

Arystan Nikolaev never entertained the idea of hiring a woman to be his manager. He knows the complications that comes with it. But his bestfriend and former manager Senti, talked him into it. Senti strongly believes that the woman is the perfect person for the job he is leaving. He relented. He however, thought it best to keep his distance and to only focus on their work relationship. But there's something about the woman that draws him in. He wonder if it's because of her pleasing looks or the mystery and danger that surrounds her. She has dangerous secrets and her very life is at stake. But he doesn't want to turn away. He wanted to protect her and unmasked the identity she wanted to keep hidden from him. Only by then can he help her and keep her by his side. "He is a man living the dream. She is a woman running from a nightmare." ON HOLD:)

Diandra_48 · Urban
Not enough ratings
78 Chs


We walked around Tiananmen Square for quite some time, looking at the gardens and the historic sites. Around 8pm, we went back to our car. 

"We're going to have dinner, aren't we? I'm hungry," I told Jade.

"Yes. We are going to eat somewhere."

She entered our destination in the GPS and drove off.

We came to a lively place with a lake, bars, restaurants, and people busking.

"Where are we?" I asked Jade over the busy noise of the area.

"Shichahai. There are good bars and restaurants here," she answered me as she led the way into one of the restaurants.

We ate our fill in there but we didn't stay long. Jade led the way again to a bar.

So, we are really drinking.

"You were serious about drinking."

"I'll tell you what Mr. Nikolaev. I mean most of what I say to you."

I chuckled lightly.

"Most? That means not all. Okay."

"But we're not going to drink a lot because we have our flight tomorrow."