
Unpaid Dues (BL)

Yejun sighed as he got bored in his office room. He turned his swiveling chair around so he could see Seoul in all its glory through his crystal-clear glass wall. He smirked to himself when he had thought that he has Seoul in the palm of his hands. His thoughts were soon interrupted by his right-hand man. "Sir.... The Kims have escaped..." he informed. Yejun clearly didn't like the thought of people running away with his father's money... or even his. "The good news?" he asked as he propped up his elbow on his armrest and had rested his chin on his hand while is free hand danced on his desk. "They left their son you see.... His name is Kim Eungoo..."

Aria_Black_00 · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
229 Chs

Beg For It

"So when does my shift start?"

"Well, Min Kwan... It starts now...."

"Now? What?!..." Kwan was most definitely confused at this point. He thought, 'right away?'. He sighed and got up, preparing to leave.

"Hey. Where are you going?" Wonshik asked getting confused as well.

"Well, you said my shift starts now right so let's go!"

Wonshik bit his lips and tried his best to surpress his laughter. He found it quite amusing and cute that this so called alpha really thought that they'd be going home together tonight. He didn't hate the idea but he wanted to break it slowly to him… in a pacing he knew that was best.

"Where's the address?" Kwan continued not realizing that the man was already laughing at him as he was too busy staring at the window and missed the sun already.

"Come here..." Wonshik calmly said making the other sigh and walk to the side till he was standing either right in front or right beside him. Kwan hummed quietly and admired how well polished the other's leather shoes were... the typical rich kid who owns everything. 

Kwan has been oriented by the news that Jeon Wonshik is known to be one of the child prodigies of South Korea along with the other two kids, and owner of Park Enterprises and... someone that he could not even remember the name of.

He gasped when Wonshik pulled him out of his thoughts... Literally pulled the man as in made him sit on top of the other's thick thighs. Kwan strike his shoulder and groaned. "Hey! What the fuck are you doing?!" He yelled and tried his best to get off Wonshik only to be firmly placed on his lap.

'This is getting dangerous!' Kwan thought. He began to thrash around and tried to punch Wonshik by the jaw but his actions were blocked and pushed him down on the desk making him gasp sharply and bit his lips. He was never going to scream for him.

"Inspecting..." Wonshik nonchalantly said as he began to caress Kwan's sides while he was fully clothed. He knew what was happening. He knew very well where this is going.

"No use of protesting now... You agreed to this... It was even written in the contract.." He said as a matter of fact making Kwan look at him with wide eyes. Wonshik smiled and flipped the pages to reveal a page as it was written,


"Ahhhh~~~~" Kwan threw his head back slamming his hand on the desk and gripped the other's arm harsher when Wonshik began to pinch and pull his nipples altogether. He cursed at himself when he was caught offguard.

"Very sensitive... I see you play with yourself... more often? So naughty..." he chuckled. 

Kwan wanted to scream at him that he was a damn virgin and all of this was something that he wasn't even used to. But he knew that if he said that, it would be embarrassing seeing that a man at his age is sexless. 

"We don't want me to rip this into shreds now do we? Now behave or I have to discipline you myself.... Hyung.." Wonshik smirked as he was pertaining to Kwan's revealing dress shirt. So he pinned his wrists just above his head with one hand and began to caress his thighs. Wonshik wasted no time as he pushed the other's legs flat on the desk making his new pet's legs dangle on the edge as they were pulled apart. "You really didn't read the contract... It has also written that if you refuse or deny me then you can never see Eungoo... ever..."

Because of Kwan's fury he spit on Wonshik's face. "Fuck you!" he sneered.

Wonshik's eyes widened a little at his action. He never thought that he'd see the day that someone would actually spit on him. No one ever dared to. This made him want to keep Yoongi more. He was feisty and this excited him to the core. He ran his hand over his face to wipe it off and smiled.

"Oh I'm going to enjoy this." He smiled and began to violate the poor boy every chance he got.

Kwan, because of his pride, refused to let out his moans even how much pleasure he received from it. And because of that, Wonshik had an idea of giving him a little punishment. He reached down to his bottom drawer and pulled out a cock ring and wore the item on Kwan.

Kwan gasped in disbelief and tried to kick Wonshik off but he wouldn't budge. He screeched when he felt something enter his hole and looked down and couldn't even believe what it was. 

"You are to go to my home at this time... make sure you won't take those off. I would know since it has a heat sensor. Trust me... you don't want me to punish you that early." He said as he clothed me and buckled my belt back on. He pulled down my shirt and pulled me to sit up straight making me squirm as the butt plug vibrated and pushed itself deeper.

"turn it off..." Kwan groaned and tried to slap Wonshik's face. He yelped when the man easily caught his wrist and gripped it tighter. 

"Nuh-uh." Wonshik wasn't having it. He will never let anyone else slap his face ever again ever since the incident that he had when he was younger. "I can break this you know."

But Kwan held his ground. He was silently challenging Wonshik even if he knew better. One thing's for sure is that Kwan never backs down from a good fight. He maybe now the property of Jeon Wonshik but he will never yield.

"Hey... I want you to go to my place wearing those lace panty, understand? Not unless you want to work tomorrow with no underwear..." Wonshik smirked as he lets Kwan go and gave him a black paper bag that was resting beside his desk from earlier.

Kwan's breathing became heavy. He felt his cock pulsing with anger as he wasn't being allowed to cum. 

Wonshik noticed the conflict in his eyes, "You could always beg for it." He whispered huskily and gently cupped Kwan's cheek. He then slowly leaned in to lick off the tears that was now pouring.

Kwan didn't even realized that he was crying. He bit his lips hard and tried to escape from Wonshik's hold but he was pinned down once more. He wasn't one to beg but he was hurting so much that all his energy is being drained every second that pass by.

His pain has clouded his better judgement and he squeaked a small "please."

"You have to do better than that, hyung." Wonshik hinted. He was having so much fun. He was so turned on at the sight of a well-respected beautiful man writhing on his desk. His delicious white porcelain skin beginning to be exposed just in front of him.

"Please… let me cum…" Kwan's voice trembled and his throat ran dry. He just wanted to die from the humiliation.

"Since you've been a good hyung... Maybe I can let you cum." Wonshik hummed and began to trace his finger on the base of Kwan's shaft "if I let you cum.... Will you send some nudes every day? Like... one nude per day?" 


"I mean... Everyday... Starting today...."

"Fine!!Fine!!! Whatever you want just… get rid of it!!"

And with that, Wonshik pulled off the horrible thing making the other scream in pleasure as he shoot out his load all over the floor. His body shook from the intense orgasm he just had. He didn't hate the man's touch as much as he thought he would but his pride was just stepped on just like that. He panted and laid back down on the desk and covered his eyes by placing his arms over them from embarrassment; he didn't want to see the mess he made; he just couldn't. 

"Hyung?..... What?!... Okay... I'll be right there..." Kwan lifted his arms slowly and saw him hung up the phone and inserted it in his pocket then turned to him. "come on... I'll get you a cab..." 

Kwan didn't protest at all as he felt so drained. He let the man fix his clothes and carry him downstairs. He was thankful that it was a little late so his employees wouldn't have to see him like this.

"I'll take the bus..." Kwan whimpered and limped away from him.

"You sure?"

"Yeah..." Kwan said and chewed the insides of his cheek. He really didn't want to be with him at the moment as he trying his best to understand and process what the fuck just happened.

"Text me mkay?" and with that, Wonshik jogged off, leaving him. He sighed as the bus parked in front of him. He then took a step in and walked towards a seat near the window. Kwan leaned his head on the windowpane and starred out in the open... until a familiar face saw approached him.

"Min Kwan?"