
First Step

It really feels amazing when we start thinking about first memory since we were kids. It feel like you just born yesterday, its incredible journey of life, the first memory which we remembered always special, life is like a train journey, where we meet different people, visit different locations and leave some of the people whom we met in our journey. Life gives plenty of opportunities only to the optimistic people, life is beautiful, life is unpredictable, life is with full of twits and turns, life is short. You asked what is life to a patient who is on ventilator, you get complete picture of life, you asked what is life to a person who lost his/her close one, you ask a father who lost is child about life, you ask a doctor who unable to save his patient, when you realize life is journey of full of surprises then you will start living your actula life, life is heaven those who understand it correctly, its hell for those who are don't understand it. Its not necessary one should be well educated or well settled to understand the life, its very simple truth that life gives everything to those try to achieve in their life. Only thing in your life is try try an try again. Life teaches best lessons to everyone. If you practice for patience you will get anything in your life.

The real beauty of life is everything heals after sometime, if you are in truoble then this phase won't be forever, if you failed at something and failed to achieve it, this failure is not the final, if you succeed in one thing then it doesn't mean everything is accomplished and you have no work to do, its not like that, its everyday struggle, every day is a new beginning, when you realize there tomorrow there will be a sunrise then you need to believe its an opportunity to for you to start your day with fresh ideas. Simple truth about life is god given same amount of time to everyone, if you don't believe in god thats okay, for those who believe in god has the same amount of time to live in their life, you can take this is anothey way if you are a atheist then you can take as everyone has 24 hours in a day, its completely dependent on how one is using his/her time in a give 24 hours. If you spend the time in correct manner and plan the day accordingly then you are already doing better than lot of people, so its matter of how you are utilizing the time given to you in a 24 hours, if you plan you one day in life you can mimic the same thing in life with different goals and unknown surprises. The another beauty of the life is it gives every new second a new chance and new experience in the life, some people get bad experience and some people get the good experience. Good and bad experience will be dependent on person to person, if some one feels bad about something happened in the life, another person can feel good for him/her, it's completely dependent on how you are talking the situation, it also depend on where the situation is happening, if few people passing the burning house, then the fire really feels bad to all those people, at the same time if a person or people lost in the snow or very cold area and after so much struggle if they come accross any fire camp or fire place then the same fire will give good feeling about the fire, its the same fire which burned the house and damaged the property no one feels good about it, in another situation same fire protected people from the cold temperature. So its all about where you are, which situation you are in, with whom you are in, again life gives same opportunities to everyone and its depend on you on how you take it.

You might born in poor family where you dont have any luxury life, you might born in county side or remote area where no or limited facilities for you and your surrounding people have limted access to grow yourselves, this doesn't mean you are cursed, life sometime teaches a tough leasons on how you servive in that situation, these bad and poor experiences gives best lessons in the life where you will not get any lessons written in any book. So make yourself ready for any situation and keep working what you are working. If you see any big personality in your life everyone come from very bad situations.

Life is beautiful, you can experience the best things if you feel the importance of each life, every one has a reason for birth, you dont control where you born, but you can control everything after you born, there is no particular place wherw you born and you succeed, it only matters how you take the life and how you lead your life, this will lead you to your success, it's completely dependent on your own actions, you cant blame your are failure because you born in certain part of the country or certain family. If you born in poor family and with no luxury then it will give you opportunity to improve yourself, if you alredy born in rich family then you have the same opportunities on how you want to use the opportunity which you already has, if you make bad use of it then you realy making your life complicated. Choosing the path is more important,your neighbor area has big impact on you, neighborhood always has the impact on all people those are living around it, but its again dependent on your own mentality and how you want to grow in your life and how you want to lead your life which already in.

Birth is the amazing, live you are life full on, dont waste it for anyone or any silly reason, it doesn't mean you dont need to help anyone in your life, it means live your life before its too late to live.