
UNMEI : Whispers of The Curse and Blessing

In a world on the brink of collapse, four individuals with conflicting motives are inexplicably drawn together by a shared mission: to save humanity for their own gains. As they navigate their own agendas and personal struggles, they must grudgingly unite their skills to confront a global threat. Betrayal, danger, and self-interest clash as they race against time to secure their own futures while saving the world from destruction. In a world teeming with diverse creatures, from gods and humans to angels and devils, the balance of power is defined by Neba and Zeten. Neba, a divine blessing, imbues individuals with mystical energy, while Zeten, a sinister curse, manifests as an elemental aura. Neba: A divine blessing that grants individuals mystical energy. Users can enhance their abilities through rigorous training and consistent usage. Mastery of Neba empowers individuals to reach their full potential, with 100% representing peak efficiency. Zeten: A sinister curse that envelops individuals in an elemental aura. Mastery requires heeding cryptic whispers and completing their tasks to enhance Zeten power and ability mastery. Overuse of Zeten can lead to loss of control, transforming individuals into powerful yet uncontrollable entities. In this world, mastering Neba and Zeten is the key to unlocking untold power and facing the challenges of an ever-shifting landscape filled with danger and opportunity.

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58 Chs

Chapter 40: Problems

Dune sat in his giant room, drapes were drawn, casting the room in a dim, intimate light.

Beside him stood two young female servants, their delicate hands moving in intricate patterns as they cast a strange spell on him.

His chest burned with a green glow, and when the spell was complete, the white cross tattoo on his chest vanished.

"How exactly does this spell work?" Dune asked, curiosity mingling with the pain.

The brown-haired servant looked down before answering.

"Sir, this will hide your Zeten mark. But remember, you should never use it outside the castle or around other people.

The king will not be able to save you if your mark is revealed. The spell will only break when you use your Zeten power, so don't try to use it."

Dune sighed, disappointed. He had finally gained powers, and now he couldn't even use them. But at least his body was enhanced.

"Alright, thanks."

Dune looked around, wanting to change into his Academy clothes. The two young girls were still standing before him. He cleared his throat.

"Ahem, I must change clothes."

The servants bowed. "Yes, sir."

"Can you two leave?" he asked.

The servants blushed and quickly left the room. "What is wrong with these two?" Dune muttered to himself.

He changed into his Academy uniform: a red outfit with detailed black ornaments, a long red cape with a hood that could conceal the entire ensemble, Mindlink, black gloves, and a red bracelet.

He examined his hand, trying to remove a persistent white ring, but it reappeared every time he attempted to take it off.

"Ah, this is annoying."

He recalled Bethel's cryptic words: "When you hear this word from someone else, you must wake up." It makes no sense. I guess the ring can't be removed yet.

Fully dressed, Dune looked into a giant mirror. The rich room reflected behind him, with its ornate furnishings and soft, luxurious rugs.

"Academy, This might be problematic," he mused, looking down.

"I wonder what Mom is doing now. Did they found a place to live? Where is Daniel? Where are my twin sisters?

I wish I could see them. Just knowing their current situation would be much better. But if I reveal information about my family and that they're alive, what will happen to them?

Probably nothing good."

The room around him was a testament to the life he now led, a stark contrast to the uncertainty and danger his family faced. He straightened his red cape and sighed, ready to face the challenges ahead.

Dune walked down the grand staircase and stepped out of his lavish home.

The street outside was lined with beautiful golden trees and pristine white ground, with waterfalls cascading down stone walls.

People in rich clothes strolled about, some wearing Academy outfits like his own. He walked calmly, aware of the stark contrast between this affluent district and the outskirts where people were dying of hunger.

"The rich get richer and live longer, while the poor get poorer and die faster,.. It seems like King Aramir only cares about people inside the castle.. he muttered to himself as he continued his stroll.

Finally, he approached the massive red and black castle, BloodRose Academy. "What a weird name," he thought. "Is this why everything is black and red?"

He approached the giant door where a stern-looking man, probably in his forties, stood guard.

"Hello, I'm Dune. I'm here to take the Academy test and join BloodRose."

The man looked at him without expression.

"Show me your invitation."

Dune held up his hand, displaying the red bracelet. The man nodded. "You can enter."

Dune bowed slightly and passed the man, entering a grand hall filled with hundreds of young people, all in similar attire and between the ages of fifteen and twenty.

Many eyes followed him as he walked, some with mockery, others with disappointment. But Dune didn't care; he was accustomed to such reactions.

He had always been powerless, so this was nothing new.

As he walked further, a group of three people approached him. The leader, a tall and strong looking guy with red hair and black eyes, spoke first.

"Hey kid, we want your bracelet. I'll give you a few silver coins if you give it to me."

"And if I don't?" Dune replied coldly.

The two guys behind the red-haired leader laughed, while the leader's expression hardened.

"Listen, I'm Rave, and I'm from a noble family with an Orange Neba. Orange, you heard it right? This is my second time here.

The test is hard, and you won't pass it anyway, so give me your bracelet and take the silver coins.

Dune ignored him and continued walking as if nothing had happened. Rave, enraged, grabbed Dune's shoulder, stopping him.

"Didn't you hear what I said? Give me the bracelet, or you'll regret it."

"Is this guy stupid?" Dune thought. "Flexing an Orange Neba? Really? Why does he even want the bracelet?

To sell it for a few gold coins, probably." Dune was about to turn around, but his chest burned. "Dammit, did I almost accidentally unleash my Zeten?.. this is scary … Come to think of it, I don't even know what color my Zeten is."

Dune turned to face Rave. "I'm not giving you my bracelet. Now let go of my shoulder." His voice was calm, betraying no hint of worry.

Everyone in the room watched them, some smiling, others shocked. Above, two figures observed the situation.

One spoke, "Look at these three. The test hasn't even started, and they're already trying to rob someone. Poor guy. You think anyone will help him, Logan?"

Logan, looking in another direction, replied, "Oh, this? This always happens. But remember, fighting is prohibited here until the test starts.

If they fight, they will be disqualified. So, we have nothing to worry about, right, Marid?"

Marid chuckled. "I mean, sure, but this is our first watch. Soon we will finish the Academy too, so I don't want anything bad to happen.

Then he looked at Dune again. Look at this guy, not giving them the bracelet. Trying to act brave, he's probably shaking but doesn't want his fear to be seen by others."

They continued to chuckle and observe. Rave laughed at Dune's comment, but Dune forcefully removed his hand from his shoulder and walked away, not even looking back.

Rave was enraged. "How dare you? I will kill you."

"Dammit, this guy has anger issues. Why did he get so mad about this? Just leave me alone" Dune thought. "Should i fight ? If we fought now, would I even be able to beat him?"

Suddenly, Dune heard a voice in his head. It was Atlas, speaking to him through a mindlink. "Atlas," Dune thought.

Atlas spoke shortly,

"Listen, the guy above you, you see those two, right?"

"Yeah," Dune replied.

"One of them is talking to the Rave guy through a mindlink or it might be his own ability.

I noticed it because of my strong senses, he started using some of his Neba the moment you and Rave started talking.

I think Rave will attack you soon, and watchers will ignore the fight. Be careful. I will intervene if things go bad. I'd rather not reveal myself yet."

Dune sighed. "So many problems, and it's just the first day. I guess my luck was fully wasted at the blessing ceremony. Alright, don't worry, I got this,"

Dune answered Atlas through the mindlink artifact.

And obviously Atlas was right.

Logan was encouraging Rave. "Go, attack the boy. Will you forgive him for violating you like that? do this, I won't say anything about the fight. I won't disqualify you."

Rave smiled coldly, ready to attack Dune from behind. But as he took the first step, something hit him in the chest.

It was Dune. He had instantly appeared in front of Rave, striking him in the chest. Rave fell back, blood trickling from his mouth. Dune looked down at him coldly.

Everyone in the room was shocked, even Atlas. Dune then slowly looked up, meeting Logan's confused yet intrigued gaze.

"What? How did he know?" Logan thought. "This is interesting," he mused, observing Dune's cold killer eyes, no fear, just cold determination.

"How could a fifteen-year, old boy have eyes like this?"

"We should report this," Marid said, but Logan stopped him.

"Let's slide this once. It's more trouble if we report it," Logan replied.

They appeared in front of Dune and Rave. Rave stood up, wiping the blood from his lips. He looked at Logan, who spoke.

"Fighting is prohibited here. You two are newbies, so we will forgive you this once. Now, go back to your seats."