
UnOrdinary: Chaos

(This is going to be an UnOrdinary fanfic, I hope you like it). This novel tells the story of Samael and his constant quest for power.

Daoist7SI7YI · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs


With the (.....) I will indicate the thoughts of the protagonist.

With the '' ..... '' will be the various discussions made verbally.

5 years later....

I got out of bed ready to go to my first day of school. I saw myself in the mirror and front of me was a child. (Honestly, with this body I don't consider myself ugly. I'm a little taller than average for a child. I have a thin body with delicate features, snow white skin, raven black eyes and hair).

I started to get dressed and once finished I opened the door and went down the stairs and then went to the kitchen. Once I arrived, I saw my father sitting in the chair eating his breakfast on the table. My mother is cooking instead, concentrating on making me scrambled eggs.

'' Samael did you finally wake up? haha haha. I thought I had to throw you out of bed to avoid being late. ''

He was a man around 6 ft 2 in (187.96 m) tall. Fiery red hair is a very evident and defined musculature. Pale skin colour and with a tuxedo on.

'' Yes ​​father, there would have been no need. Don't worry''. I went to the kitchen table to sit on the chair, waiting for the meal.

''Better like this then. I wouldn't want to burn that beautiful hair you have trying to wake you up, hahaha. '' He looked at me with a smile full of warmth.

'' .... I hope it will never happen. '' (It's creepy when it does).

'' Hi honey, you woke up then. Wait a minute I'm almost done making you eggs. ''

"Yes, mother." (Being in UnOrdinary there are a lot of really strong people. They have superhuman abilities that can also see into the future or control time and many more. I haven't been able to awaken mine yet. This is a very bad situation. At this moment John Doe the protagonist of this work should still be a cripple. In this period I have to try to strengthen myself and above all understand how my ability works).

'' He's ready. '' With the pan in his hand, he put the food on top of my plate.

I ate everything and got into the car with my mom to go to school.

(In the last 5 years I have understood several things. First of all, I reincarnated in the world of UnOrdinary. In a discriminatory world based on social caste, in which force determines your past, present and future. If there were concentration camps I would have exchanged for a Jew. I haven't been able to figure out how my ability works in the last few years. This has been quite frustrating. However, at the moment I have no idea how to fix it so I'm in a blind spot. I will have a lot of difficulty in school if I show myself. weak. I have to somehow solve the problem, otherwise, I'm completely screwed. On this day I have to get into Bundy Elementary School. Most likely in junior high, I will move to Wellstone Middle School and then proceed to Wellstone High School. All because I am prestigious schools so in theory they should give me a smooth future if I had a decent skill).

'' Honey get out of the car we got to school. We don't want to be late, do we? '' She said it with puppy eyes.

"Of course mom, it was not my intention." (Those eyes give the chills, better leave).

I entered the school building and then proceeded to my class. Once in class, I took my seat waiting for the math teacher.

(There are thirty of us in all. There are too many to remember all their names. Some are bullies who have targeted me for the lack of my skill. Speak the devil and get their horns out.)

'' Samael, dear friend. You know what you have to do, don't you? ''

I took the money in my backpack and gave it to him.

'' Yes, I know Red ''.

Once they were taken he punched me in the face. He walked away saying ''I hope our friendship continues, hehehe''.

(Indeed this is how this world is made. The stronger dominates the weaker. In reality, it has always been so but in this, it is simply more evident. I have to continue my series of experiments to see if I have powers similar to John Doe. . To do this I need guinea pigs, preferably outside my social context).

After finishing her lessons, she started recess. I went into the canteen. (Here the division of social castes is more evident. I will have to eat and sit alone at a table).

I got to eat and sat at a table to feed myself. The bullies approached again, along with his henchmen.

"Hi Samael, you want us to keep you company, right?" She said it with a wicked smile.

''No problem''

'' Great then ''. They all sat down at the table.

(If I remember correctly they are called, Red Telling the leader of the group, Rick Enstrom, Thomas Rendel and Tony Deadfel).

'' Samael, I want more money. I have already spent the others hehehehe ''

(What could have bought that money 7 years old? I'm pretty curious but I don't care that much.)

''I have not''

'' How do you not have any !!! If you don't want to be beaten to blood, you'd better give it to us !!! ''.

''... I have not''

'' So that's the way it is! ''

He grabbed me by the shirt and began to punch me and then throw me to the ground and hit me with his friends.

During that series of hits, I activated my ability. Every time I noticed a black shade around them. (I see this trail only under certain conditions and not always. I have to investigate further. However, if I did not have congenital insensitivity to pain it would have done everything very badly. I have to cover the vital points).

I crouched on myself waiting for them to finish. After 5 minutes they got tired and left leaving behind this last sentence '' Next time bring more, idiot. HAHAHAHAHA ''.

When school finished. I got into my father's car. He looked at me and didn't say a word.

Once inside the house, I went up the stairs and then entered my room. I had dinner in the room and at bedtime, they turned off the lights gave me a goodnight kiss and then closed the room.

It was one in the morning. I wore dark clothing with a hoodie and a surgical mask to show my face as little as possible. I opened the door and went into my parents' room. (In the last 3 years I have discovered that they use sedatives in the room and I don't know why. Will it be part of their job? They don't usually tell me much about their jobs. However, it's not time to think about it.) I opened the drawer containing what I wanted and a couple of syringes along with a lighter. Collected everything, I left the room closed the door and went down the stairs. (I'll have to go to the kitchen now). Went into the kitchen to get a knife. I opened the fridge in which there are various spirits inside. I got a bottle of pure alcohol. I took a backpack at the entrance and put all the materials and then leave the house in the utmost silence.

I went to the slums of the city. I needed a guinea pig to figure out if I have equal or similar power to aura manipulation like John Done. In a narrow alley, I noticed a drug addict. She was alone and at this moment she was not conscious.

(You will be no more than 20 years old. You will use it to experiment).

I put the sedative in the syringe and walked over to her. She didn't notice me. With those pills in her hand, it would seem that she still took them. (I think she won't use any sedatives in the end.) I took the drug and put it in her mouth and forced her to swallow it. (I think she is awake now).

She pushed me away and stood up keeping her ability active.

'' What have you done to me! '' She held her head with her hand in the meantime.

"Absolutely nothing". (She is stunned right now but she has the ability to activate the ability. I have to be careful).

'' Don't joke with me !! "she checked herself and saw that she didn't have the pills in her hands. '' Where did you put them !! ''

'' She In yours she got sick. "I told her smiling cheerfully.

"I had already taken them, so I will overdose !! I have to go to the hospital" He turns around and I begin to run towards the exit of the alley.

"Not so fast." I took the knife and threw it at him, sticking it in his leg.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAA" There were screams of pain.

'' I actually wanted to hit your back. I guess I don't have enough strength, what a pity. Still better than nothing though. '' I walked over with a smile on her lips.

'' What do you want from me !! '' I scream in terror.

''To experiment''. I said with an emotionless look.

''What does it mean! What do you want headlights ?! '' I scream at the top of my throat.

'' Why should I answer you. It is not an interrogation. However, I'd rather you stop screaming like that, no one will come to your aid. Shut up before she cuts your vocal cords. My ears are hurting from your constant screams. '' I activated my ability and saw a denser shade of black.

'' Leave me alone !! '' I slowly approached her.

(What will this darker colour be due to. Do emotions have something to do with it? Or is it related to other characteristics? Like age, body constitution, simple power? Although I don't think the latter has anything to do with it. manages to damage me considerably. It will certainly be a low level). Once I was over to her, I slowly took the knife out of my leg. In the meantime, I spoke with a clear and calm voice.

'' Guinea pig 01, we can collaborate. Right now I could kill you at any moment but if you want to avoid it, just nod your head silently. ''

She nodded softly even as she moaned in pain.

''Optimal''. I successfully pulled out the knife.

(What bad luck I hit an artery).

''Give me your hand''.

'' You nod. '' She held out her hand to me and I took it.

I looked for interactions with the black shade and there were. My eyes lit up with a strange glow. That black mist crept up into my hand passing through her body and then inserted into mine. I extracted every last drop. But the more I took, the weaker she seemed.

(Exactly what is going on?). I continued until you completely shoot from her.

I took my hand away and saw her condition. She was exhausted, she could be seen. It looked like she had lost a few pounds. Almost becoming skin and bones. Meanwhile, I felt much stronger.

(She is dying, I have no time left. I cannot let anyone find out that my ability has anything to do with it. I have to sidetrack the investigation into something else. I think I have an idea. Why don't we make some meat roast). I took the alcohol and threw it on him, then burned it with the help of the lighter.

(For this I love plan B). I heard screams inside the flames.

(I forgot to kill her before she did to save him some additional pain. What a great shame.) I left and then returned home as quickly as possible.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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