
Unparalleled Under the Heaven (Tian Xia Wu Shuang)

About story of the goddess Wushuang/Ji Tan Yin descending to the mortal realm to assassinate Yuan Zhong, the high priest of the Youhu (Fox) clan, in order to retrieve a treasure from the divine realm. However, Wushuang discovers another hidden truth behind the matter. In the process of investigating, the two fall in love and work together to save the world. Whether I love you or not, only I know. Whether you love me or not, only you know. For the melancholy soul, only separation remains. ~ 天下無雙 by Shi Si Lang 十四郎 ~ Disclamer : This story is not mine. I am not a translator. Please support the author. I translate using a machine translation and I am doing this for fun because of it's Liu Xue Yi's upcoming drama ☺ Some informations I take from novelupdates

AmeSanSan · Fantasy
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22 Chs


Princess Hu


  Tan Yin subconsciously chased after a few steps, but suddenly, it seemed that a hand was gently tugging at her back, and when she looked back in shock, there was no one behind her, but Yuan Zhong was looking at himself in an uncertain manner.

  An illusion?

  She turned around, her eyes grew bright and clear, she reached into her Qiankun pouch and squeezed a talismanic seal - she was not sure if this talismanic seal could solve the demon in front of her, but she couldn't just watch it escape in front of her.

  This demon is too greedy to eat, so its body is too heavy to fly, it can only crawl towards the depths of the apricot blossom forest. Tan Yin followed closely behind, who knew that the corner of the skirt was gently pulled by something, as if to prevent her from catching up with the behavior, she was horrified in her heart, and looked down, but there was still no one.

  "Oh ..."

  The voice of an illusory cloud sounded in the back of her head, followed by her long hair hanging behind her being lightly blown by someone, and her breath was cold.

  Tan Yin's back was covered in a layer of cold sweat, at this moment, what was happening here was so strange that even she had never heard of it. Was it that unformed demonic creature that did this? She gazed over and saw that the demonic creature could not even fly, it was clumsily crawling on the ground, it could not possibly have this kind of ability.

  Tan Yin took out the talisman seal from her Qiankun bag and looked around vigilantly.

  Suddenly, that anxious to dodge the devil stopped rolling, its entire body as if grabbed by an invisible hand, no matter how can not struggle away, it shivered violently, translucent fog-like body twisted desperately, emitted a sharp hissing sound, followed by its huge body was violently pulled up, towards the west was strongly pulled to fly away.

  This sudden change left Tan Yin stunned, and the back of her head was gently buffeted by an icy breath, making her bones tingle.

  "The little goddess who has not yet passed through human tribulation," she said.

The voice of the illusory cloud suddenly sounded in the ear, Tanyin s hand in the symbols of the seal mercilessly shot over, but pounced on an empty, followed by her suddenly felt like a dense rope tied all over the body, not the slightest bit can not be moved, and then shocked all the body stiffness.

  "You come ... you come ... let me look at you ..." The voice is very soft and ethereal, but there is no trace of emotion.

  Tan Yin only felt countless cold hands from the top of the head drilled into her body, grabbed her consciousness, her eyes immediately clear light bloomed, but only for a moment, the body's divine power was suppressed as much as possible, she let out a short and fearful cry, consciousness was pulled out by the countless pairs of cold hands, no ability to resist, was pulled a strong force in the direction of the demon just dragged away.

  As soon as her consciousness left her body, she watched her borrowed body fall softly to the ground, and was hugged by a confused Yuan Zhong, and then she could no longer see everything, and was surrounded by countless pairs of ice-cold hands, dragging her, which made her consciousness feel dizzy and unable to move.

  Beside her ears, the wind whistled harshly, like the howling of powerful ghosts, she was dragged, like the wind and lightning, through the heavy clouds, followed by a sudden descent, the eye outlook suddenly changed, it was like being dragged into a huge lake.

  She barely tilted her head to look up, only to see this lake built a red palace, the walls of the palace painted with cinnabar, the lower part of the carved flame pattern, the flame was also painted with cinnabar, at first glance, as if this palace was placed on the fire to burn in general.

  This is an extremely ancient and powerful spell!

  Tan Yin only had time to see this clearly, her consciousness was suddenly thrown up high, and the door of the palace, which was as colorful as fire, opened with a bang, and she was dragged all the way into this palace, which had been burned on the flame of the spell, and the interior of the palace was pitch-black, and as she was being dragged in, the ancient oil lamps on the wall one after another followed, wiping out and then extinguishing again.

  Finally, a dark wooden door slowly opened, Tan Yin only felt that her consciousness was dragged into the door, followed by darkness in front of her eyes, her consciousness suffered from a violent shock, she could no longer support it, and even fainted, in a daze, only to hear the wooden door creak gently close, and then there was no more sound.


  Suddenly, Tan Yin's eyes opened wide, and he saw the magnificent and ancient woodcarving on the roof of the temple, the roof of the temple is high, and the back of the temple is carved in the shape of an evil dragon.

  Peachwood is used to suppress ghosts and drive out evil spirits, but how can it be used as a roof? Tan Yin was dizzy, she just felt like there was a blazing fire underneath her body, it was hot as hell, she is a heavenly deity, her consciousness is strong, but she was also being roasted by that invisible fire, it was extremely painful.

  She barely managed to sit up and looked around, it seemed to be an extremely large temple, the light was dim, she could vaguely see all kinds of runes painted on the walls from top to bottom, the pillars were even carved with lifelike statues of heavenly deities, the majesty was unparalleled, she could even feel that the statues actually had some threads and intricacies of divine power radiating from them.

The sound of water waves splashing against the wall came in a thin stream, and Tan Yin's dazed mind suddenly remembered that before she fainted, she had been dragged into a fiery red palace supported by a spell, she immediately jumped up from the hot floor with a jolt of surprise, and at the same time, that illusory voice like a cloud rang out again.

  "Come here, little goddess who has not yet passed through the human tribulation."

  Tan Yin turned quickly, only to see the west corner of the temple has a small wooden window open, the sound of the water waves beat the wall is from there, this palace is built on the lake, the lake water at night tide, the eye is actually to be the same level as the window. The wooden window placed under a huge bed, curtains hanging down, layers and layers, there is a vague figure inside. Next to the bed is a small, blue pond, only as big as a well, in which a few translucent red-headed carp sway and swim, sometimes leaping up silently, their transparent bodies instantly turning into a cloud of blue mist, falling back into the water, and then continuing to turn into carp.

  What is this place? Who is the person on the bed? Tanyin spread her spiritual awareness to the limit, but she couldn't see what the person under the curtain looked like, whether he was a god or a demon, something that had never happened to her since she became a heavenly god.

  "Come here." She was calling her again.

  Tanyin couldn't help herself, she slowly walked towards the huge bed, and the closer she got, the more she could feel a supreme sense of mystery, it was all too strange, and she couldn't feel any demonic fluctuations, so she was inevitably wary and uneasy.

  When she reached the edge of the bed, she suddenly opened her eyes wide - there was the demonic creature that had devoured the powerful ghost coiled around the bed! Tan Yin subconsciously wanted to pull out the talismanic seal from her Qiankun pouch, but when she touched it, her waist was empty, and she remembered that she had been dragged here by something unknown, and her Qiankun pouch was still on the mortal's body.

  Why? She was shocked to see the translucent demon, why she could not feel the wave of the demon even though it was right in front of her eyes?

  "I haven't seen a demon in a long time." The person on the bed whispered, "Don't kill her, she is very interesting."

  Tan Yin could not utter a word, the layers of the drapes were suddenly pulled apart by invisible hands, the person on the bed seemed to be in silent communication with the demon, after a long time, the drapes were slowly lowered, and that illusory voice like a cloud softly said: "I know, and let me help you a hand."

  The demon roared silently, its huge body was lifted up by several invisible hands, and then another two hands mercilessly tore towards its body, a group of semi-transparent mist was torn down to the ground, turned into pure white mist, and then returned to its body.

  Tan Yin was almost dumbfounded, in just a few moments, the huge, shapeless demonic creature was torn out of its human shape by those shapeless hands, and it seemed to be in immense pain as it fell to the ground and shivered on its back.

  "'Go,'" The voice said faintly, "I don't know if I'll see you again."

  The demonic creature got up and seemed to salute the person on the bed, although its body was still a mass of translucent mist, it already had the shape of a human being, it twisted its head, Tan Yin felt that it seemed to look at herself, and then it flew out of the wooden window with a light touch.

  "Wait!" She hurriedly chased after it, but her feet were suddenly pulled down by an invisible hand, and she almost fell off her feet.

  "You ..." Tan Yin looked at the man on the bed in shock, "You helped it take human form and let it go ..."

  "Are you angry?" The voice faintly asked.

  Tan Yin took a few deep breaths, "Who are you?"

  The tent was slowly opened by an invisible hand, a snow-white cat popped out lazily from inside, with blue-green eyes, as if it could speak, looking at her, and slowly walking step by step to the edge of the pond, playing with the carp in the water with its paws.

  "You have not yet crossed the human tribulation, you are not considered a true god of heaven, just a goddess, you cannot see the truth about me."

  The person on the bed stretched out a hand, which was thin and pale, and beckoned to her.

  "Thousands of years have passed, now both gods and demons are dear to me, come here, come closer."

  Tan Yin slowly walked to the bedside, suddenly, the curtains were quickly propped up by invisible hands, jade hooks noiselessly hooked them, and the person on the bed was petite and thin, actually a little girl who looked to be only eleven or twelve years old, with long, thick, silky hair spread out on the light purple mattress. She wore a white dress, thin and emaciated, as if she were about to die in pieces.

  However, all of these are not as shocking as the three iron rings locked around her ankles and neck. At first glance, Tanyin's face changed when she saw the rings, and she recognized them as one of the divine weapons that she had made with her own hands, the Demon Slaying Ring. When the gods and demons fought, the Demon Killing Circle could suppress the energy of the demons, so that they could not resist and were captured alive by the gods.

  "You recognize them." The little girl turned her head sideways, revealing a beautifully shaped jaw, her lips were pale greenish-white without a trace of blood color, "You are an unparalleled craftsman in the world, and you made this."

  Tan Yin nodded silently, "Not ... wrong I did it."

  The little girl's face slightly surfaced a layer of smiles: "But you are a small goddess who has not yet passed the human tribulation."

  She has already mentioned more than once that she has not yet passed the human tribulation, Tan Yin hesitated for a moment, but did not ask, the things and people in front of her are too strange, more than the scope of her cognition, she can not act rashly.

  "I will tell you what is the human tribulation, in exchange -" the little girl gently moved her feet, the iron chain issued a cold clash sound, her legs have shrunk to very thin, a touch will break, "in exchange, you will kill the magic circle removed.

  Tan Yin's face remained unchanged, and she flatly refused, "I won't do that, you can leave it out."

  Although we cannot see her identity, the fact that the Demon Killing Circle can encircle her is enough to show that she is bound to be extremely dangerous, and she will not let such a dangerous thing get free.

  The little girl whispered, "Aren't you afraid that I will let your soul fly away?"

  Tan Yin only felt countless invisible soft ropes binding her tightly, suddenly tightening, and her consciousness felt an intense pain, as if it would be crushed at any time and her soul would be scattered. She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, not saying a word, not begging for mercy.

  I don't know how long the stalemate lasted, but the sire bond on her body suddenly disappeared, and the little girl's soft, ethereal voice slowly sounded, "What is your name?"

  Tan Yin desperately endured the severe pain in her consciousness, and whispered, "... Ji Tan Yin."

  " Tan Yin." The little girl called her, her long winding hair was many pairs of invisible hands carefully cupped and combed, and finally surrounded into a bun, "to become a source of life in the sky God has heaven and earth and human three tribulations, the tribulation of the sky is that you to the mortal body to make against the sky of the artifacts, and therefore seriously ill and extinguished the family and died, and the tribulation of the earth is that you wandered in the mortal world for hundreds of years of souls not to be free."

  Tan Yin was dumbfounded. Since she became a god, no one had ever talked to her about these things, so she was half believing and half skeptical.

  "You are only a goddess who has been given a divine form, you don't have the ability to give another person a divine form because you have not yet passed the human tribulation," she said.

  Tan Yin really can't help but interject, "All celestial gods ... have three tribulations?"

  The little girl nodded slowly, "Yes."

  "But the God of Heaven didn't tell me ... about it."

  "The three tribulations of Heaven, Earth, and Man are all unintentional tribulations, and if you are prepared for them, they will not be considered tribulations."

Tang Yin just feel that all this is very puzzling, unprecedented, but she too know that this child is right, the god of the goddess and the source of life of the sky god is very different, they were given the divinity, each in their own ways, but do not have to give others the divinity of the abilities, is it because of human raids have not gone by?

"You ... are ... how do you know so ... much," Tan Yin stared at her and stammered.

  The little girl hung her head, was hooked to the tent immediately put down and close, blocking the line of sight of Tan Yin.

  "I'm very happy to see a god and a devil again today, and I'm glad to see that you're able to survive the hardship, so of course you know where I'm from. You can call me Princess Hu now."

  Tan Yin was about to say more, but suddenly she felt a huge force pushing towards her chest, just like when she was captured, she could not resist and was pushed out again, the sound of the wind beside her ears was like the howling of a powerful spirit, but in the blink of an eye, In the blink of an eye, she felt her spiritual consciousness being slammed to the ground, and with a violent shock, she could not help but let out a short groan, and immediately after, a warm hand tightly clasped hers, and the pale and anxious face of Yuan Zhong appeared in her line of sight.

  "You're awake?" He was obviously very agitated, and the hand holding her was trembling very slightly.

  Tan Yin looked at him in dismay, then down at herself; she had actually been pushed back into this mortal body.