
UNMEI : Whispers of The Curse and Blessing

In a world on the brink of collapse, four individuals with conflicting motives are inexplicably drawn together by a shared mission: to save humanity for their own gains. As they navigate their own agendas and personal struggles, they must grudgingly unite their skills to confront a global threat. Betrayal, danger, and self-interest clash as they race against time to secure their own futures while saving the world from destruction. In a world teeming with diverse creatures, from gods and humans to angels and devils, the balance of power is defined by Neba and Zeten. Neba, a divine blessing, imbues individuals with mystical energy, while Zeten, a sinister curse, manifests as an elemental aura. Neba: A divine blessing that grants individuals mystical energy. Users can enhance their abilities through rigorous training and consistent usage. Mastery of Neba empowers individuals to reach their full potential, with 100% representing peak efficiency. Zeten: A sinister curse that envelops individuals in an elemental aura. Mastery requires heeding cryptic whispers and completing their tasks to enhance Zeten power and ability mastery. Overuse of Zeten can lead to loss of control, transforming individuals into powerful yet uncontrollable entities. In this world, mastering Neba and Zeten is the key to unlocking untold power and facing the challenges of an ever-shifting landscape filled with danger and opportunity.

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58 Chs

Chapter 51: Alone

Nely traversed the forest with a heavy heart, the weight of recent loss pressing down on her shoulders.

The towering trees whispered ancient secrets as she walked, their branches swaying gently in the breeze. Despite her attempts, the connection to Dune through the mindlink remained silent, leaving her feeling more isolated than ever.

As she ventured deeper into the wilderness, the trees gave way to rugged mountains that loomed overhead, their jagged peaks reaching towards the sky like giant sentinels.

Nely pressed on, her determination driving her forward even as uncertainty gnawed at her.

At last, she stumbled upon a hidden oasis nestled within the craggy cliffs, a majestic waterfall cascading down into a crystal-clear pool below.

The sight of it lifted her spirits, and she wasted no time in stripping off her clothes to cleanse herself in the cool, refreshing waters.

Emerging from the waterfall, Nely felt rejuvenated, her skin tingling with newfound energy. She dressed quickly, the fabric clinging to her damp skin, and resumed her journey with renewed vigor.

With practiced ease, she conjured her Neba Arrow, and a sturdy bow.

As she climbed a nearby tree to set her traps, the forest seemed to come alive around her, the chirping of birds and rustling of leaves providing a comforting backdrop to her solitary task.

Hours passed in patient silence until, finally, her diligence was rewarded. A majestic deer emerged from the underbrush, its graceful form a testament to the beauty of the natural world. Nely held her breath, her heart pounding in anticipation as she notched her arrow and drew back the bowstring.

Infusing her weapon with the Now Red Zeten, she released the arrow with practiced precision. It soared through the air like a streak of crimson lightning, finding its mark with deadly accuracy and felling the creature with a single, clean shot.

As the deer slumped to the forest floor, Nely approached it with a mixture of reverence and gratitude. She expertly skinned the animal with practiced hands.

With the promise of a warm meal beckoning her, Nely gathered firewood and kindled a flame, the crackling of the flames a comforting presence in the gathering darkness.

She settled down beside the fire, the flickering light casting dancing shadows across her face as she savored the fruits of her labor.

Wrapped in her Neba blanket, Nely gazed up at the star-strewn sky, her thoughts drifting back to blessings ceremony. Memories of nights spent talking with Dune filled her mind, a bittersweet reminder of the friendship she held dear.

Despite the ache of loneliness that lingered in her heart, Nely found solace in the warmth of the fire and the gentle lullaby of the forest. With a weary sigh, she allowed herself to drift into sleep, her dreams filled with visions of a world where she was not alone

Nely awoke the next morning with a heavy heart, the memories of the previous night's dreams lingering like shadows in her mind. Determined to push aside her worries, she rose from her makeshift bed and continued her journey.

As she emerged from the dense forest, the sight that greeted her took her breath away, a quaint village nestled between the towering mountains, its humble dwellings arranged in neat rows like pieces on a game board.

The village seemed to pulse with life, the sounds of laughter and chatter drifting through the crisp morning air.

Drawing her hood closer around her face, Nely made her way towards the heart of the village, her footsteps echoing against the cobblestone streets.

The villagers regarded her with curious glances, some offering friendly smiles while others eyed her with suspicion. But Nely paid them no mind, her focus fixed on the task ahead.

Pushing open the heavy wooden door of the village tavern, Nely stepped inside, the warm glow of firelight washing over her like a welcome embrace.

The tavern was bustling with activity, its patrons engaged in lively conversation as they drank and laughed the morning away.

Approaching the bar, Nely found herself face to face with the burly bartender, a man of imposing stature with a rugged charm that belied his gruff exterior.

His piercing black eyes studied her with a mixture of curiosity and wariness as he awaited her order.

"What can I get for you?" he asked, his voice gruff but not unkind.

Nely removed her hood, revealing her youthful features set in a determined expression.

"What's the fastest way to get to Capital Rendely?" she inquired, her voice steady despite the weight of uncertainty that hung in the air.

The bartender's eyebrows shot up in surprise at her question. "Well, lass, the fastest way would be to purchase a flying creature in another city and make the journey yourself. But if you're short on coin or looking for a safer option, you could always join a caravan heading in that direction. There's one set to depart in a week's time."

Nely pondered her options, her mind racing with possibilities. Before she could come to a decision, however, her thoughts were interrupted by the unwelcome presence of a drunken patron, an older man whose breath reeked of ale and whose eyes gleamed with malice.

He lurched towards Nely, his movements clumsy but his intent clear. With a leering grin, he reached out to grab her shoulder, his face uncomfortably close to hers as he slurred his words.

Before she could react, he brandished a knife, pressing it against her throat with a drunken leer.

But Nely was not one to be intimidated. With lightning reflexes, she twisted out of the man's grasp, her fist lashing out with the force of a thunderbolt and connecting solidly with his jaw.

With a pained grunt, he staggered backwards, crashing into a nearby table and sending it splintering to the ground.

The other patrons leapt to their feet, their expressions a mixture of shock and anger as they rushed to their comrade's aid.

But Nely was ready for them, her movements fluid and precise as she met their onslaught head-on.

With a grace born of years of training, Nely dodged and weaved between her attackers, her fists and feet moving in a deadly dance of destruction.

Her Neba surged through her veins, enhancing her speed and strength until she moved like a force of nature, unstoppable and unyielding.

Despite their numbers, the men were no match for Nely's skill and determination.

One by one, they fell before her, their bodies crumpling to the ground in a tangle of limbs and bruises. But Nely showed them mercy, pulling her punches at the last moment to ensure that none were seriously harmed.

With the fight finally over, Nely dusted herself off and straightened her clothes, her breathing heavy but her resolve unbroken.

She placed five gold coins on the bar, a silent apology for the trouble she had caused, before turning on her heel and striding out of the tavern, her gaze fixed on the horizon and the promise of a new adventure awaiting her beyond.

As Nely walked out of the tavern, her thoughts consumed by the uncertain path ahead, she was halted by the sudden appearance of three individuals.

The first, Arlo, possessed a shock of yellow hair that seemed to shimmer under the tavern's dim light, complemented by piercing green eyes that held a spark of determination.

Beside him stood Aria, her features mirroring Arlo's own, her gaze steady and unwavering.

Bringing up the rear was Lode, his dark hair framing a face that exuded an air of mystery, his eyes as deep and inscrutable as the shadows that danced around him.

All three were clad in battle-worn attire, their long hooded capes swaying gently in the breeze, their swords hanging at their hips as silent sentinels of their prowess.

Arlo stepped forward, his voice confident as he introduced himself and his companions. "I'm Arlo," he began, his tone inviting yet authoritative. "This is my sister, Aria," he gestured to the girl beside him, who offered a nod of acknowledgment. "And this is Lode,"

he continued, indicating the dark-haired figure standing behind them, who inclined his head in silent greeting. "We're on commission to procure artifacts in Rendely,"

Arlo explained, his eyes meeting Nely's with a sense of purpose. "The pay is good, and traveling with a team is safer than going alone. You can join us if you'd like, and we'll even split the earnings with you."

Nely's brow furrowed as she considered Arlo's proposition, her mind racing with questions and doubts. "Are you sure it's okay?" she asked cautiously, her gaze flickering between the three companions.

Arlo's lips curved into a reassuring smile. "Absolutely," he replied, his voice laced with conviction. "We saw how you handled those guys back there. Having someone with your skills on our team can only be a good thing."

Nely's skepticism began to wane as Arlo's words sank in, and she nodded thoughtfully. "How do you plan to travel?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued by the prospect of the journey ahead.

Aria stepped forward, her voice calm and measured. "We have horses, enough for all of us, including you," she explained, her gaze steady as she met Nely's eyes.

After long talk Nely finally agreed. And they set off on their journey towards Rendely.

she followed the trio, a flicker of caution danced in the back of her mind, but Nely remained steadfast in her confidence, knowing that she could handle whatever challenges lay ahead.

Should they try to betray her, she was certain she could outwit them or escape, relying on her own skills and the divine favor that guided her path.