
UNMEI: The Path To Survival

In a world that’s about to collapse, four individuals with different goals are brought together to save humanity. They try to deal with their own problems, but they’re also forced to work together to fight against bigger danger. Dune, a boy with striking white hair and eyes, possessing exceptional intelligence. He was born in a continent called Sanatria, place where power is everything, but he lacked it himself. Despite this he refused to be limited by his circumstances. When Dune eventually gains power from the gods, he faces inner struggles about his purpose. Dune explores his newfound power, and amidst the chaos he’s trying to find his place and goals in a world where he is used by those who are more powerful than him. But One thing that never changes is Dune's desire to live and break free from the restrictions surrounding him.

G_Kik1 · Fantasy
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21 Chs


The World Above Endless Sky

A young boy with golden hair and eyes stood in a lavish bedroom, excited by the dawn of a special day. It was 25th December his 16th birthday, the day he'd been waiting for. As the golden sunrise lit up the sky beyond the big window, he stepped out onto the balcony, overlooking the grand Golden City.

Houses dotted the landscape, while huge creatures flew above. In the distance, the Golden Castle stood tall, disappearing into the clouds high above.

Enjoying the fresh morning air, the boy savored the moment before returning to his room and settling onto his luxurious bed. Suddenly, the door opened, revealing three servants. A man carrying a tray of tea entered, followed by two beautiful maids with golden hair.

"Adeu Baros Adamos, young lord. Happy 16th birthday," Butler Arthur announced with a respectful bow. 

Adeu smiled warmly. "Thank you, Arthur."

Placing the tea on the table, Arthur looked at Adeu with a kind expression.

Adeu got up from his bed, eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Any news, Arthur?" he asked eagerly.

Arthur smiled. "Indeed, Sir. There are hundreds of gifts and messages from esteemed families and your friends."

"Tell me about the most important ones."

"You've been selected by the academy director to attend the Blessing Ceremony in Circle Zero."

Adeu's grip on his tea tightened, his expression changing to one of surprise. Then, with a burst of excitement, he jumped from his seat. "Arthur, are you serious? This better not be a joke!" he exclaimed.

Arthur's smile stayed steady as he nodded. Seeing Adeu's joy, he couldn't help but share in the moment. "Yes, indeed. You did it. All your hard work has finally paid off."

Above the endless sky lay Etheome, the realm of the gods. It was a place of unparalleled beauty, with lush lands full of vibrant flowers and an aura of tranquility.

At the heart of this celestial realm was Etheome, the grandest city of the gods, larger than entire continents on Earth.

The inhabitants of Etheome were the gods themselves, immortal beings with golden essence flowing through their veins.

They ruled over the four known worlds from their lofty home: Earth, the realm of mortals; Heaven, where human souls found eternal rest; the Underworld, where evil souls were judged; and the Spirit World, home to diverse creatures under the gods' dominion.

Despite their power, the gods desired above all the elusive Land of the Dead, a realm acting as a barrier between the human world and the divine. Hovering above, the Land of the Dead remained unconquered, a testament to the ongoing struggle between gods, humans, and all creatures.

The gods' desire to conquer the World of the Dead stemmed from a simple yet profound reason: within its confines lay the potential for them to descend upon Earth, solidifying their dominion. Despite their extensive control over Earth from the shadows, they couldn't fully assert their authority due to the formidable nature of humans. Among all creatures, humans had the greatest potential to challenge the gods, a fact that worried even the most powerful deities.

The memory of Zet loomed large in godly society, his name evoking deep-seated fear that persisted through the ages.

But what became of Zet? Countless theories existed across the five worlds, yet the most accepted among the gods was in their historical records. Two and a half millennia ago, Zeus, the mightiest of the gods, engaged in a titanic struggle with Zet in the Land of the Gods. While Zeus was ultimately sealed, frozen upon his throne for over two millennia, Zet vanished without a trace, his fate a subject of speculation and myth.

Many believed that Zeus emerged victorious, vanquishing Zet in his final moments before sealing himself away.

It was said that at the height of his power, Zeus mastered the Language of the Gods, known as Absolute Rule, allowing his words to shape reality itself. However, even this formidable ability had limitations; it couldn't be used on oneself. Legend spoke of three curses uttered by Zeus in his moment of sealing, forever altering divine history.

The first curse created the World of the Dead, severing the connection between gods and humans. By decreeing that gods were forbidden from setting foot on Earth, Zeus imposed a strict rule that any god harming a human would pay with their life.

The motives behind Zeus's actions remained a mystery. Was he aligned with humanity's interests? What drove him and Zet to clash? These questions lingered.

Zeus's second curse ensured that no one could leave the five worlds. Travel between them was possible, but escaping them was not.

The third curse was the biggest mystery. Nobody knew its true nature, leaving everyone to wonder and speculate about its impact. It remained the greatest enigma in the five worlds.

Adeu stood tall as his servants helped him dress. He wore a crisp white kimono with a flowing golden cape, exuding elegance and privilege. Despite his affluent upbringing, Adeu's life had been devoid of hardship.

Born into a noble family, he had always enjoyed every luxury imaginable—a loving home, handsome features, and doting parents. Yet, beneath the surface, Adeu couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing.

His father, a wealthy god residing in the Second Circle of Etheome, had provided Adeu with a life of comfort and abundance. Etheome was divided into four circles, each offering varying levels of prosperity and prestige.

The Third Circle, where Adeu currently lived, boasted a decent quality of life but paled compared to the opulence of the higher circles. The allure of the upper echelons tempted Adeu, especially the enigmatic Circle Zero—a realm reserved for True Gods and their most esteemed followers.

Adeu harbored a burning desire to explore this elusive domain, yearning to uncover its mysteries.

The opportunity came in the form of the Blessing Ceremony—an ancient tradition occurring once every century for the past 2500 years.

Only the top five students from Adeu's academy had the privilege of attending, and Adeu had dedicated two years of tireless effort to secure his place. With unparalleled determination, he excelled in his studies and combat, emerging as a formidable presence.

Now, as one of the chosen few, Adeu brimmed with excitement, eager to partake in this momentous event.

After donning his attire, Adeu rose to his feet, curiosity sparking within him. "When will the ceremony start?" he asked eagerly.

Arthur sighed before responding, "Today, but the actual ceremony won't begin until tomorrow. Today, they'll meet with you, show you around, and assign you a place to observe the proceedings."

Adeu pressed further, his interest piqued. "Arthur, you attended the ceremony once, didn't you? What was it like? How did the humans appear? What sets us apart?"

Arthur's expression shifted slightly before he replied, "It was... intense. Humans, well, they're different.

More aggressive, perhaps. They're like animals compared to us. We, on the other hand, are flawless beings."

Adeu's brows furrowed at the assessment. "It can't be that bad, can it?" The Blessing Ceremony was a significant event where ten fortunate humans were chosen by the gods to receive their blessings, new powers bestowed directly by the divine.

It was the one occasion when gods and humans converged, and Adeu was determined to witness it firsthand.

With a chuckle, Adeu addressed Arthur, "Well then, are you ready to experience the ceremony again? Let's make a stop at the academy first, then head to Circle Zero."

With a reassuring pat on Arthur's shoulder, Adeu led the way as they departed from his grand home.