
UNMEI : Whispers of The Curse and Blessing

In a world on the brink of collapse, four individuals with conflicting motives are inexplicably drawn together by a shared mission: to save humanity for their own gains. As they navigate their own agendas and personal struggles, they must grudgingly unite their skills to confront a global threat. Betrayal, danger, and self-interest clash as they race against time to secure their own futures while saving the world from destruction. In a world teeming with diverse creatures, from gods and humans to angels and devils, the balance of power is defined by Neba and Zeten. Neba, a divine blessing, imbues individuals with mystical energy, while Zeten, a sinister curse, manifests as an elemental aura. Neba: A divine blessing that grants individuals mystical energy. Users can enhance their abilities through rigorous training and consistent usage. Mastery of Neba empowers individuals to reach their full potential, with 100% representing peak efficiency. Zeten: A sinister curse that envelops individuals in an elemental aura. Mastery requires heeding cryptic whispers and completing their tasks to enhance Zeten power and ability mastery. Overuse of Zeten can lead to loss of control, transforming individuals into powerful yet uncontrollable entities. In this world, mastering Neba and Zeten is the key to unlocking untold power and facing the challenges of an ever-shifting landscape filled with danger and opportunity.

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58 Chs

Chapter 7: Fall of Fein ( 3 )

From atop the towering walls of the city, Lord Cadogan surveyed the vast expanse of land stretching out before him, his gaze piercing through the dense forests and distant mountains. Around him, knights and soldiers stood watch, vigilant against any potential threats.

As Cadogan stood lost in thought, contemplating the challenges that lay ahead, a messenger approached him with urgent news.

"Lord Cadogan," the messenger began, "Knight Sir Dechi has apprehended the Zeten wielder and seeks to proceed with a public execution."

Cadogan let out a weary sigh, his brow furrowing in concern. "Inform Sir Dechi to postpone the execution," he commanded. "We have more pressing matters at hand. Tell him to join me on the wall immediately."

With a quick nod, the messenger hurried off to relay Cadogan's instructions to Sir Dechi, leaving Cadogan to ponder the unfolding events and the ominous threats looming on the horizon.

As the tension mounted atop the wall, a sense of unease gripped Cadogan and his men. Suddenly, from the tall grass below, something stirred, catching their attention. Slowly, a deer emerged, its form graceful and seemingly harmless.

Yet, as the creature locked eyes with Cadogan and his soldiers, an eerie silence descended upon them. A chill swept through their ranks, and an inexplicable fear gripped their hearts. It was as though the very presence of the deer bore an ominous weight, casting a shadow over the fortified walls and the brave defenders standing upon them.

Cadogan wasted no time in addressing the eerie encounter. Calling forth five of his soldiers, he issued a command to investigate the situation below. With practiced efficiency, the men readied themselves for the task ahead.

Slowly, the massive iron gates of the city creaked open, revealing the fortified walls and the towering bridge that led to the outside world. With a resounding clank, the second gate followed suit, and the bridge descended

As the soldiers cautiously advanced towards the motionless deer, tension hung thick in the air, their senses heightened by the unnerving stillness of the creature before them. With each step, the distance between them and the enigmatic figure dwindled, revealing the full extent of its unsettling presence.

As they drew nearer, the soldiers noted with growing unease that the deer remained utterly motionless, its gaze fixed unblinkingly ahead as if locked in an eternal trance. The air around them seemed to thicken with an otherworldly energy, heightening their senses and intensifying the sense of impending dread that hung heavy in their hearts.

The soldier approached the deer with caution, his every movement deliberate and measured, the weight of his sword heavy in his hand. With each step, the tension in the air thickened, an unspoken anticipation gripping the soldiers and Lord Cadogan alike.

All eyes were fixed on the Deer as it suddenly turned its head to face the nearest soldier, its movement slow and deliberate.

A chill swept through the soldier nearest to the deer, his trembling hands betraying his fear as he beheld the ghastly sight before him. The deer's right side revealed a grotesque visage, its flesh torn away to expose bone and sinew, a grim mockery of life.

With its mouth agape, the deer's exposed teeth glinted in the sunlight, a macabre grin stretching across its mangled face. Drool dripped from its gaping maw, adding to the surreal horror of the scene unfolding before them.

Frozen in terror, the soldier's grip on his sword faltered, the weapon slipping from his trembling fingers to clatter against the ground below. Fear gripped his heart like a vice as he stared into the abyss of the deer's hollow gaze, unable to tear his eyes away from the nightmarish spectacle before him.

As panic spread among the soldiers, Lord Cadogan stayed calm, lost in thought. He studied the deformed deer, noticing its injuries and strange growths. Memories of a similar encounter with a wolf came flooding back, raising concerns about the city's safety.

Cadogan recognized the urgent need to address this threat swiftly. Whatever danger lurked behind these abnormalities had to be dealt with promptly to protect the city of Fein.

The scene turned gruesome as the deer's mouth widened, exposing rows of sharp teeth, and emitted an otherworldly scream. Soldiers clutched their ears in agony as the sound pierced through them. Suddenly, the deer's neck elongated, and it lunged forward, sinking its teeth into the closest soldier's head. In an instant, the unfortunate soldier lost his life, his head severed by the creature's savage attack. Horrified screams and panicked curses filled the air as the soldiers recoiled in terror.

With a sinister grin, the deer revealed its bloody, razor-sharp teeth, its mouth dripping with the soldier's blood as it savored the gruesome meal. The sight sent shivers down the spines of the remaining soldiers.

As the soldiers launched their attack, the deer suddenly underwent a grotesque transformation, expanding into a towering, black 10 meters tall creature with a deer-like visage.

It boasted hundreds of shifting hands and a body in constant flux, accompanied by a menacing red aura. Four ominous tentacles extended from its form, ensnaring the soldiers and crushing them in its grip until they exploded into a spray of flesh.

Observing the chaos from the wall, Lord Cadogan met the creature's gaze with unyielding determination. With a fearless resolve, he leaped from the towering wall, his descent causing the ground to quake upon impact.

Eyes and neck encased in icy frost, he wielded a long, blue blade formed from the frozen air itself, ready to confront the creature.

As the creature charged toward Cadogan with increasing speed, soldiers watched with bated breath, their expressions filled with concern for their leader. However, Cadogan remained composed, his breath steady amidst the impending danger.

With deliberate precision, he raised his sword high above his head before swiftly bringing it down in a decisive strike.

A massive shockwave, imbued with a brilliant BLUE NEBA, surged forth from Cadogan's blade. The creature, caught off guard by the sudden onslaught, had no time to react as its body was effortlessly cleaved in two. In an instant, the shockwave expanded, tearing the creature into countless small fragments that scattered across the landscape.

Witnessing Cadogan's display of strength, the soldiers were left in awe. It was a testament to his power that the creature had been vanquished so swiftly, without the opportunity to mount any form of defense.

As Cadogan contemplated the aftermath of the creature's swift defeat, a sense of unease gnawed at him. "Something is amiss," he thought to himself. "This victory was too effortless... too orchestrated." Before he could delve further into his suspicions, a voice shattered his reverie.

It was Dechi, calling out urgently from the wall. Cadogan wasted no time, vaulting back onto the wall to meet his subordinate. Dechi's words struck like a thunderbolt, conveying the gravity of the situation unfolding at the city's second entrance.

"Lord Cadogan, we have a problem," Dechi began, his tone grave. "At the second entrance of the city... numerous deformed animals are converging upon the barrier. Some have breached it already. We need to act swiftly."

With a sinking feeling in his chest, Cadogan realized the extent of the impending threat. It was clear that the danger facing Fein was far from over, and time was of the essence.

As Cadogan pondered the daunting odds, his mind raced with calculations and strategies. "The creature from before was formidable," he mused inwardly.

"It would take at least 200 normal soldiers to even stand a chance against it. But Fein only has 25,000 soldiers and a few thousand knights wielding Yellow and Green Neba...there are alsoe some Knights who have Red and Orange Neba, but still will it be enough?"

Turning to Dechi, Cadogan sought clarity amidst the chaos. "What's the Number of creatures ?" he demanded, his voice edged with urgency.

Dechi's response was grim. "More than a thousand, sir," he admitted reluctantly. "As the soldiers from the other entrance reported, they're currently engaged in combat with the creatures."

A curse escaped Cadogan's lips as he weighed their dire circumstances. With resolve hardening in his gaze, he issued swift commands.

"Initiate evacuation protocols from the lower levels of the city to RonaDely. Utilize the magic portals to establish a direct link to our allies. Fein cannot withstand this onslaught alone."

With a resolute nod, the soldiers sprang into action, their movements a blur of purpose amidst the impending storm.

Cadogan jumped down from the wall and swiftly traversed the streets toward another entrance of the city, his mind consumed by the urgency of the situation. Amidst the chaos, he spotted Amanda, her expression etched with concern.

"Amanda?" Cadogan called out, hastening toward her. Amanda, with her ebony hair and eyes, possessed a Yellow Neba, wielding the power to activate the city's portal machine. Cadogan's hopes surged as he approached her, only for them to be dashed by her solemn words.

"Lord Cadogan, I've received distressing news," Amanda began, her voice laden with apprehension. "None of the 25 portals in the city are functioning. They've all been destroyed, and those with the knowledge to activate them have perished."

Cadogan's heart sank at Amanda's grim report. "None of the portals are functioning? And the underground as well?" he echoed, his mind racing to comprehend the extent of their predicament.

Amanda's solemn nod confirmed his worst fears. "All destroyed, my lord. Even those with the knowledge to activate the portals have perished."

Cadogan's mind whirled with grim realizations as Amanda delivered her report. The non-functioning portals and the destruction of their custodians hinted at a level of sabotage that struck at the heart of Fein's defenses.

As he surveyed the chaos unfolding around them, a chilling thought took root in Cadogan's mind.

"Someone inside the walls..." he murmured, his voice heavy with realization. "Someone within Fein...they planned this. They want us gone."

Cadogan's jaw tightened with resolve. answering Amanda. "Then we fight," he declared, his voice firm despite the weight of uncertainty pressing down upon them. "We have no other choice. Whatever foe seeks our demise, we shall meet them head-on."

With a heavy sigh, he turned his gaze to the horizon, where the distant echoes of battle reverberated through the city streets. There was no turning back now; Fein stood on the precipice of its darkest hour, and Cadogan would lead its defenders into the fray with unwavering determination.

Cadogan's heart sank as he reached the second entrance of Fein. The scene before him was a tableau of chaos and desperation. Thousands of soldiers clashed with monstrous beings, their forms twisted and grotesque.

Some of these creatures towered over the battlefield, casting long shadows in the dying light. Others, smaller but no less fearsome, writhed and snarled as they launched themselves at the defenders.

Amidst the fray, soldiers fought bravely, their shouts and cries mingling with the roars of the beasts. Yet, for every foe felled, it seemed two more took its place.

Cadogan surveyed the carnage, his brow furrowed with concern. "By the gods," he muttered, "what manner of abomination is this?"

As Cadogan's gaze swept across the battlefield, he noticed a disturbing pattern.

Some of the creatures appeared to have merged with the local fauna, their twisted forms a grotesque fusion of flesh and fur. Limbs elongated into gnarled branches, and eyes glowed with an unnatural light. By fusing with animals and controlling them they managed to avoid barrier…

"It seems like They've assimilated with the wildlife," Cadogan realized with growing horror. "Using the bodies of innocent Animals as vessels to bypass our defenses. Who could've planned this?"

With a thunderous crash, Cadogan landed before his assembled forces, his presence a beacon of hope amidst the chaos. The icy blade in his hand shimmered with power, casting a cold, blue light across the battlefield.

Soldiers and warriors alike rallied to his side, their resolve renewed by his fearless demeanor. With a single nod from Cadogan, they surged forward, a tide of steel and magic crashing against the tide of darkness.

The clash was fierce and unrelenting. Cadogan carved through the enemy ranks with unmatched skill, his blade cleaving through flesh and bone with each swing. Beside him, warriors fought with valor, their elemental powers igniting the air with crackling lightning and searing flames.

As the battle raged on, Cadogan's determination never wavered. He fought not just for the city of Fein, but for all of Sanatria, a beacon of hope in a world shrouded in darkness. And as long as he drew breath, he would never falter in his duty to protect his people.




Mastery in this world is divided into three distinct forms, each with its own challenges and methods of progression:

1. Mastery of Your Own Neba

Description: This form involves mastering the elemental force called Neba. Every individual can train their Neba to reach its full potential.

How to Master:

Consistent use and training.

Utilizing potions specifically designed to enhance Neba.

Absorbing or integrating other Nebas to upgrade your own.

Progression: The mastery level ranges from 1% to 100%. As you train, your mastery percentage increases, signifying your control and power over your Neba.

2. Mastery of Your Own Ability

Most people in this world are born with supernatural abilities, which vary widely in nature and power. While many have only one ability, some are born with multiple (ranging from 2 to 5).

How to Master:

Constantly challenging and defeating opponents stronger than yourself.

Using your ability in these battles to gradually increase its mastery.

Progression: Similar to Neba mastery, this progresses from 1% to 100%. Achieving 100% means your ability has reached its absolute peak performance.

3. Mastery of Zeten (and Zeten Abilities)

This is the most difficult form of mastery. Zeten, a powerful force, often comes with its own unique abilities.

How to Master:

Listening to Whispers:

Mastering Zeten requires paying attention to the whispers in your head, which provide guidance and tasks.

Following Whispers: It's not enough to just hear them; you must also act on their instructions.

This often involves using your Zeten abilities in specific ways.

Progression: By completing the tasks set by the whispers, you can increase both your Zeten mastery and the mastery of any associated Zeten abilities.

The more you follow the whispers and succeed in their tasks, the more your mastery levels will grow.

Mastering these three forms is a journey of persistence and growth, each with its own path and hurdles to overcome.