

The man looked tall and thin from a distance, his thick gray beard making him resemble a broom.

"A plow-wielding Champion?" one person wondered.

"It just looks like an ordinary plow. How did that become a Holy Weapon?" another replied.

"Stop jesting. You wouldn't even be able to count the number of thieves killed by it!"

Amidst the chattering crowd, a sturdy-looking man caught my attention as he carried a plow on his back. In this world, Champions were individuals bestowed with magical powers through objects they were attached to, known as 'Holy Weapons.' The plow man must have recently become a plow Champion when his plow turned into a Holy Weapon.

As I listened to the rumors and conversations around me, my mind wandered to the person I was truly searching for—the protagonist of 'Villain Hunter.' They were, like this world, a reflection of my former life, a dark hero who hunted down villains, made allies, defeated bad guys, and reaped benefits.

However, my search had been fruitless, and I began to doubt whether this world was the same as the novel or if the protagonist even existed here.

I decided to visit a tavern called 'Nymph's Ditch' in the West Gate slum district to see if I could gather any more information. Despite the unsanitary conditions and the drunken revelry, I used my keen hearing to filter through the conversations around me.

While most of the talk centred around me and Queen Aira, there was one concerning story that caught my attention. It seemed that Lord Belmott had fallen on his knees and sworn allegiance to the Queen, and rumours about me being a significant figure were spreading.

Suddenly, a commotion interrupted my thoughts. A weasel-bearded man, identified as a Junior Official, was harassing a waitress named Sophie. Despite her pleas for help, the tavern staff and others watched in silence, fearing the man's association with me, the supposed right-hand man of Queen Aira.

As I learned of my newfound title, I couldn't help but find it amusing. However, I was also puzzled by the tavern staff's lack of intervention. I discovered that their hesitation was due to the man's connection to me, and they feared my retaliation.

With this new piece of information, I realized that my actions and reputation had far-reaching consequences in this world. Now, more determined than ever, I continued my search for the elusive Champion and the true hero of this tale.

The situation in the tavern was getting tense as the Junior Official continued to harass the waitress, Sophie. My mind was conflicted between wanting to maintain my anonymity and not wanting to be associated with such vile behavior.

Finally, I decided to intervene. Stepping forward, I calmly addressed the Junior Official, "That's enough. Leave the young woman alone."

He turned his attention to me, his eyes widening in surprise. "Who are you? Do you know who I am? I suggest you back off if you don't want to face the consequences."

I ignored his threats and kept my composure. "I don't care who you are. Harassing someone like this is unacceptable, and I won't stand for it."

The tension in the room rose, and the Junior Official hesitated for a moment before speaking again, "You'll regret this. I'll report your interference to the Queen, and you'll face her wrath."

His mention of the Queen's wrath struck a nerve. I couldn't risk exposing myself any further. So, I changed my approach. "You're right. I apologize for my interference. I shouldn't have meddled in your affairs. Let's forget about this, shall we?"

I hoped my show of compliance would defuse the situation and prevent any further complications. The Junior Official seemed satisfied with my response and arrogantly turned away, leaving the shaken waitress behind.

Once the man left the tavern, I approached Sophie and offered her a reassuring smile. "Are you alright?"

She nodded, her eyes still filled with fear. "Thank you for stepping in. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't come."

"It's alright now. Just be careful in the future. There are people out there who abuse their power, but not everyone is like that."

She seemed comforted by my words, and I could sense the relief in her demeanour. After a moment of silence, she spoke again, "I heard the rumours, you know. They say you're close to the Queen, even her right-hand man."

I chuckled softly. "Rumours are just that—rumours. Don't pay them too much mind. It's best not to believe everything you hear."

She nodded, and I could see the gratitude in her eyes. "Thank you again. I'll remember your words."

With that, I bid Sophie farewell and made my way out of the tavern. As I walked through the dimly lit streets of Monarch City, I couldn't help but ponder the implications of my actions and reputation in this world. It seemed that every move I made had consequences, and my mere presence could influence events and people around me.

Despite my desire to remain hidden, it was becoming increasingly challenging to avoid leaving a mark on this world. I had to be more cautious and calculated in my actions, as anything I did could have far-reaching repercussions.

As I continued my search for the elusive Champion, I realized that I had to be even more vigilant. The true hero of 'Villain Hunter' might be closer than I thought, and I had to be prepared for any outcome.

The journey ahead was uncertain, but I couldn't afford to give up. The fate of this world and my role in it were intertwined, and I had to find the answers I sought.

And so, with determination in my heart, I ventured deeper into the shadows of Monarch City, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in my quest to find the dark hero of this tale.

As I ventured further into the shadows of Monarch City, I knew I had to be more cautious than ever before. The rumours about me being associated with the Queen as her right-hand man were concerning. I couldn't afford to draw any more attention to myself, especially from those who might seek to expose or exploit my true identity.

The city's streets were filled with all sorts of characters – beggars, thieves, and merchants selling their wares. Monarch City was a melting pot of different personalities and backgrounds. In this chaotic world, one had to be careful not to attract unwanted eyes.

As I walked through the dimly lit alleys, I couldn't help but feel the weight of my actions. My involvement in the affairs of this world had consequences, and I couldn't escape the reality that I was becoming entangled in its web of intrigues.

I thought about the protagonist of 'Villain Hunter.' According to the novel's plot, he was a dark hero, destroying villains to counter a greater evil. But what if the lines between hero and villain were blurred? What if his actions were not as righteous as they seemed?

Was he truly a hero, or just another villain with a twisted sense of justice? The more I pondered this, the more I realized that the answer might not be so black and white. Perhaps, just like me, the protagonist was also struggling with his own identity and the consequences of his actions.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a scuffle up ahead. I cautiously approached the commotion and saw two men arguing. One was a burly man, and the other seemed like a meek merchant.

"I swear I paid you the full amount! There's no reason to extort more from me," the merchant pleaded.

The burly man chuckled menacingly. "You don't understand how things work here, do you? Protection fees keep this district running smoothly. If you don't pay up, things might get rough for you and your business."

It was a typical scene in a city plagued by corruption and lawlessness. Extortion and bribery were common practices, and those in power often preyed on the vulnerable.

I debated whether to intervene. On one hand, I wanted to protect the innocent merchant from further harm. On the other hand, I couldn't risk drawing any more attention to myself.

As I hesitated, I noticed a symbol on the burly man's sleeve – the emblem of a notorious gang that operated in this district. They were known for their brutal tactics and ruthless control over the area.

The gang's presence was a clear sign that the local authorities were turning a blind eye to their activities. I couldn't let this injustice continue.

With a resolve in my heart, I stepped forward, my face still concealed by my hood. "Leave him alone," I said firmly, trying to disguise my voice.

The burly man turned to face me, his expression filled with arrogance. "Who are you to interfere in our business?"

"I'm just passing through," I replied, trying to sound nonchalant. "But I can't stand by and watch innocent people being exploited."

The merchant's eyes widened with hope, while the burly man's face contorted with anger. "You'll regret this," he warned, reaching for the handle of a concealed weapon.

Before he could draw his weapon, I acted swiftly. With a flick of my wrist, a hidden dagger appeared in my hand. In one fluid motion, I disarmed the burly man, sending his weapon clattering to the ground.

He stared at me in shock, realizing that I was not to be trifled with. The merchant took this opportunity to flee, leaving the burly man and me alone in the dark alley.

"You've made a big mistake, stranger," the burly man growled, reaching for another weapon.

"I suggest you walk away and leave this merchant alone," I warned, my voice low and steady.

The burly man seemed to reconsider his options, realizing that I was not an easy target. With a final scowl, he turned and disappeared into the shadows.

As the adrenaline subsided, I felt a mix of relief and apprehension. My actions might have drawn unwanted attention, but I couldn't stand by and let injustice prevail.

I continued my journey through the city, more determined than ever to find the elusive Champion. It seemed that this world was filled with darkness and corruption, and I couldn't escape being drawn into its web of conflicts and struggles.

In my search for the dark hero, I had to confront my own identity and the consequences of my actions. Perhaps, in this world of blurred lines between good and evil, I could find redemption and understanding.

As the night wore on, I found myself standing on the outskirts of Monarch City, looking up at the starlit sky. The night was quiet, but I knew that beneath the surface, this world was anything but peaceful.

With a heavy heart, I took a deep breath and continued my journey, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The path of the dark hero was a lonely one, but I had to find the answers I sought and make sense of my existence in this world.

And so, with the weight of my actions and the burden of my identity, I walked into the unknown, determined to uncover the truth and confront the darkness that lay ahead.