
UnPredictable (Akame Ga Kill)

A young man is ripped from his hometown and into a completely new world, a large one that he was vastly unfamiliar with. Armed with his own intelligence and combat sense, he'll have to struggle just to survive. //Join my discord https://discord.gg/uQUcWbm Want more chapters? Read ahead on my Pátreon Pátreon.com/ShadowDrev

Drev_Shadow · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


//Not good with openings so take this chapter and expect a better one later


The white haired figure let out a small breath, leaping over logs and sliding under fallen tree trunks, sweat pouring down his neck and soaking into his tattered shirt as he dashed forward. Blood covered a significant chunk of his forehead, the front half of his hair matted down to his scalp as more and more crimson liquid trickled down his face. Various gashes both big and small lined his entire body, the youths clothes practically in pieces, soaked in red due to the deep wound that extended from his right shoulder to his left hip. Despite all of that though, the young teen kept on running, sprinting endlessly as he weaved his way through the forest.

(("What the hell IS that thing?!!")) Erik Fotia exclaimed inwardly for the umpteenth time as he pushed through some more underbrush. (("Some kind of mutant bull, wolf, lion hybrid?! A bulfion?!"))

A loud growl rang out in the distance behind the white haired adolescent, one that was gradually getting closer a little at a time. Erik could feel the vibrations of the pursuing beast a ways behind him, each step and every sound made by the creature reverberating through his very being. With awareness on high alert and adrenaline pumping through his veins, the young teen could SENSE rather then see everything around him, something that he had never quite felt before. It was if every plant, every insect, everything within a certain area around him had suddenly called out to him, letting him know where they were.

(("How long have I been running for?")) Erik wondered as he made a cut to the right, hoping to give the liobulf the slip despite knowing it wouldn't work. (("Minutes?! Hours?! Half a day?! It's hard to tell at this point. Of course, who fuckingcares about any of that at this point."))

After running for so long, the youth was beyond caring about the length of time, nor did he care about where he was or how he got into such a predicament. He only needed to escape, to break free from the dangerous cat and mouse game that the ensuing beast was playing with him.

That being said, had he known beforehand that a simple walk through the forest in his own backyard could lead to being chased by a knockoff Pokemon with no redeeming qualities, Erik would have skipped out on it entirely. A casual stroll had lead to him being nearly devoured and torn apart, like food at an all you can eat buffet, with the only reason for his survival being the Bulfion playing with his food.

From a simple outing to a forced marathon for his life, Erik couldn't help but wonder what god he had pissed off to recieve such a shitty treatment.


The roar of a lion pierced through the air, snapping Erik back to reality with how close the sound had become. The bulfion had finally managed to close the distance and was now just a few yards from the white haired youths established perimeter, still casually running after the youth without too much difficulty. Even after all the twists and turns Erik had taken to shake the beast off his tail, the beast hadn't even broken a sweat, excited growls emanating behind the youth.

"FUCK!!" Erik shouted as he put on a burst of speed, attempting one last futile dash to create some space. His stamina was dangerously low, mouth completely dry, and heart on the verge of exploding with how fast it was beating. He was going to die if something didnt happen soon and all he could do was to pray for a miracle.

And, as if on cue, he got one.

The moment he put on the burst of speed, the trees and foliage disappeared completely, his foot hitting a nearby root, sending him shooting into a clearing. The fall didn't really matter much as Erik was able to save himself with a roll back onto his feet, but it didnt particularly matter what with the Bulfion still hot on his trail. Death awaited him no matter what move he pulled next and the white haired teen was vastly aware of it. Of course, that didnt mean he was going down without a fight.

"Woah, you okay there kid?"

Erik barely had time to register who had spoken before the bulfion finally caught up with him, charging into the clearing with sharp teeth bared. Its three dark red eyes stared daggers into the youths bright red ones, its large paws digging into the ground with sharp claws. Drool dripped down its maw as it began circling the kid, all of its attention focused on the meal in front of it.

"Hey, need some he-"

"Don't interfere. Let him fight the battle on his own." An authoritative, feminine voice interjected, cutting off the other. "If he cant even do that, then that's just how much he's worth."

Erik wasnt able to look towards the voices that were speaking due to the stare off he and the beast were having, knowing that the moment he looked away, the bulfion would go for the kill. The beast was also aware of this and didnt bother looking away, clearly unwilling to let it's meal for the day escape. The two circled each other, at a general stalemate of sorts, waiting for the other to make the first move.

Out of his peripheral vision during one of the slow rotations, Erik could make out what appeared to be a large group of armored individuals, clad in white. He was able to take in the general size and shape of the army, but what truly captured his attention were the numerous number of spears and swords the people carried with them.

(("Perfect!!!")) Erik thought before slowly backing up to the edge of the clearing, heading to the nearest tree. (("Just need to run up and grab one. Just focus on that one task for the time being."))

Shifting backwards, the Bulfion followed the youth closely, patiently waiting for the teen to make the slightest opening.