
Unparalleled Class-less

Say... If you happen to get transported to another world that you always dreamed off... What would you do? Every day's a fight for survival, like some twisted video game where "Game Over" means actual death. Being a hero? "No thanks." Vengeful villain? "Sounds exhausting." All I want is a break from this place. Every day feels like a near-death experience. Witnessing epic stuff? "Awesome." Almost getting eaten by said epic stuff? "Not so awesome." But hey, at least the monsters look kinda cool, right? Maybe surviving all this will let me see some stuff I never even dreamed of. Still, gotta admit, this whole "Isekai Tensei" (transported to another world) thing is way harder than the light novels make it seem. * -|WARNING|- The Original and the Only Author of this novel is me, Jomar Magbanua. And I also goes by the name 'Akaashiro' as my pseudonym name. Don't ever try to plagiarize, copy, or post my novel in other platforms even with my name or not. I wrote this novel with my own sweat, eye melanin, and braincells (I even sometimes forgot to sleep). -|Disclaimer|- I am the creator of my own cover.

Akaashiro · Action
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chapter 1 - It Was Just A Normal Day

[Narrator: Anonymous] – [WARNING: The following scenario contains strong language and gestures. If you are easily offended, please proceed with caution.] – [Somewhere in the future]1



Sitting on top of the throne, the figure lifted a hand adorned with shimmering, gem-encrusted rings. With a simple sway of his hand, he motioned for silence. The throne room fell silent as his penetrating stare swept across the throne room, and then, with a voice brimming with power, he commanded.


"Speak your final words."


The room exuded opulence, leaving me feeling like a beggar in the middle of this palace.


"I shall grant you ample time to utter your parting words."


He declared with a contemptuous snort.


"Perhaps, I may even instruct my men to etch every syllable that escapes from that impure mouth of yours onto the walls of these hallowed halls."


'Last words, huh.'


Well, this is indeed a palace…


But, I'm not a beggar…!


Though, it is expected. With these clothes ripped and shredded, stained a dull red with dried blood — who wouldn't look like one?


Drip... drip...


My chest throbbed in pain as blood oozed from the nasty gash I received from that long-haired jerk… (Damn that long ass spear…!)




With a sigh to ease the ache and calm my rising temper, I glanced sideways. Sunlight streamed through the windows, casting soft shadows that swayed across the red curtains.


And hey, the fresh air?


Aah… Pure bliss.


'But seriously, who's got time for scenic views?'


I've got bigger fish to fry.


Struggling with exertion, I pulled myself up from the cold, unforgiving ground. My gaze fixated on the imposing throne as I began to limp forward, each step a cautious effort.


"D*mn, these wounds sting."


And the limping?


Blame it on the other gash on my right leg that the long-hair jerk also did! My heart pounded as if protesting a personal injustice, a mixture of anger, defiance, and vengeance driving each beat.




Let me clarify — I was knee-deep in experiencing one of "those" moments. Their accusations, betrayal, and framing. I wasn't a murderer; I was a pawn in their twisted game.


Yeah, you heard that right.


"You and your messed-up system, not to mention that unbearable mug of yours... is seriously getting on my nerves." I retorted, my disdain evident as I scrunched my nose in pure disgust at the guy perched on the throne; seriously, that mustache was doing him no favors.


Clatter, clatter.


The royal knights, their armor gleaming under this suffocating throne room, geared up with unwavering determination etched on their faces — only to kill me, of course. Yet, the figure on the throne raised a hand, a commanding gesture that halted their imminent attack with a few authoritative words.


"Let him be."


His voice, a firm decree slicing through the heavy atmosphere, compelled the knights to reluctantly lower their weapons. Their stares remained fixed on me, a mix of anger and suppressed hostility simmering in their eyes.




Silence hung in the air, filled with unspoken words. I could almost hear the unsaid questions in their eyes.


'Let me... be?'




The laugh, a single surprised puff of air escaping my lips, broke the tense silence. It wasn't mocking, more like a startled reaction to the absurdity of the situation. But in the charged ambiance of the throne room, it struck like an off-key chord.


The king's brow furrowed. The knights, their faces stiffening, turned sharply toward me. A murmur spread among them, a wave of disbelief and outrage.


"What is the meaning of that?" boomed a knight in the front, his hand tightening on his sword hilt.


"Disrespect in the king's presence!" another growled, his voice echoing with barely contained fury.


A ripple of agreement spread through the ranks. Heads nodded, hands hovered near weapons.


Approaching the throne, flanked by tense knights, I raised both hands and defiantly extended my middle fingers, a gesture unknown to the court—a quintessential "up yours" from my world.




The king's face contorted as if he'd tasted something sour, struggling to comprehend my action.


I couldn't resist intensifying the mockery.


"You see, back in my world," I began, "this gesture is known as 'F*ck you.' It's a crude way of showing contempt or disrespect. It's akin to saying, 'I couldn't care less about your authority,' which holds true. But of course, in this refined courtly environment, you're not acquainted with such... colorful expressions."


Surveying the room, I observed the perplexed looks on the faces of those assembled in the throne room. Their lack of understanding only added to my amusement.


"Are you all incapable of grasping a simple explanation?"


With a sly grin, I spat on the ground and gestured casually toward the damp spot. "It's similar to this, bastards."


Despite feeling insignificant, I refused to be reduced to a mere pawn in their power play.


"So, here's a special 'double f*ck you' to your messed up system."


The throne room fell silent, enveloped in a heavy hush. The figure seated upon the throne remained still, his narrowed gaze revealing simmering fury. Whispered murmurs rippled through the room as others reacted with stunned disbelief to the presentation before them.


"...I aimed for one finger, but you guys just had to get the double treatment~," I sneered, enjoying their bewilderment.


Am I a sadist? Hah, who cares?


"I congratulate you for this 'award' from the bottom my heart, because you guys are so daa~aamn deserving."


I smirked, "Oh, and thanks for the chance to share my 'last words'. Are those enough for these grand halls?"


The tense silence that engulfed the throne room continued, with my voice only reverberating, the air charged with uncertainty. The king's confusion transformed into anger as his eyes widened; he probably had made sense of my audacity now.


"So, there you have it, you arrogant bastards. A deepest, wholehearted 'double f*ck you all' to each and every one of you."


My final words echoed through the room, fearless and unapologetic.


The room, once a pressure cooker threatening to squash my entire being, now feels like I'm standing in the middle of wind-swept green hills, surrounded by a cool atmosphere and cloudy skies.


But reality slaps me once again. Chaos reigns in the throne room; knights darting around as if their capes are ablaze.


'Oh, they understood now.'


Their faces oscillate between "what-the-heck" and "this-can't-be-real," desperately trying to make sense of the situation.


And my temper? It's ready to blow, like a shaken soda can about to burst.


'I'm almost at my limit, but...'


Ignoring the searing pain, I steeled myself, channeling every ounce of energy into my white muscles*.


Defiance surged within me, like a rebel yell that couldn't be contained.


"Kill him in an instant!"


One of the knights yelled after seeing the man on the throne's face going contorted.


"Grab him, you imbeciles! Stop him!"


Another barked, but their futile commands were mere echoes to my ears.


Without wasting a heartbeat, I yanked the dual daggers from their cozy slots on my belt. The metal whispered as it left its sheath, and I felt the familiar weight in my hands.


As I stretched my hands to my sides, daggers held firmly, I leaned my head backward, slowly inhaling the crisp air.


The adrenaline surged, the one-sided battle about to begin. Just as I was about to exert my strength, my vision blurred.


'The fatigue's building up,' I thought, fighting to stay focused.


Ding... Ding... Ding...


The tower clock bell rang, its sound reverberating through the air as my lids starting to grew heavy, indicating it was 1 PM.



[Narrator: Reiji Shiroyami] – [Present – Mishima High School]


Ding... Ding... Ding...


The bell rang, piercing through the fog of my grogginess.


I blinked my eyes open, the sound signaling it was 1 PM, the end of lunch break. Time to go back to classrooms. I stretched my arms, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep, and glanced around the room.


"Hm... Right, we were in the Student Council's room."


Across from me, I saw Jiyoo Sawada, a friend of mine, still asleep with his head resting on folded arms. He looked peaceful, completely unaware of the bell's insistence. To my left, at the end of the table, the Vice-Rep, Kaori Mizushima, was busy organizing some papers. She took a glance at me, and I could see the eye bags behind her glasses.


I remembered that we overworked yesterday night and completed our tasks here after we had lunch.


Mizushima-san noticed me waking up and said, "Oh, you're awake, Shiroyami-san. I was about to wake you up."


I nodded, giving her a small smile.


I shook my head to fully wake up, then turned to Jiyoo. "Hey, wake up," I nudged him gently. "Time to get back to class."


He groaned, his eyes fluttering open as he slowly lifted his head, blinking against the harsh light. Mizushima-san looked up from her papers, giving me a nod.


"Let's go, guys." I said, pushing my chair back and standing up. I adjusted my uniform, smoothing out the wrinkles from my impromptu nap. Jiyoo stretched, yawning widely, while Mizushima-san gathered her things and joined us.


We made our way out of the room, the hallway bustling with students returning from their break. I led the way back to our classroom, the familiar chatter and clatter of school life a comforting backdrop to the afternoon.


Jiyoo opened the door and continued inside, followed by Mizushima-san. Meanwhile, I stayed by the door, my back resting against the doorway, counting my classmates to make sure everyone was inside.


"Last two, huh."


In our class, we consists of 40 students, and there are currently 38 present inside.




I glanced to my side as I heard footsteps approaching and saw Mr. Kishimoto, our teacher for the first period in the afternoon, and Ryu Kinemori, a classmate of mine, following suit.


"Are we complete, Shiroyami-kun?" Mr. Kishimoto asked.


"There's only one left, sensei. I'll be waiting for her."


Mr. Kishimoto nodded and entered the classroom. Kinemori gave me a quick nod of thanks before following. This was routine for me.


I took a glance inside the classroom and felt the absence of someone. I withdrew and looked down the hallway, spotting the last person, Sayuri Nakamura, hurrying towards us.


'As I thought.'


"Sorry for waiting, Shiroyami-san. I just finished my lunch!" she mumbled, her mouth still stuffed with food.


"Mr. Kishimoto just entered too, you're not that late."


With everyone accounted for, I was about to enter when I heard confused voices echoing through the hall. My curiosity got the better of me, and I leaned back to take a glance, noticing a bright light in the next room.


"Is this a prank?"


"What's happening?"


"Who the hell brought a military searchlight here?!"


I was about to step out and check on them, but then our room erupted with the same bright light. The intensity of the light forced me to cover my eyes.


When I finally dared to look, I saw something straight out of the books and shows I know:


"A magic circle?"


The outer edge pulsed with light-blue lines, intricate patterns connecting to the inner part. The light was too bright to see much detail, and a chair blocked part of the view, but it was unmistakably drawn on the floor.


"What happened?!", a student yelled, blocking off the light with their arms.


"Is this some kind of sick prank?! If it is, then it's not funny at all!", one furiously yelled, stomping her feet as she squinted.


"Everyone, calm down!", another voice that sounds like our teacher instructed us; but to no avail.


Like a mesmerizing dance, it engulfed us in a swirling vortex of blinding light, as if we were mere playthings in the hands of an unfathomable force.


My eyes locked onto the enigmatic phenomenon, pulsating with a growing intensity. Intrigue made my eyes widened, and I forgot to shut them.


'Wait... A magic circle?!'


My realization dawned on me, and I instinctively squeezed my eyes shut, bracing myself for the unknown.



The light began to fade, and I cautiously opened my eyes, squinting against the lingering brightness. My surroundings were unrecognizable—a vast, empty white space stretched out endlessly in every direction. My heart pounded in my chest, a mix of excitement and fear coursing through me.


'Could this be... another world?'


The thought sent a thrill down my spine. All those fantasies from novels, mangas, and animes—it was all true. I was actually experiencing it. But the excitement quickly gave way to a sobering realization: those worlds were also filled with danger. Monsters, magic, battles—it wasn't just a dream come true; it was a potential nightmare.


However, within my field of vision, a wisp of visible white gas, vaguely humanoid in shape, already stood there the moment I was placed in this space. Initially facing away, the figure slowly tilted its body rightward, a silent, gaseous shift.


Simultaneously, its head veered in my direction, revealing a blinding pair of golden hued eyes filled with emotions I couldn't understand.




Few months of revising and thinking what scene could leave a great impression on first few chapters, finally, I've decided to publish the first chapter.

PS: This chapter consists of 2060 words, I was thinking it's a bit too much for a chapter, but since I'm having a comeback, maybe just being a bit overboard wouldn't hurt, keke

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