
thoughts of a broken being

Just what is pain... its inevitable, its uncomfortable, its strong and it also has the ability to change. what do you think about when you open your eyes in the morning, for me my thought was to disappear. all i wanted in my existence is to fade away... without anyone noticing but now my life takes an unexpected turn. [2009 AGE8] "Jordan!... Jordan!... wake up now time for school", I never thought much about life anyway I just saw it differently simple minded fools going about a useless existence.. -gets up- arguing, loving, hating, feeling, moving, conversing, the list goes on, I always called people humans as an alias for there exact nature . -brushing teeth- Any sign of high power and they worship and flow like puppies, they always seem to give up when something's tough no determination no sight.. 'humans' always look at broken people as trash they look at it as an opportunity to throw there pain on the weak so they themselves feel strong and the broken still given in to that and horde the pain and anger, tell themselves there useless,alone nobody's... there weak instead of using that pain

they let it control them. -changing- your mind is like a virus it controls the common signals in the body so it can function, its also controls the thought, pain and emotion... it convinces you of things, think yourself a fool it convinces you that your a fool. broken people aren't broken till something worth breaking is truly broken, what I'm trying say is that nobody becomes truly broken until something precious to them is gone -walks out the house eating-

they are in pain so they let the mind convince them that their done for. -walking-

I hear the were thoughts of these humans every day. they become so predictable that you could almost read there minds. everyone I see, walk pass or notice has something to say they look n' judge, laugh, gossip, hurt those who are not like them. what broken people fail to realize is that the reason why the do this is because where not like them. i don't know who I'm more worried about demons or people, my opinion I prefer demons -stops- i see them that's what makes me so different... -slow silent wind- there's a world within a world and people don't even stop to see it. -demon appears- -sounds leave the air- A world blinded to simple minded fools. -energy rises- A world yet to unravel.

-demon coughs blood- "I'm the mimon, the 9 angel to fall from heavan, the wielder of shadows, the darkness where the lights ends... -coughs- how could a child defeat me!!!" "you see demon... -walks closer- I've become someone that the demons fear themselves" -demon vanishes-. [Tokyo academy, 6th grade division]

"Jordan-kuuun!" "mornin tsu-chan" "I hope you finished you homework for economics" "meh! I feel asleep" "coz sensei's not in a good mood", " WHAAAAAAT! YOU NEVER FINISHED! AND WHY ARE YOU SO CALM" "how else am I suppose to react" "YOUR LAZINESS IS SURPRISING AT TIMES JORDAN"...."your right I am lazy" "Hmm" "lazy to show you just how smart I am" -tsu is dazzled- "Well if you so smart why did you not finish the assignment" "I just told! you I'm lazy not stupid" "THATS DETENTION!!!" -bell goes off-

"ya know its a simple thing just to do you work and you don't have to get in trouble" "I'm trying to make a point" "what point!" "Are you really that shallow tsu! adults have there own problems in there own lives and they take it out on us and still lie and say and say it our fault for there unfortunate outcomes" -thows finished homework on table- "huh! you finished" "like I said I was trying to make a point" "but now because of your point everyone's looking at you there saying your a lazy leach". its not like they never do it. " hey lazy leach!" -three girls walk up to the table- "we heard you have detention again" girl2:"there are kids tryna get into this school and your a waste of space" "did anyone ever tell your a waste of existence, he finished his work he was just- "I'm sorry who are you" "So are you still ganna be a waste of time why where you even born" -girls laughing- -voices fill my head- "So are you still ganna smoke when your moms out" "how did you- "its from a secret source, you, kikyo and chitose all puffing up a storm..." -evil smile- "come on guys let's go".... " how did you- "the wonders of knowledge eh' you okay?" -tsu blushes- "I'm..f-fine". -bell goes- [roof top] " thanks for that info Vira" "your welcome papa!" "I told you to stop calling me that!" That's Vira by the way shes a small lolicon angel, I saved her awhile back from a ghoul she was badly hurt now she can't remember a thing ('_')Then out of nowhere starts calling me papa!

"papa!" (°_°)hmm! "you keep ignoring me" "sorry I was just strategic planing...(~_~) don't call me papa!". -sensing demon energy- " Vira you feel that?" "its a demon D-class" "let's go!", -dashes down staircase- tsu:w-what demon.. energy?!.

[girls locker room, 4th building] " well I don't sense anything" "its here!" "Vira what kind of demon can hide there energies?" -spots panties- (x_x) "papa!" "what? I never ask em' to leave the panties lying around" "papa no hentai(°∆°)" "I told you don't!- -growling- "papa!" "ya I know!" The demon fly's out of a airvent, and its 1meter long claw misses my jaw (wait! claws, small, can hide its energy.) its and oni so the only way to kill it is with fire... -demon comes running- "FIRE STYLE:FIRE BALL JUTSU!!!" the flames demolish the 14 lockers as well as the demon. to avoid humans from finding out about this the S.E.O (spirit.eradication. organization) intervene and clean up the mess writing it off as an explosion of fire. "well you did a good job... but you made a mess" " its dead write" "yep its dead! but- " Jordan-kun!" -eyes widened- I get the shock of my life to find taut chan just.... standing there "what is all THIS!".


its short just a little summery of what's to come, there is some action quotes eg. [-punches-] its to express the action that is performed in the story.

hope you guys enjoy! I will be writing more. every one please use imagination while reading, it makes it more exciting! ('_')

kuroionocreators' thoughts