
Unparalleled Under the Heaven (Tian Xia Wu Shuang)

About story of the goddess Wushuang/Ji Tan Yin descending to the mortal realm to assassinate Yuan Zhong, the high priest of the Youhu (Fox) clan, in order to retrieve a treasure from the divine realm. However, Wushuang discovers another hidden truth behind the matter. In the process of investigating, the two fall in love and work together to save the world. Whether I love you or not, only I know. Whether you love me or not, only you know. For the melancholy soul, only separation remains. ~ 天下無雙 by Shi Si Lang 十四郎 ~ Disclamer : This story is not mine. I am not a translator. Please support the author. I translate using a machine translation and I am doing this for fun because of it's Liu Xue Yi's upcoming drama ☺ Some informations I take from novelupdates

AmeSanSan · Fantasy
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22 Chs


Wedge Cold immersion in the dissolving moon


At two minutes to midnight, all the offerings on the Guixuan Terrace had been set up, and the monks had lit the eight lanterns, the flames wavering and illuminating the area as if it were daytime.

Dec Xuan platform is 30 feet high, from the bottom to the top of thousands of steps, every ten steps there are two bronze incense burners, mountain wind blowing, the warm but not stagnant, clear but not floating incense refreshing, a peace and quiet in the chest. This is the most precious spice in the clan, and it is only used every sixty years when the gods are worshipped.

When Yuan Zhong smelled such fragrance for the first time, he couldn't help stretching his neck, but the mountain wind brought the fragrance to him and blew it away, so he couldn't really smell it. The monk Xin Mao patted his thin shoulder kindly and said in a low voice, "Yuan Zhong, don't move around.

"When is the God of Heaven coming?" Yuan Zhong looked toward the forbidden land in the center of the Deck of Cultivation, which was circled by the jade fence of immortal flowers, and a look of longing appeared on his young face.

According to the age of the Fox Clan, he is only eleven years old this year, and it is his first time to experience this once-in-sixty-years God Sacrifice Ceremony, so everything he sees is new and curious. It is said that after a while, the God of Heaven will descend on the stage to visit them, the people left behind in the mortal world, and that the Deck of Heaven is a forbidden place belonging to the God of Heaven.

"You can see the God of Heaven if you count to a thousand in your heart."

The monk Xin Mao smiled, not wanting to disappoint the boy by telling him the truth in advance. Every youngster of the Fox Clan was filled with expectations and dreams when they first experienced the God Sacrifice; their clan had an instinctive affinity and worship for the God of Heaven, so if they knew that the God of Heaven had never appeared in the past ten thousand years, how disappointing would it be? Even the older monks, and even the elders from earlier times, had experienced such a loss, and some had even suspected that the God of Heaven had never existed.

The history of the clan tells us that after the legendary war between the gods and the demons tens of thousands of years ago, all the gods disappeared, and before that, the Fox Clan was a noble clan that served the gods. Every member of the clan knew this, and it was engraved in their hearts from birth, that they were noble, that they belonged to the gods, and that they were different from the rest of the world. However, as time went by, these accounts became more and more a false legend, and what they believed in became more and more like an obsession rather than reality. Even they, the monks, no longer believed in the appearance of the sky god during the ceremonies, and the ceremonies were more of a ritual to fulfill an obsession.

Yuan Zhong did not know those heavy thoughts in the heart of the monk Xin Mao, he closed his eyes full of devotion, counting silently in his heart. The wind was blowing in big gusts and small gusts on the Dec Xuan stage, the elders and elders of high status knelt neatly on the ground, and the stage was filled with ordinary clansmen in the dark, so many people, except for the sound of the wind whistling, but there was not a single unusual sound. Perhaps the departure time is closer, someone opened the most precious tribute in the ten altar wine "the world without equal", mellow and rich wine aroma suddenly with the wind, the source of the Zhong almost sneeze.

He held his breath and did not dare to really sneeze, but only counted seriously in his mind: "995, 996 ..." The monk Xin Mao left his side and walked towards the center of the forbidden area that was circled.

"Nine hundred and ninety-seven, nine hundred and ninety-eight ..."

The monk Xin Mao compassionate in slightly cold voice came: "Spread wine, sacrifice heaven and earth."


Immediately will be a thousand, Yuan Zhong opened his eyes tightly and watched the monk Xin Mao long sleeve wave, ten altar of the world's no double flying up in circles, wow, golden wine liquid sprinkled on the ground, the fragrance of the wine more and more concentrated.

"The hour has come."The monk Xinmao knelt down solemnly and began to recite an ancient prayer for the gods.

"... thousand." The small heart in Gen Zhong's chest was about to pop out, his eyes eagerly looked toward the circle of forbidden land in the center, not daring to blink.

The forbidden land suddenly shone brightly, not the soft divine light he imagined, but a blinding, unforgiving light, Yuan Zhong's eyes were pierced by the light and tears flowed, but he was forced to look at the light, and could only squint his eyes into a slit, and could barely look straight at the light.

The elders and clansmen on and off the stage let out an unbelievable gasp of surprise. For tens of thousands of years, there has never been such an unusual movement, and the forbidden land is actually emitting light? Is that the light of the gods?

The light was getting more and more intense, and gradually became like the sun. The monk Xin Mao trembled all over and bowed to the ground, tears of excitement falling down his face to the ground, could it be that after tens of thousands of years, the gods of the heavens had finally remembered the people they had left behind in the mortal world?

Yuan Zhong covered his eyes with his hands and looked out through his fingers, only to find that the light of the forbidden land gradually weakened again, from the sun-like rampant glare to a cool, silvery moonlight, with a jade disk-like moon hanging in the distant sky, and what seemed to be a small moon on the decantered platform, with a thousand-foot light and a clear and exquisite color.

In this moonlight, he vaguely saw a figure, hazy and vague, floating and light, but in no way could he see it clearly. Yuan Zhong couldn't help but put his hand down and stared at the figure in a daze. There was no one to restrain him from his impudent behavior; they were not allowed to look up when the gods came, and even the monk Xinmao bowed his forehead to the ground with fear and trepidation.

The silhouette became clearer and clearer, like a woman dressed in white, seemingly real. Yuan Zhong stared at her blankly, feeling that she was so close to him, but seemed to be very, very far away from him. Her hair was very long, and her bun was so simple that he had never seen it before; she seemed to be standing, but also seemed to be floating, and her white clothes danced gently in the wind, towering above him.

Yuan Zhong desperately wanted to see what she looked like. He slowly rose from the ground and slowly walked towards the forbidden area. The monk Xin Mao, who was kneeling on the ground in a state of agitation, finally realized this daring child, and immediately reached out and pulled him by the shirt, reprimanding him in a lowered voice, "How dare you! Kneel down!"

Yuan Zhong could not hear his voice, his soul had already been sucked away by the figure. He felt that he was about to see her eyebrows and eyes clearly, those eyebrows, those eyes ... are so beautiful eyes, the most precious black jewels in the clan is not as beautiful as it. The moment he saw clearly, he felt that all the spiritual orifices of his body were opened, and he could not help but tremble slightly.

Cold dipped dissolving moon - is it a dream? Is it a dream?

Clothes were tugged force suddenly increased, the source of the Zhong not pay attention to be pulled to fall down, the monk Xin Mao has been full of anger glaring at him, the stage of the elders have risen, the light of the forbidden land has also disappeared, that person ... that person has also disappeared, just now, everything is like a dream.

"Go back and punish you properly again."

The monk Xin Mao pushed him aside, no longer pay attention.

It was the early autumn of the year C You, after nearly ten thousand years, the gods once again descended on the Dec Xuan Tai, without any will, only appeared for a short moment, but has become the fox clan's greatest honor.

After that, the God of Heaven never appeared again.