
UNMEI : Whispers of The Curse and Blessing

In a world on the brink of collapse, four individuals with conflicting motives are inexplicably drawn together by a shared mission: to save humanity for their own gains. As they navigate their own agendas and personal struggles, they must grudgingly unite their skills to confront a global threat. Betrayal, danger, and self-interest clash as they race against time to secure their own futures while saving the world from destruction. In a world teeming with diverse creatures, from gods and humans to angels and devils, the balance of power is defined by Neba and Zeten. Neba, a divine blessing, imbues individuals with mystical energy, while Zeten, a sinister curse, manifests as an elemental aura. Neba: A divine blessing that grants individuals mystical energy. Users can enhance their abilities through rigorous training and consistent usage. Mastery of Neba empowers individuals to reach their full potential, with 100% representing peak efficiency. Zeten: A sinister curse that envelops individuals in an elemental aura. Mastery requires heeding cryptic whispers and completing their tasks to enhance Zeten power and ability mastery. Overuse of Zeten can lead to loss of control, transforming individuals into powerful yet uncontrollable entities. In this world, mastering Neba and Zeten is the key to unlocking untold power and facing the challenges of an ever-shifting landscape filled with danger and opportunity.

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58 Chs

Chapter 43: Red Mist

Dune stood shoulder to shoulder with Atlas, their once disparate heights now matched, thanks to Dune's Zeten upgrade.

Not only had it bolstered his physical strength, but it had also bestowed upon him a striking handsomeness that turned heads wherever he went. "I'm still getting used to the new you," Atlas remarked with a chuckle.

Dune mirrored his friend's amusement. "Well, me too," he admitted. "What do you think will happen today?"

Atlas exhaled heavily, his brow furrowed with uncertainty. "Damion said the test would be easy. They're not looking for strength, but brains,"

Dune replied, his tone laced with a hint of concern. "I'm worried about the twins. They seem to be competing for the title of 'most clueless.'"

A shared chuckle passed between the two friends.

"Even if they don't pass, we can still share everything we learn in the academy," Atlas offered optimistically. "So, at least one of us needs to pass."

Dune nodded in agreement, reassured by Atlas's pragmatic outlook. Before they could delve further into their conversation, Ned, Dune's older brother, approached them.

"I talked to Richard," he began, his voice tinged with a hint of urgency. "He's Damion's brother.

He said the test would be easy, but the academy itself is another story."

"Well, that's understandable," Dune and Atlas replied in unison, extending greetings to Ned.

Suddenly, a voice echoed through the room. Every head turned toward the stage at the front.

An old man with a long white beard and flowing hair stepped into the center, his presence commanding and almost ethereal.

He wore a long, intricately embroidered robe that shimmered in the light, each thread seeming to tell a story of ancient power and wisdom.

His eyes, a piercing blue, sparkled with knowledge accumulated over centuries. His posture was upright and regal, exuding an air of authority and respect that demanded immediate attention.

"Welcome, young aspirants, to the hallowed halls of Bloodrose Academy," began the old man, his voice a melodic blend of wisdom and command.

"I am Ramires, and you stand on the threshold of the greatest academy in the continent of Sanatria. Here, within these ancient walls, you will delve into the mysteries of your Neba, learn to master and control the essence of your being.

You shall be separated into three distinct classes. Before us stands a formidable group of 767, yet only 450 will remain to walk these sacred grounds.

Your worth will be determined by a test, not of brawn but of intellect and resolve.

We will call out numbers, and the ten distinguished ladies behind me will pose to you ten questions.

Your answers will decide your fate, whether you are to join our ranks or seek your path elsewhere."

As he spoke, ten beautiful ladies in black suits appeared behind him. They stood with perfect poise and elegance, each exuding a sense of grace and authority.

Their black suits were tailored to perfection, contrasting starkly with their pale, flawless skin. Each lady had long, flowing black hair that cascaded down their backs like silken waterfalls.

The red Bloodrose mark on the left side of their chests stood out vividly, symbolizing their allegiance to the academy.

Their eyes were intense and observant, hinting at a deep understanding of the trials to come.

Suddenly, a red Neba emanated from Ramires, a beautiful aura that split into hundreds of tentacles, rushing towards the students.

Startled, everyone jumped back, but they couldn't react quickly enough. One of the tentacles struck Dune, but instead of pain, he felt a warm, calming sensation.

When he looked at his hand, he saw a number written on it: 246. Atlas had 247, and Ned had 248.

Ramires continued, his voice serene and reassuring, "When your number is called, step forward to meet one of these esteemed ladies who will guide you to a separate room.

There, you will face your questions. May wisdom guide your responses and courage light your path. I wish you all the fortitude and clarity you will need."

With that, he vanished, leaving behind a flurry of beautiful red roses that scattered through the air, disappearing as they touched the ground. The test had officially begun.

Professor Ramires was abruptly replaced by another figure. A tall man now stood at the center of the stage, his mouth concealed by a mask.

His black hair was neatly tied back with a rubber band. Dune recognized him immediately, Cassius, King Aramir's right hand. He stood there, a silent sentinel, and Dune's mind raced with confusion. Why had Cassius appeared here?

Suddenly, Cassius began to call out random numbers, his voice cold and mechanical. "

"Five, twenty-nine, one hundred fifty-five, eight..."

Among the numbers was Rave's,guy who tried to fight Dune. Rave stood up and followed one of the emotionless ladies.

They vanished into the air, leaving a red aura in their wake. Dune watched closely, whispering something to Atlas and Ned.

The girls, clad in their pristine black suits, moved with precision and detachment, performing their tasks flawlessly. One by one, more students disappeared with the ladies, leaving only the red aura behind.

Minutes later, nine boys were thrown back through red portals, their faces twisted with shock and anger. Rave was among them.

He stood up, his eyes blazing with fury. "What the fuck is this? Are you kidding me?" he shouted, his voice echoing through the hall. "I'm strong! I'm the strongest here! What are these stupid questions?"

He pointed accusingly at the nine ladies who had reappeared. "When my father hears about this, you're all finished, I swear!" But then his anger redirected.

He pointed at Dune, his grin twisted and malevolent. "This is your fault!"

Dune was perplexed. Before he could fully grasp the situation, Rave charged at him with insane speed, screaming,

"I'm gonna fucking kill you, bastard!"

Atlas moved to intervene, but a sudden purple light blinded him.

Cassius was already standing between them, his presence imposing and immovable. In an instant, Rave was frozen in place, his head severed with a perfect cut that sent it rolling across the floor, stopping at a terrified girl's feet.

She jumped back, trembling with fear.

Cassius remained motionless, his blade dripping with blood. Without missing a beat, he continued,

"Twenty-six, seven, fifteen..."

The test proceeded as if nothing had happened. The other eight failed students were dragged out of the room, their bodies wounded and almost lifeless.

Dune's mind raced with questions. "Questions? How could questions do that to them?" he wondered.

He then leaned towards Atlas and whispered, "Remember everything, every detail.

Don't miss anything. If one of us has problems, let's communicate through our mind link.

We still don't know where the twins are."

Atlas and Ned nodded in agreement. As more numbers were called, more students met their fate.

Sometimes, three ladies reappeared with the failed students; other times, it was five or more.

It seemed the longer interviews indicated a higher chance of passing the test.

Finally, Dune's number was called. "Two hundred forty-six," Cassius declared.

Dune stood up, glancing at Atlas and Ned before walking towards the lady assigned to him. She was stunningly beautiful, her presence almost overwhelming.

Her perfect body and flawless skin made him momentarily dizzy. The red aura surrounded her as she teleported Dune to a new location.

They arrived in a dark room, furnished only with a table and two chairs. Dune's heart pounded in his chest, his breath heavy as he tried to steady himself. He had no idea what to expect, but he braced himself for whatever was to come.