
UNMEI : Whispers of The Curse and Blessing

In a world on the brink of collapse, four individuals with conflicting motives are inexplicably drawn together by a shared mission: to save humanity for their own gains. As they navigate their own agendas and personal struggles, they must grudgingly unite their skills to confront a global threat. Betrayal, danger, and self-interest clash as they race against time to secure their own futures while saving the world from destruction. In a world teeming with diverse creatures, from gods and humans to angels and devils, the balance of power is defined by Neba and Zeten. Neba, a divine blessing, imbues individuals with mystical energy, while Zeten, a sinister curse, manifests as an elemental aura. Neba: A divine blessing that grants individuals mystical energy. Users can enhance their abilities through rigorous training and consistent usage. Mastery of Neba empowers individuals to reach their full potential, with 100% representing peak efficiency. Zeten: A sinister curse that envelops individuals in an elemental aura. Mastery requires heeding cryptic whispers and completing their tasks to enhance Zeten power and ability mastery. Overuse of Zeten can lead to loss of control, transforming individuals into powerful yet uncontrollable entities. In this world, mastering Neba and Zeten is the key to unlocking untold power and facing the challenges of an ever-shifting landscape filled with danger and opportunity.

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58 Chs

Chapter 9: Fall of Fein ( 5 )

The revelation of Cadogan's Zeten tattoo electrifies the air with a surge of anticipation and disbelief.

Dune's heart races as he recalls the mercy Cadogan showed them in the past, now understanding the depth of the knight's compassion.

With the horde of creatures looming ominously from all directions, the crew's resolve is steelier than ever, fueled by a mix of determination and fear.

Each member feels the adrenaline coursing through their veins, their senses heightened as they prepare for the ultimate showdown.

Dune's strikes fell short of the others', and he gasped for breath between swings. "We need to last a little longer," he shouted above the chaos. "My brother Daniel left hours ago. He'll let the main city, Rendely, know about this."

Atlas fought with a ferocity fueled by desperation. "But if they see our Zeten tattoos, we're dead," he warned, his voice tense with worry.

The twins, Ezra and Liam, nodded grimly in agreement. "Even one of their elite warriors could take us out," Ezra said, his eyes scanning the horde for threats.

Cadogan's chilling smirk sent shivers down their spines. "Then we'll make sure they don't see them," he declared, his voice carrying a hint of grim determination.

As the survivors caught their breath, the monsters suddenly scattered in all directions, as if fleeing from an unseen threat. Ned dared to voice the question on everyone's mind, "Did we win?"

But their fleeting hope was shattered when a figure emerged from the shadows, clad in a black cloak and a mask adorned with a large red tattoo—a rose with wings.

Dune's voice quivered with uncertainty as he asked, "Who's this?"

Cadogan's steely gaze narrowed. "I don't know, but he's a problem," he replied, his voice tinged with caution.

The masked figure stepped forward, emanating an aura of divine strength and authority.

"Cadogan, huh?" His voice carried an air of command. "Thirty years old, wielder of Blue Zeten and Blue Neba, one of the strongest prodigies of Sanatria." His words hung heavily in the air, ominous and foreboding. "Sadly, we don't need you."

He turned his attention to Amanda, his gaze piercing through the darkness. "And we certainly don't need the woman next to you," he declared, his tone dripping with menace. "Move aside, and I might let you leave."

Cadogan tightened his grip on his sword, preparing for the confrontation ahead. The masked figure's presence loomed large, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the survivors as they braced themselves for what was to come.

Cadogan's mind raced with conflicting thoughts, torn between self-preservation and a sense of duty to protect the survivors before him.

Should i abandon them and save

Myself, or stay and protect them from enemy ? The weight of responsibility bore down on him as he grappled with his decision.

He couldn't stand idly by and watch innocents fall prey to this unknown threat. With a grim determination, he took up his battle stance, his Zeten aura pulsing with renewed strength.

A hoarse laugh escaped Cadogan's lips as he met the masked man's challenge head-on. "You can take them if you kill me first," he declared, his voice ringing with defiance. The blue glow of his Zeten tattoo illuminated the darkness, a beacon of unwavering resolve.

The masked man chuckled in response, a mix of amusement and disdain in his tone. "It's sad that talent like you is wasted like this, Cadogan," he remarked, preparing himself for the inevitable clash.

Cadogan's gaze flickered with determination as he addressed the others. "Go and escape. I will buy some time here," he declared, a smirk playing on his lips. "No, I will win this battle," he added with a confident laugh.

Dune's voice cut through the tension, questioning Cadogan's decision. "Are you sure? We can all fight him. There are more chances to win like that."

But Cadogan shook his head, his expression serious. "No, you can't. He's strong, and he's probably at his 100% right now while we are exhausted. Maybe that guy could be of help. He hasn't used his Neba or Zeten after all." Cadogan pointed at Atlas, then let out another laugh.

"What? You thought I wouldn't notice? I already knew about you guys," he admitted, amusement dancing in his eyes. But his demeanor quickly shifted back to seriousness. "Go and run as fast as you can. You guys must reach Rendely and let the higher-ups know about the situation. I'll be surprised if anyone else except us is still alive in this city. Fein lost….Now go!"

With those words, the others began to run, their footsteps echoing against the chaos of the city.

Amanda cast a sad glance back at Cadogan, who simply smiled and waved his hand. Then, with a determined gaze, he turned his attention back to the masked man.

Their eyes met for a moment, a silent exchange of challenges and determination. Then, in a flash, they disappeared and reappeared, clashing swords with a force that sent shockwaves rippling through the air.

The impact was deafening, and the surroundings erupted into chaos as buildings crumbled and turned to ashes in their wake.

As Dune and the others ran, their breaths ragged and their hearts pounding, they reached the giant door that could lead them out of the city.

The sight before them was grim: thousands of dead soldiers and creatures littered the ground, evidence of the fierce battle that had raged on. Broken walls and destroyed ground bore witness to the devastation that had befallen Fein.

Despite the chaos surrounding them, all six of them pressed on, their determination lending strength to their weary bodies.

They ran as fast as they could, their staminas enhanced by the power of Neba, each step bringing them closer to safety and the hope of reaching Rendely to alert the higher-ups of the dire situation in Fein.

"I can't believe you guys were hiding for so long in Fein with Zeten. That's really impressive," Amanda remarked, her tone a mixture of Sadness, admiration and disbelief. The boys smiled awkwardly in response, except for Atlas, who remained lost in thought.

Atlas couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled over him since their encounter with the masked man. His mind raced with questions.

Why did he feel fear in the presence of that man? His power felt different, almost otherworldly. Was it even Neba? The uncertainty gnawed at him.

His thoughts drifted to Cadogan, the formidable wielder of Blue Neba and Zeten. Cadogan's strength and mastery of his powers were undeniable.

In contrast, Atlas possessed Purple Neba and Purple Zeten, a combination that could elevate him to noble status if revealed. But the curse of Zeten loomed over him, a reminder of the potential dangers.

Atlas pondered the concept of mastery, knowing it was the key to unlocking his full potential.

Mastery could be scaled from 1% to 100%, and reaching 100% meant absolute power without weaknesses. He realized he had only scratched the surface, with a mere 3% mastery of his abilities. In comparison, Cadogan likely had far surpassed him, possibly reaching 10% or more.

Despite the odds, Atlas remained determined to hone his skills and rise to prominence, even if it meant facing formidable opponents like Cadogan. The journey ahead would be challenging, but he was resolved to push himself to his limits and beyond.

Mastery was not just about raw power; it was about control, finesse, and understanding. It required dedication, discipline, and countless hours of training. Atlas knew he had much to learn, but he was eager to embrace the challenge and unlock the full potential of his abilities.

Absolutely, mastering one's powers required consistent usage and exposure to varying challenges. The principle was simple: the more you used your abilities and faced formidable opponents, the stronger your mastery over them would become.

Consider, for example, someone with the power to control water. If their mastery level was at 5%, they would struggle against a wielder of fire with a mastery level of 7% or higher. The key lay in facing increasingly difficult challenges to push one's limits and enhance mastery.

Achieving 100% mastery was exceedingly rare and reserved for the most exceptional individuals. Zet, the strongest human, and Zeus, the god of gods, were the only known beings to have reached this pinnacle. Even among the gods, who were inherently more powerful, most struggled to surpass the 60% mark, with only a select few reaching 80%.

The path to mastery was arduous and fraught with challenges, but it was also the surest way to unlock the full potential of one's abilities. Each trial and tribulation served to strengthen the bond between wielder and power, paving the way for greater feats and accomplishments.

As the clash between Cadogan and the masked man intensified, the streets of Fein became a battleground of swirling chaos. Each strike reverberated with thunderous force, shattering the silence of the desolate city. Amidst the tumult, the masked man's voice cut through the din, his words dripping with sinister intent.

"Ah, Cadogan," the masked man's voice echoed, a dark melody of malevolence. "You fight valiantly, but you cannot defy the will of the gods. Your efforts are in vain, a futile struggle against fate itself."

With each word, the masked man's laughter intertwined with the sounds of battle, a haunting symphony of mockery and menace. His cryptic taunts hung heavy in the air, a chilling reminder of the forces at play in their deadly duel.

Cadogan summoned the full might of his Zeten ability, weaving intricate patterns of frost and ice into existence. With a commanding gesture, he called forth ten ethereal swords, each blade gleaming with an icy brilliance that matched the cold determination in his eyes.

With swift precision, Cadogan set the swords into motion, sending them hurtling towards the masked man with deadly accuracy. But the masked man was no ordinary adversary; he moved with a grace and agility that belied his imposing figure. With a deft sidestep, he dodged the oncoming blades, his movements fluid and effortless as he danced through the chaos of battle.

Masked man melded his own swords into a fiery spear that blazed with an intensity that seared the air around them.

In a heartbeat, the fiery spear surged forward with alarming speed, a relentless force of destruction aimed directly at Cadogan. Unwilling to relent, Cadogan transformed his swords into shields, forming a protective barrier around himself in a desperate bid to ward off the masked man's relentless assault. But his efforts proved futile against the masked man's devastating attack

Despite his best efforts to raise his icy shields in defense, they offered little resistance against the searing heat of the masked man's attack. The fiery projectile tore through them with ease, leaving Cadogan exposed and vulnerable to the full force of the impact.

The collision was cataclysmic, tearing through the left side of Cadogan's face with brutal efficiency. Flesh and bone yielded to the onslaught, leaving behind a grotesque tableau of exposed brain matter and crimson blood, a stark reminder of the unforgiving brutality of their clash. Cadogan fell down.. motionless not making any sound.

Masked man turned towards Fein entrance and was about to leave the city but then he heard sound from Cadogan's direction, With a freezing sound that cut through the chaos, Cadogan closed the distance between them in an instant, slashing his sword against the masked man's neck with chilling precision. Though the masked man was caught off guard and attempted to evade the strike, Cadogan's blade found its mark, slicing through flesh and artery.

Blood spurted from the masked man's neck, but he quickly stemmed the flow with a deft application of Neba energy, using the power to cauterize the wound and hasten his healing. The exertion left him drained, sapping nearly half of his Neba reserves in the process.

Masked man stood up and looked Cadogan, he was shocked, half of the Cadogan's Face was covered with ice, Slowly but surely, Cadogan's damaged features began to take on a new semblance of normalcy, the icy veneer of the Neba giving way to the warm flush of regenerated flesh. With each passing moment, the transformation continued unabated, until at last, Cadogan stood whole once more, his face restored to its former glory.

Masked man thought.. This is his own ability from Blue Zeten? Huh how lucky "This is truly remarkable," he admitted, his voice tinged with admiration. "To possess such a formidable healing ability is a rare gift indeed."

The masked man's laughter echoed through the desolate streets of Fein, a chilling reminder of the perilous game they were about to play. "I've already told you, Cad," he taunted, his voice dripping with confidence. "You're wasting your time. It doesn't matter how long we spar here; I'll catch up to them in seconds once you're out of the way. First, I'll deal with the woman, and then those unlucky Zetens."

His words hung heavy in the air, a somber acknowledgment of the inevitable showdown that lay ahead. "You deserve to know my name before I end this," he continued, his tone laced with a hint of finality. "Until then, use everything you have to block my next attack. Here I come."

With a knowing smile, Cadogan met the masked man's gaze, a silent understanding passing between them as they prepared for their final clash. In that fleeting moment, the weight of their destinies bore down upon them, their fates intertwined in a battle for supremacy.

Cadogan unleashed the full power of his Blue Zeten, his Neba radiating from his body and coalescing into a colossal 30-meter dragon that encircled him. Ice swords materialized around him, some towering as tall as houses, as his eyes blazed with a brilliant blue and white light. Levitating slightly above the ground, he braced himself for the imminent clash.

On the opposing side, the masked man tapped into his red Neba, igniting flames that engulfed his form. With a menacing aura, he conjured a sword forged from fire, causing the very surroundings to melt and tremble beneath his power. Amidst the chaos, he calmly revealed his identity. "My name is Matiane, apostle of the God of War."

Though momentarily taken aback by the revelation, Cadogan quickly steeled himself for the confrontation. Gritting his teeth, he prepared to meet his adversary head-on. The clash between their opposing forces shook the city to its core, reducing buildings to rubble and casting the sky into an eerie glow.

When the dust settled and the echoes of their battle faded, only one figure remained standing amidst the devastation. Matiane stood, his body battered and bleeding from numerous wounds, his mask shattered to reveal his striking features.He had dark red hair, With red eyes and sharp teeth, his handsome visage belied his pale, vampiric complexion.

In stark contrast, Cadogan lay motionless on the ground, a gaping hole in his chest oozing blood, his frozen body parts evidence of the fierce battle he endured. As Matiane surveyed the scene, he spared a brief glance at his fallen opponent before swiftly departing with lightning speed, his sights set on his next targets: the Zetens and Amanda.