. She constantly compared herself to Aira and strived to outdo her in every aspect, likely due to an inferiority complex.

Using me, Aira's servant, seemed to be her way of venting this resentment, as she lived in the shadow of the Queen.

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, noticing Elga's restless blue eyes.

Ignoring her momentary insecurity, Elga suddenly pulled something from the deep cleavage of her dress - a small badge or emblem-like object.

"What's that?" I asked, intrigued by the mysterious item.

"It's something from the Barbarians who summoned the demon. It felt a little weird, so I took it. I'm wondering if you know what this is."

As she handed me the badge, it felt warm to the touch, perhaps due to the closeness to her body.

'So even a cold-hearted girl has warm breasts,' I thought with a hint of amusement as I inspected the charred and blood-stained object.

"It looks like a pretty elaborate piece of work, but the burn marks are so bad that it's unrecognizable."

"Don't whine, that's the best one."

Elga's experiences on the battlefield were evident in the lingering burnt and bloody smell emanating from the badge.

The dangerous situations she and her soldiers faced were vividly depicted in the scars on the item.

Although I had never witnessed a battlefield first hand, I could imagine the horrors they had endured.

"Anyway, it's too complex to be crafted by the Kukulzar Barbarians of the Southern jungles. If they had several of these things, I don't think it was just a coincidence."

I considered asking my informant at the Court for more information, but since Elga had beheaded him, it left me in a difficult position.

"I'll find out more about it," I assured her, placing the badge in my pocket.

Elga inquired about her next expedition, assuming I would encourage Aira to send her out again.

However, I suggested she rest and recuperate for the time being, given the lingering tensions in the aftermath of Belmott's execution.

Her presence near the Royal Palace would be advantageous, and I was genuinely relieved that she had returned safely from her recent expedition.

Elga's mood seemed to waver, and she appeared to be considering something as she turned back to the banquet hall.

Before she left, she muttered in a rare moment of vulnerability, "Hey, Tae-oh."

I responded, waiting for her to speak her mind.

"If, a year ago, on Aira's birthday... What if I hadn't taken you to the Court—"

A year ago... I recalled the moment when I had first possessed this character.

The memories were still vivid - waking up in a cage, believing I had been kidnapped, and later realizing that I was inside the novel, 'Villain Hunter.'

Elga quickly dismissed the thought, saying "No," and returned to the banquet hall as if nothing had happened.

"What? That was surprisingly bland," I remarked to myself.

Feeling tired and wanting to escape the awkward situation, I left the Court and headed back to my modest residence in Monarch City.

Despite rumours suggesting otherwise, my home was a simple two-bedroom family home, not a magnificent mansion.

I had no desire to accumulate wealth, as it could attract unwanted attention and threats.

However, the rumours were partially true - my home did have a secret underground vault with gold bars and a valuable scroll.

The scroll contained important information from the novel, 'Villain Hunter,' that I had written down to guide my actions.

As I read about the Rebellion and the Dawn Association gaining power, I felt the weight of responsibility on my shoulders.

It was my duty to navigate through the events of this world and ensure a safer future for myself and those I cared about.