

A young man sets out to build the strongest guild in existence, crimson blade held close to hip. Scars littered his body, each one telling it's own story as he walked forward alone, rejecting companionship, desiring only strength. Weighed down by his past and unable to move on, this is the story of how a single man lead a wave that toppled the very world. //The schedule will be unstable at first, but once we get more peeps then I'll update 2 to 3 chaps every day.

ShadowDrev · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

The Two Monsters


World Guild Center - District #257

Burote Kingdom Capitol, Arioa City


"Your name?"

"Denta Jucai"

"Very Well, please go and stand with the rest of the group." Flora Symone gave a small smile before pointing to the right of her where a large group of around fifty peopls stood in wait. "We will be starting the trials in a short moment."

The young man known as Denta nodded before heading over to secluded spot, broken off from the rest of the group, leaving the blonde receptionist to write down the name on the clipboard in front of her. Positioned next to her, a young elven woman by the name of Akino Aubree, watched over the group with blatant curiosity as she continued to perform her tasks, marking down observations and dealing with other adventurers who came looking for assistance. Even with it being the busiest time for every WGC throughout the world, the elf didn't seem to be bothered by it, at least when compared to her partner who looked as if she was barely holding herself together.

"Ugh, I hate this time of the year," Flora muttered as she sprawled over the countertop positioned in front of her, long blonde hair spilling into her face. "It's such a pain in the *ss."

"Eh heh, just try and hang in there Flora," Akino replied, letting out a nervous laugh, framed glasses directed towards the clipboard clutched in her hands. She continued to glance over the adventurers with a side look. "I think one more batch of newbies are scheduled to come in, then we can switch out with the afternoon shift."

"Tch, doesn't change the fact that we have to do it all again tomorrow," Flora countered as she pried her face from the pale blue countertop, light brown eyes shifting over to the small yet welled developed woman standing a few feet away from her. "Dealing with newbies, not to mention those who wanna join or create guilds, is always a pain to start with. Stuck up, haughty, entitled, arrogant, foul mouthed, stupid, and completely retarded!! If that wasn't enough, now we have to deal with the influx of rookies who think they have what it takes to set out and join the world of the unknown. It's some backbreaking work and it's been YEARS since I even got a f*ckin raise!!"

"Why did you even become a WGC (World Guild Center) worker in the first place?" Akino said after the woman finished her small rant, her eyes ripping away from the group. Dark green hues met the blonde's light brown ones, one holding curiosity while the other was filled with annoyance. "You got a good head on your shoulders and you really do seem to be good at your job. Why the constant griping every time you get the chance to rest? Is it because you still dont have a-"

"Not another word Akie," Flora snipped, cutting her off before she could finish. "You dont have one either!!"

"Yes, but....unlike you, I'm not pushing 30," Akino countered calmly as she once again returned her attention to the group, the members of which looked to be getting impatient. "Additionally, even if I was indeed around your age, I have about five times your lifespan so I would still have time to find one."

Flora looked as if she had taken a physical blow to the chest as she collapsed onto the counter once again, her blonde hair becoming a curtain that blocked her expression from the outside world. As someone who was extremely self conscious about her numbering years, the mere mention of her own age was enough to put completely deflate Flora's whole demeanor. The blonde let out a breath, mumbling self deprecating phrases too low for anyone to hear, now drowning in self loathing. Akino, having dealt with this deflation before, chose to ignore the human woman as she flicked through the numerous wannabe adventurers all crowded together in hopes of taking the trials that would lead them to the future they so deeply wished to make a reality. Again and again, she looked through each and every one, dark green eyes shimmering with a mixture of curiosity and hope. However, after a while, she merely clicked her tongue and shook her head, shifting her attention to her clipboard.

(("Another worthless batch? That makes sixteen total in today alone.")) Akino shook her head as she mentally scratched off everyone within the list, no longer interested in any of them. (("Not a single one radiate the vibe that I'm looking for. Doesn't matter if they have strong magic if they don't have the fortitude to back it up. Of course, maybe I'm just setting the bar too high. Finding a young male on the level of even the weakest 12 Rookies is beyond what most are capable of."))

The young elf set her pen and clipboard down upon the counter, a disappointed and unenthusiastic expression upon her visage. While she still maintained her professionalism, Akino no longer appeared as if she wanted to be there as she gave her partner a slap on the rear. "Come on then old hag. We have to close the doors and start the trials."

"Do it yourself," Flora groaned, her voice muffled as she talked into her arm. "I've done enough of them today. You should be able to do it all by yours-"

The mature blonde stopped midsentence, her body jerking slightly as she immediately raised her head, puffy red eyes glancing towards the large semi oval, thick oak doors, of which had closed around a minute prior. Quickly wiping her tears away, Flora rose from her chair and rapidly attempted to fix her hair as she made her way to the door.

No one asked what she was doing as the entire innards of the WGC fell silent, all of them simply watching the woman walk towards the entrance with ghost like steps. All of them had felt it and it seemed it had been more then enough to quiet every single one of them and even make some of them tense up. The atmosphere became heavy and dense enough to cut with a knife as many clutched their weapons tighter, preparing themselves for the monster that was no doubt about to walk through the front door.

They weren't the only ones who had gone stiff. Akino found herself unable to move from her position behind the counter, rendered immobile as the sudden weight of someone's almost limitless magic pressed down on her. She struggled to breathe and she felt sweat drip down from her neck, the looming threat of death creeping up on her as Flora wrenched open the door.

"The sheer scale of the magic," Akino muttered as sweat droplets appeared on her face. "This aura. It HAS to be one of them. One of the 12."

The Elemental Rookies. The current generations top ranked younglings below the age of twelve who had surpassed each and every trial thrown their way with top tier results. Those given the title of Rookie were usually gifted in one form or another, be it physical prowess or magical power, they were the cream of the crop, the gemstones amongst the everyday riffraff. In terms of potential, the Elemental Rookies had enough to hand out to others and still remain far above the common adventurers who traversed the lowest ranked Rifts. There wasn't a Rookie alive who hadn't gone on to fame and fortune, to make his or her name known throughout Oterra and the 1,794 Rifts that currently dotted the world. Normally there were dozens of children who were able to seize the role of Elemantal Rookie, rising through the ranks with astounding speeds. However, among the latest batch of Rookies worldwide, only 12 had emerged with strength that put previous Rookies to shame. It was immensely difficult to earn the title of Elemental Rookie so those that succeeded were known far and wide with no exceptions. Their mere presence was enough for others to identify them as they emitted an almost unworldly aura that screamed "I'm dangerous!!", especially those Rookies who had already matured into full fledged fighters.

They were on another tier, a separate league of growth none could hope to match.

The presence everyone within the WGC building was currently feeling was even beyond that of a Rookie, beyond the feeling of danger and into the realm of a walking disaster. It wasn't even the unrealistic levels of magic that made others feel like their lives were being threatened, but rather the overwhelming killing intent that accompanied it, something that one only obtained after years of living betwixt life and death. It was the crushing aura of one who had battled countless trials and no doubt lived a life most of the newbies could only dream of.

Eventually however, the magic that weighed heavily upon their shoulders began to dissipate, slowly lightening up as the seconds passed. The murderous aura remained in place but the magic slowly fizzled out until eventually it was just like everyone else's, calm and collected.

From the now open doorway, two figures walked through bowing slightly to Flora as they passed.

The first thing Akino noticed and perhaps the thing that stood out the most, was the head of bright red hair, a red so bright that it was almost glowing. Followed by that eye catching color, the young guild worker took in the full sight of the duo who had managed to silence a room full of impatient commoners with their mere presence alone.

To the left, a young man with light blue hair, a color that paired well to the other youths bright red hair. The youth wore a white tshirt with black cotton pants, a wooden pole with metal ends held firmly in his left hand, and a small white polar bear following closely behind him. He was easily recognized by all as Elemental Rookie #11, the water magic user and leader of the Water Wolves guild, Mako Kunzite. It was from him that the overwhelming magic had spawned from and had most likely been where the murderous intent had originated.

(("What's one of the 12 Rookies doing here at a time like this?")) Akino muttered as Mako and the redhead approached her. (("And whose the other guy? He must be powerful if he can walk so casually with one of the twelve."))

Akino Aubree took a deep breath, slowly regaining her composure as the two teenagers stopped before the counter.

"Hello, how may I be of service?" Akino greeted, making sure to keep her voice steady. She had idea as to how the Rookies acted but she had heard from the grapevine that they were all more than a bit eccentric, doing whatever they wanted at the drop of a hat. "Right now, we're currently limited to what we can accomplish due to the trials but I'll gladly take a request or any other simple task you need taken care of."

Mako gave a polite bow. "I'm simply here to get my friend reinstated as an adventurer, that's all. Based on the current rules of the guild, those who remain inactive in both quests and guild work will be expelled from their current guild and forced to resign as an adventurer. Isn't that right?"

"Y....Yeah, that's right," Akino replied, caught off guard at how polite the Rookie was. "If your friend has been expunged then he'll need to take the trials again in order to affirmate whether he still has the capability to continue being an adventurer. Should he pass, he'll recieve his status back, although his rank will take a massive hit, likely returning him to the bottom of the rankings. Should he fail, then he'll have the chance to try again when he thinks he can meet the criteria."

"Very well, sounds reasonable enough." Mako smiled and stepped to the side, ushering the youth behind him forward. "Then do what you need to get it done, Jak Yanda."

(("Jak Yanda?")) Akino felt familiar with the name but was unable to pinpoint why as she picked up the clipboard from the countertop. (("Where have I heard that name before?"))

The bright red head whom Mako had called Jak Yanda stepped forward. Crimson red eyes met Akino's dark green ones and, for a split second, the intimidating aura she had been feeling ever since the two had arrived, struck her full in the face, like a demonic beast that had leapt forward and was on the verge of tearing off her head. It was as if someone had dumped a bucket of ice cold water down her back as backed up and shifted her gaze elsewhere, now unable to fully look him in the eyes.

(("That killing intent was coming from him?! What the f*ck are these monsters doing at a mere trial?"))